You didn't see anything XIAO [Liyue]

940 28 27

Note: made while everything feels weird and everything is off.

None of this will make Sense. Skip if you can't handle it.

*click!* Xiao stood by the corpses of dead hilichruls as he breath heavily.

In and out. He shakes his head and went out once again to find more monster to kill.


The sun rose again as always wangshuu inn stood tall and strong.

"Come again Y/n" she said waving goodbye to Y/n who was in a hurry. "bye bye!" Y/n ran passed fellow Adeptus, Xiao, who stood there observing since Yesterday.

Y/n glided away before leaving a letter which made it's into Xiao's hands. He opened the letter.

"Hello Mr. Xiao I suggest you shouldn't follow me before you get Hurt and mean it you'll get hurt so please don't follow me"

He looks to Y/n who was still gliding. They raised a hand. He scoffs a disregards the warning and followed them anyways.

Now I ask you this was it a good Idea?

Y/n looked around the area was empty and clear for any wild Xiaos. They took out of their pocket was a Ameno Vision glowing with light and power.

Xiao was now interested.

"How Odd so this is the Gift Auntie tsarita gave me?"

Y/n held the "Vision" in their hands the power coursed throughout their body. Y/n shrugged off and attached it to Their waist next to their Geo Vision.

Y/n held their hands and felt the wind get stronger and stronger and stronger until Y/n was pushed back to wall leaving a dent on it. Y/n got without a scratch and look at their creation.

A small tornado was whirling around.  Y/n was Ecstatic!

"Woah! That was cool!" Y/n said summoning more and more until they stopped and looked at their hands. "Foul legacy?"

"Hey Xiao watch are you doing?" Paimon asked coming for nowhere. "Oh it's you two, it's nothing just spying on Y/n"

"Oh paimon wants to join in!" She said as they look down at Y/n trying and failing to enter Their Foul legacy.

"Are... They trying to enter Foul legacy?" Paimon looked to aether with worry.

"Is it a bad thing?" Xiao asked. "It is that right their is a Delusion... They were made by the fatui and just like Vision allow the user to use The elements at the price of their life force!" She explained. Xiao put some thought.

"Hey guys" Y/n said

Everyone drew their weapons and Paimon floated behind Aether. "Y/n where did you get that" Paimon pointed at Delusion.

"This? Well Auntie Tsarita gave it to me but her hand writing is like Uncle Venti's writing Soo..." Y/n looked at the Ameno Delusion.

Paimon sighed in relief. "That's a Ameno Vision" she said as she floated proudly.

"What No this a Delusion, daddy even said it was!" Y/n argued! "That's right even Zhongli- wait what!?" Aether Sighed and looked with a face.

"Yeah, I came in the mail 2 days ago and daddy said I could use it no problem!" They said.

Paimon began to argue back and a forth while the two shorts boys stood there feeling left out.

"But you die from Aging!" She slammed her hand on the desk.

"Incorrect! Have you Forgotten already? I am an Adepti!"

"Pai- pai-... look paimon did forget!"

"That's because you only think about food"

Y/n closed the case as the Victor! Xiao stood their. Aether pulled Paimon aside. He tied her up before setting up a pot.

"Wait! Don't cook Paimon what did Paimon say!?"

Y/n looked at Xiao with a smile Before amorously saying. "Can you tell auntie retainer Hi" before skipping on their merry way.

The end.

I think I know what happened to this chapter...

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