chapter 42

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April 13th, 2021


"Hey mommy, I'm sorry." Josh walked up to my side as he tapped my knee.

"It's okay. But you need to calm down a little."
"I will. I'm sorry."

I picked him up and sat him on my lap as I hugged him. He hugged me, burying his head in my chest.

"You should feed Yola now."
"And I'll make us a breakfast."
"Okay, thank you." He bounded off to kitchen and managed to make Yola her breakfast.

Maybe it seems like Jaden and I don't care about the dog, but it's actually that we agreed on making Josh build up his habits, since he wanted a puppy so bad.

I finished my coffee and walked to the kitchen to make a breakfast. I made some small type of bread and made a little sandwiches out of it and placed them all on a plate, before walking to living room and setting it on the table.

"Wash your hands so you can eat." Josh nodded his head and ran off the the bathroom, making Yola follow him.

"Ye ye ye." I heard him mumble as he ran back to the living room.

"You wanna watch SpongeBob?"
"No, I wanna watch Patrol Paws now." I sighed as I turned up that annoying cartoon.

I cannot fucking stand it. Plus I really wanted to watch SpongeBob, as if I'm the four year old in this room.

Me: When are you ariving back?

Jaden: I don't know, I just came here. Why?

Me: Kinda miss you. And our kid is making me watch Paw Patrol. I cannot stand that shit.

Me: Also kinda wanna go shopping for the puppy :(

Jaden: I agree on Paw Patrol being annoying as shit, sorry you gotta be the one to suffer :(

Jaden: You guys can go without me if you wanna go so bad though.

Me: Nah, we'll wait for you. And also the reason of me asking was because of lunch.

Jaden: Hopefully I be there by 2pm.

Me: Okay. Kissy

Jaden: Kiss

I texted Jaden, coming of clingy, but I actually missed him. He was so off this morning and it bothers me so much.

And, like, last night would've been so good if he didn't ask me anything. Because I actually enjoyed it. And while I was on my period, I was extremely horny and couldn't wait for it to get over so I'd get my relief.

"Mommy" Josh approached me with his guilty voice, with his hands behind his back and his head a little low. What did he do now?

"What's wrong?"
"Yola kinda peed on the floor."
"Goddamn." I sighed as I got up and followed behind him.

I grabbed toilet paper and cleaned it up before throwing it away.

"Yola you can't pee in the house. I know this all is new to you, but you do this one more time and mommy kills both of us. Be smart. You're younger than me, but doesn't mean you're dumb." I heard Josh talk to Yola, making me chuckle as I shook my head while washing my hands.

"Is that daddy?!"
"Well gates opened, it must be daddy."

Josh ran out of house, making Yola chase after him. He left doors opened as he probably just ran into Jaden's embrace without wasting any time.

"... and she peed but mommy didn't even get so mad I think."
"Or she just didn't have time yet?" I heard Josh giggle at Jaden's words. Jaden set him back down on the floor in living room as he walked over to me.

"Hi." He walked over and kissed me, before quickly walking over to sink and pouring himself a glass of water.

"So how was work?"
"Meh. How was your chilling on couch with Patrol Paws?" He smirked at me, making me slap his shoulder.

"Shut up you asshole."
"Josh," He said louder, gaining Josh's attention, "Your momma really loves Patrol Paws, you should play it more and watch it with her while I'm on work."

My eyes widened as my mouth opened. He did just not- God, I'll fuck up that pretty face of his.

"Really mommy?"
"I prefer your other cartoons, trust me chicky. Don't listen to your dad."
"Oh." His face fell as he got back to his Legos.

"Fuck you Jaden." I mumbled as I gripped his jaw, making him laugh.

"Hey, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I like to watch whatever you want to watch. Okay?"
"Okay." I kissed his head and a smile appeared on his face as he looked up at me.

"You're a bitch. You'll see what I'll do." I whispered to Jaden as I pinched his arm.

"Oh wow you hurt me." He acted hurt, making me roll my eyes.

He helped me set up the table so we could have a lunch.

"Josh, c'mon. It's time to eat."
"Hands." I told him, making him switch his directions to the bathroom.

"Give me your hand Josh. Now there's no running off, understood?" I said, grabbing his little hand in mine, making him nod.

We walked in the store, and Jaden grabbed the cart.

"Can I sit in it daddy?" Jaden looked at me, before looking at Josh and nodding.

He picked him up and sat him in the cart, before continuing to walk through the store.

We finally found a dog aisle and walked through it. Josh told us all the things he wants for Yola. We bought her a leash and extra food too, before checking out and leaving the store.

"Can we go grab some ice cream? Pretty please." Josh begged as we sat in the car and buckled up our belts.

He cheered in the backseat, before asking me to turn up the radio.

Jaden and I laughed at him, impressed how he knows the lyrics of the songs.

We got ice cream somewhere behind the corner, and then headed back home. It was a half of hour drive, so it wasn't even that bad.

Josh showed Yola all the new toys, with her choosing her favorite one by taking it in her mouth and running away to play with it and not wanting to give it back to Josh.

Jaden helped Josh put her a name tag around her neck before sitting back beside me on the couch.

"I found a good foster carer center." I said nervously, thinking that he might've changed his mind.

"Really?!" His face lit up, making Josh look back at us, "Really?" He lowered his voiceas he placed one hand on my knee.

"Yeah. And they seemed to have a lot of reviews, so."
"Good. And what did they say?"
"Well, I didn't call them yet, I needed to talk to you first."
"Oh. Let me go grab laptop and we can see together."

Jaden disappeared somewhere, searching for laptop. Once he finally walked back to the couch and set it on his lap, turning it on.

"What's the name?"
"Anglicare Foster Care I think."
"Okay." He searched up and went on the site. We filled up the survey and submitted. Hopefully they respond soon.

"3 year old girl. That would be a fucking dream if we actually got to be the parents of some little girl."
"Yeah. But you know that it comes with some cons."
"Yeah, I know. But, we are good parents and we'll help the child deal with whatever they are dealing. I know that. And I believe this all will work and we'll get one more kid."

I kissed his cheek before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If not, we kidnap a kid and make it ours." He shrugged, earning a slap on the back of his head from me.

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𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now