chapter 58

803 20 19

September 18th, 2021


"Are you done yet?" Olivia asked as she walked in the closet where she found Jaden just looking at himself in the mirror.

"Do you think I look okay?" He questioned as he turned around to look at Olivia.

She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I think you look fantastic. Why are you even questioning it?"
"I don't know, I just wanna look good."
"You always look good. Trust me. Now, are we ready to go?"
"Yeah. I think."
"Okay, let's go. Josh cannot wait."

Olivia slowly leaned in, connecting their lips. Jaden held her face close, refusing to pull away from her.

"C'mon, we don't wanna be late."

"Josh, you'll need to be polite. It's not going to be just one little girl, but more older people around. So just be nice."
"I will."

Once we got in, we had few moments to talk to two women that we have met already.

"Can we give the toys now?" Josh impatiently asked, thinking only Jaden will hear him. But instead of Jaden, everyone heard him.

Jaden and Olivia explained for they bought some toys for other kids to have to play with. Women that they were talking to were shocked when they heard that. Most of people that come to their agency are there just to earn some money through the kids, not actually because they want to be parents.

Once it was finally time to go and meet Alyssa, they went to the playground kids were currently at.

"Alyssa, you've got some visitors." Miranda said, crouching down next go Alyssa to earn her attention.

Alyssa shook her head, not wanting to turn around.

"C'mon Ally, you know these people. You were happy to see them last time."

Alyssa finally turned her head around, trying to hide a smile when she saw Jaden, Olivia, and the boy that was unknown to her.

"Hey Alyssa, I'm so happy to see you again." Olivia said in soft voice as she approached Alyssa and crouched down next to her.

Alyssa gave her a quick hug. Not the one as if she didn't want to hug her, but because she was too shy to do it.

Once Jaden said hi and got a hug from her, it was time to finally introduce Josh.

"C'mere J." Josh slowly approached Olivia as he held his hands behind his back.

Deep down, he was trying to calm himself down from jumping up on a little girl and touching her hair because he thought it looked so cute.

"Alyssa, this is Josh. He is Jaden's and my son, and your brother. Josh, this is Alyssa, your little sister."
"Hi." Josh finally smiled as he jumped up a little, making Alyssa pull back a little as her back pressed on Jaden's knee.

Jaden placed his hand on Alyssa's back to keep her from falling down.

"I know it's hard for you, just try to keep your voice down a little so she wouldn't get scared. 'Kay?" Olivia whispered in Josh's ear as she kissed his cheek, making him nod.

"I got you two toys to play with. You wanna see?" Josh asked, making Alyssa slightly nod her head.

"Here's your mouse. And here's your doll with her clothes." Josh smiled as he gave those two to Alyssa.

"You can take them. They're yours now." Jaden reassured Alyssa, making her finally take toys from Josh's hands.

"You guys wanna go to color the papers?" Olivia asked, making Josh nod instantly as he was smiling. Once Olivia looked at Alyssa, little girl slightly nodded.

"Let's go." Jaden and Olivia got up before they walked all together to some tables that were in the yard.

Alyssa and Josh sat across each other, Olivia next to Josh and Jaden next to Alyssa.

"Let me see which one you got." Josh leaned over the table when they chose papers they wanted to color.

"Oo, I got this." Josh said as he raised his paper and showed it to Alyssa.

Alyssa opened her mouth to say something, but then just nodded her head as she looked back at her paper.

"What did you want to say Ally? You can say whatever you want, no one will get mad." Jaden said as he ran his hand up and down Alyssa's back.

"I-I wike that one." She said shyly, making Olivia and Jaden smile.

"You can color mine if you want. I'll find another one." Josh said as he handed her the paper.

"You can cowow mine."
"I thought you wanted both of those?" Josh's words came out more like question than a statement, making Alyssa shake her head.

"You can have it." She handed Josh the paper, but then pulled it back, "I m-mean, if you want to."

Josh nodded his head, taking the paper from Alyssa's hand with a smile on his face.

"You want me to take care of your toys while you guys paint those? I'll give it back later when you are done." Olivia asked Alyssa, making her nod her head.

"Thank you."
"Of course, you don't need to thank me."

After some time, Josh leaned over the table to see how Alyssa is coloring her paper, as his tongue was stuck put on the side between his teeth.

Alyssa looked up at him, snickering as she giggled slightly.

"What's funny?" Josh asked confused as he narrowed his eyebrow.

"Youw face." Alyssa whispered, making Jaden and Olivia laugh with her.

"Do I have something on it?" He questioned as he looked up at Jaden.

"No, you just had your tongue out between your teeth."
"Oh." Josh said as he giggled.

"I like it!" Josh said as he checked Alyssa's paper once that they were done.

"I wike yours too." Alyssa smiled, before Josh raised up his hand, making her high five him.

"Wet's go to play in sand." Alyssa pulled Josh with her, running away.

Jaden and Olivia took those two papers, placing them in Olivia's bag, along with the toys. They followed after Alyssa and Josh with smiles on their faces.

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