chapter 27

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March 13th, 2021



I smiled at her as she continued to put the groceries away.

"How did you make it here that fast?"
"I got on jet an hour after we first talked."
"Oh. So you were on jet we talked the last time?"
"Yeah. Is there any problems because I'm here?"
"Not with me. I just don't want Josh making you problems again."
"Josh can fuck himself. Mafia too. You guys are much more important to me."
She smiled while she was I guess starting to make the lunch.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry for going off at you yesterday. I- I understand you were stressed about all of that and you didn't have time and all that."
"And I'm sorry for not calling. I should've done it. It's just that- You know, I kinda got used to deal with stuff with myself. I never felt the need to call anyone and tell them that Josh is sick, or anything like that."
"No, yeah, I understand. But can we both try to, you know, adapt to all this? I mean, if you don't wanna be with me, I think I at least deserve to know things about my kid."
"Jaden, don't say that shit."

She dropped the things that she was doing, and wiped her hands.

She pulled me by my neck and smashed her lips on mine.

My hands immediately went on her cheeks and pulled her closer. It became a reflex while I'm with her.

"I love you asshole."
"And I love you."

Our foreheads were pressed against each other as we stared in each other's eyes.

She's just so beautiful. And so precious.

"Okay, but listen Jaden. We'll need to make up something. Because people in mafia probably already know about Josh. And I do not want him in danger. That was the main reason I left LA. I don't want some mafia bitches killing my son or anything like the last time."
"What do you mean last time?"
"You think I haven't found out about Madison's dad having a guy run his car in me in that car accident? Because you left her for me. Because you stabbed her in her leg. Or whatever other reason."

Fuck. I didn't know she knows about it. Fuck. Now she won't trust me.

"I know y'all made a deal on not telling me. So I'm not mad. But they told me about it. I just don't want that again. I don't want mafia. Because it would just literally shit on everything I've been working on in past five years."
"You want me to leave mafia-"
"No, no, -"
"Because it wouldn't be a problem. I could care less about that shit. But it's just that even if I leave there is still so many people who hate me."
"I know. That's why I don't see the point of you leaving it. But I also- I don't know Jae. This is so complicated."
"I know. We'll make something up, yeah?"

I kissed her again, before we both pulled away so she could make the lunch.

"Shit. Wait, can you just watch this? I need to take Josh to the bathroom."
"I can take him."
"O-Okay. Yeah, thank you."
"You don't need to thank me."

I walked away into Josh's room.

"Bub, it's time for you to pee."

I picked him up from the bed and made my way in his bathroom.

I set him on the steps he has in front of toilet so he could reach it.

"Thank you."
He said after I took off his clothes.
"Of course."

He kept hissing and whining while he peed. He even let out a few tears. Fuck, I can only imagine how much that hurts.

"It's okay baby. It will get better, I promise."

I helped him wash his hands before taking him back in the room.

"Daddy can we go to living room? I wanna watch Geronimo."
"Yeah, of course."

I wrapped his tiny body around me around while walking to the living room.

"Hey baby."
"Hey momma."
"What are you guys doing?"
"He wants to watch Geronimo."
"Oh, okay. Lunch will be ready very soon."

I sat down on the couch, and before I was able to move Josh off of my lap, he stopped me.

"Daddy can we both lay down? So I can lay on your chest?"
My face softened at his words. It's just an incredible, indescribable feeling. He's just so adorable.

"Yeah, you want me to lay here so you could see better?"

I laid down and he got comfortable next to me, laying his head on my chest.

Olivia walked in the living room and set down Josh's bottle on the table before just quickly touching Josh's head. She sighed when she felt that he is still very warm before walking back in the kitchen.

"C'mon bub, you gotta eat this soup and then you can take a nap."

Josh groaned while sitting up on the couch.

After she fed him up he asked me to take him to his room so he could sleep.

"Sleep tight."
I kissed his head before I left the room.

"Let's eat now Jae."
I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before we sat down at the table.

"I will talk to Josh. I promise. I'm gonna figure something out. I don't want you guys to not feel safe."
"Okay. But what do you plan on doing?"
"I don't know. Since we started making some deals here, I thought I could maybe make a new place here. Or maybe I could work from home or something. I don't even know. I just know that I'm gonna make things work because I wanna be with you guys. And I don't wanna travel 17 hours so I can be."
"That means we'll need to move out of here. Because Josh needs place where he can run and play."
"Okay. We'll buy a house. That's not a problem. House with big yard."

After we ate Olivia went to check up on Josh and I decided I would clean the dishes so she doesn't need to.

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