Miss Shenhe- wait does that count?

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Y/n quickly ran up the steps of Jueyan karst. They seemed to be focused and didn't looked like they wanted to be distrusted nor did they wanted to fight anyone. The Abyss knows out little lord of Geo to well... Very well. They are almost bestfriends at this point.

The Hydro Mage, Quickly encased the small child in a bubble. 'not again... This is the 30th time this week!' Y/n breaks free. "alright you, beak mask wearing freak! Are you ready to fight! Or what-" they words fell as Beautiful lady Dress Beautifully dealt with the Mage in quick succession.

"Thanks miss! Please continue to watch over me please!" Y/n said gathering their backpack and running up the mountain again. But they did left behind a couple if things. Notable their Teapot set and a picture of them and Zhongli.

"This is the way to master's home"

"Miss cloud retainer!" Y/n banged on the door of the domain.

"Wait a moment child, sit on your father's seat, one will meet with you soon." She answered.

Y/n tiredly sat down on Morax's chair. "Woooo! I'm tired!" The adrenaline finally stopped and every part of their body began to hurt a lot. "Ow..." Y/n sighed.

"Rest child, and tell me about your adventures. One is most intrigued to wonder, what journeys you had"

Y/n Took a look inside the Backpack only to see... "Ohhh... Everything is soaked, the mage ruined everything... And-" Y/n heart's dropped as two of the most valuable items weren't there.

Cloud retainer Held the child close and tight. "Perhaps, on your way the mountain, you might have lost it"

"I know that..." "Lighten up... Y/n We'll look for it once we have finished our talk" she petted the Child's Head. "There's no need... I'll for it myself..." They soon fell asleep on her wing.

"Quite, an interesting child. They must have been tired on mountain trip" She, laid the small child on a tree before turning to the listener.

"Do you intend to hide any longer child?" Shenhe walks out of the Shadow. "May I ask?"

"This, Child... Who are they?"


"This Child, is the Son/daughter of Rex Lapis, Craved from stone and gave it life, strength and power, he called this creation "His Bright Joy" this gifted to the noble woman who Protected Liyue..."

Shenhe was suspicious about her story. "Still not Not convince, Behold!" She Pulled away, Y/n's hair Revealing their forehead, Inscribed was the mark of the lord of Geo.


Y/n awoke in a well furnished room and in a soft bed. "What time is it?" They the time they arrived at cloud retainer Home was early morning and so... They looked out not buildings just a nice Garden with a Pond. They looked to the sky. It was still early morning. Two things can be concluded! From this information. One they, must have slept through the whole day! That's bad, Dad won't like that...

Conclusion two-

The door opened. "Ahhh! Don't hurt Me! I didn't mean to trash the place!" The room was still clean, annoyed they were there their line of thought was broken.

"Are you ok?" Shenhe asked, Y/n wondered who was this strange woman Infront of them.

"Are you a new Employee? Sister doesn't tell me if she hires any new people"

"I am Shenhe, apprentice of cloud retainer"

Y/n's brain begin to work. Adepti train other adepti, as show from watching Ganyu, so Shenhe = Adepti.

"Are you an Ade-" "am I am mortal"

She said answered quick. World shattered. Y/n stared to the floor with a blank stare and smiling face.

"Nice to meet you Miss Shenhe! Am I Y/n-" "son/daughter of Rex Lapis"

"Who told you that?" "Cloud retainer"

"Some aunt she is" Y/n rolling their eyes.

"Tell me Y/n... How are you feeling" "fine! Oh! Oh! Do you have any food? I'm hungry!" She having doubts on this seemingly Innocent and cute child could be the son of the lord geo.

She began questioning. "Tell more about yourself..."

"Ooohhhh! Ok! My father is a funeral consultant, My "mothers" is a pirate and rich lady, My best friend is Zombie Raised by the adepti, I like to adventure, My "brothers" and "sisters" are Adepti, My "Aunts" and "Uncles" are all Gods, I have a pet slime, the Abyss hates me, I have several broken bones, and multiple cuts, my skull maybe be broken, My spine Might be broken. I've been struck by light 289,890 times, my hair is messy and honestly I can go on and on..."

She was somewhat convince... "You have quite the life I see..." She smiled. Y/n smiled back. Shenhe pinched Their cheek. "Noooo...." She stops... And gave a small smile.

"Stop it! Your mean!" Y/N pointed. "how are you in battle?" She asked.

"I fair well..." "Your battles?"

"Uhh... Well, the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma I even took a direct blow of the musou no Hitotachi, fought a master at The Kamisato arts, almost killed the 11th Fatui harbinger, and My proudest fight! I won a fight against Lady Miko in a battle if talking, I manage to get her tail out!"


Y/n was out in the battlefield, They didn't how or why All they knew, Cloud retainer Held it and that he had to fight their new Friend, and they were Utterly unprepared...

Rest asure... Y/n still won through the sheer power of Critical hits and Luck and dodging and numbers...

"Rain order, by the who created me!" Shenhe Dodge the burst. Y/n followed up with a flurry of attacks.

She lost her balance and Y/n took that opportunity and pointed their blade to her throat. "Y/n wins! This duel between"

Y/n fell to the ground. "I'm hungry... Daddy, Can you something make it seafood please..." Y/n said...

The end.

Zhongli hates seafood. Y/n you little-

2.4 gonna be huge! Tomorrow! I am very excited for ningguang skin.

The heir of the lord of Geo (Genshin impact)Where stories live. Discover now