chapter 89

599 16 0

December 31st, 2021


"Okay baby, we'll be back soon, I promise." Olivia kissed Alyssa's cheek.

Jaden and Olivia were currently leaving to the hospital to see the baby. In hospital, they recommended not to bring kids there for some more time, so they were going alone always.

"We going?"
"Yeah." Olivia smiled as she buckled up her seat belt.

"Oh, hey. How are you guys?"
"Good, how are you?"
"I'm good. Ready to come inside today?"
"What?" Olivia's and Jaden's eyes widened.

They're gonna go inside to her room today.

"Yeah, doctor said that you guys are allowed to go inside. I'm going to explain everything to you." Nurse explained to Olivia and Jaden what they can or can't do, before giving them cover ups for their body, hair and shoes, along with gloves.

"Okay, so I know it's not gonna feel like the real touch, because you do have gloves on, and she's still in incubator. But it will bring more closure to you guys, and to her too."

Olivia and Jaden walked in the room, quickly making their way to the baby.

"Hi baby. Hi." They smiled under their masks. Both of them held Lilly's tiny hands while she was looking up at them.

They talked to her, a lot, losing a track of time that they've spent there.

Her body was so small, laying in that incubator with only little hat and diaper on.

She would move her head every now and then and let out a little sound.

She even squeezed Olivia's hand once, just slightly.

She was so adorable. She had nose just like Jaden's, and her little lips looked just like Olivia's. But a special thing she had were her eyes. One of them crystal blue, almost grey. And other one green.

"Okay baby, we will see you very very soon. I love you munchkin."
"I'll miss you so much. But it's only until tomorrow. I love you so much." Olivia gave her a kiss over the incubator, before Jaden left the room, along with her.

They found their nurse again, talking about the milk. So they stayed in the hospital for some more time to get enough milk for the baby.

"Maddy!" Josh yelled as he ran up to both of his parents, making them laugh.

"Who's Maddy?"
"Mommy and daddy." Olivia and Jaden laughed as they kissed Josh's head before going over to Alyssa thta was playing puzzles with Addison.

"Hey munchkin."
"Hi." Alyssa smiled as she hugged both of her parents, before clinging onto Jaden's leg.

"What's up baby?"
"We'we pwaying, wook."
"Wow. Did you show Addi your favorite puzzle?"
"Yeah, we aweady pwayed that." Jaden picked up Alyssa and squeezed her before placing her down on the floor to play with Addison.

"Okay, I'm stealing your mommy now." Nessa said as she grabbed Olivia's hand and lead her down the stairs to her and Jaden's room.

"What's up?"
"Nothing, you need to rest. You didn't really rest too much Liv. You gotta lay as much as you can and you don't need to worry about anything. I did your laundry today, Josh told me you separate everything, so I followed your rules. Addi already made food, so you don't need to worry about that either."
"Thank you, but I don't need-"
"Liv, there's no arguing in this. Lay down."
"I don't want to."
"Olivia. C'mon, we're gonna cuddle and you're gonna tell me about everything and then you're gonna sleep. I can see how exhausted you are." Nessa managed to get Olivia in the bed.

"C'mon. I'm your free therapist."
"I don't know. It's been really draining. I couldn't even hold her. Today is the first time that I even got to come near her. I held her hand, even though I had gloves on. It- it makes me feel so disconnected from her, besides the fact that she is in hospital alone, surrounded by doctors and nurses and not her family."
"You got in today?"
"Yeah, they let us inside, but she was still in incubator and we only got to hold her hand."
"That's great. Means that she's improving."
"Yeah, but- and I've been so emotionally unstable, and Jaden does everything to keep me together. But I just can't do anything to give him same amount of reassurance he gives me. And I feel so bad, even though he makes sure to tell me it's not like that." It was then that Olivia broke down on Nessa's chest.

She just couldn't keep it together for much longer.

"I know, but you need to get rest. And the end of the day, it's you that just got second baby out of their body. You need time to heal and recover babe. Did you consider maybe talking to a therapist? You know where this all can-"
"No, don't think about that. I don't need a therapist, I just need my baby here in the house."
"Liv-" Nessa sighed as she held the woman that was crying in her chest tighter.

Jaden walked in the room, without catching Nessa's or Olivia's attention.

Jaden laid in bed behind Olivia, placing his hand on her hip while leaving kisses over her head and shoulder.

"I think you both should get some rest. Addi and I got everything under control. Take a good nap before it's time to eat." Jaden tried to tell something Nessa, but she just shushed him, showing him to stay with Olivia and get some rest.

Jaden climbed over Olivia on the other side of her, so he could see her face and lay on his side of the bed.

Olivia tried to cover her face so she wouldn't need to look at him nor he would look at her.

But Jaden pulled her in his chest and held her as tight as he could.

"We got this, chicky. We got this." He whispered as he kissed over her head.

"I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"I do. I feel so selfish because I'm the one that's gotten all attention and you don't have time to let your emotions out because I'm so unstable. And I'm so sorry, I'm trying but I can't-"
"Shh shh baby. It's okay. It's okay. I don't feel neglected at all, love. I have all my reassurance that I need from you and kids. And I know this is really hard for you to handle. But I know we are going to make through it. And we are going to be back on track, happy with each other and three of our kids."
"I don't want to hear your protests about you being selfish and everything. Because I know you're not. I know you better than anyone on this planet and one thing that was first one that I learned from you is how not to be selfish. So you're no way selfish here. What matters to me is that you're okay and that together we get through this bump on the road. Okay?"

He kept playing with the hair on the back of Olivia's neck, knowing that it makes her sleepy.

Soon, it helped Olivia stop crying and finally fall asleep.

"I love you, beautiful. And I swear that we are getting through this." Jaden whispered as he continued to play with her hair, before he fell asleep too. He didn't plan on taking a nap, but it looked like his body had different plans.

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