Midsummer Joy part 1 [GAA]

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Midsummer Joy - Golden apple archipelago.


We last left off with a terrible nightmare woken up by Barbara.

"Honorary Knight? Honorary Knight?" Aether opens their eyes sweat dripped from his hair.

"Are you ok? You were sweating and shaking?" She asked. Aether nods and she sighs. "We didn't want to wake you, but we saw some smoke over there"

"Oh! that could be dodo-king!" Klee said. "Even paimon is thinking that this dodo-king real" aether sighs. "I am also interested in seeing this dodo-king," Jean said.

"Come let's go investigate" They nod and the party went off, entering the wave rider to investigate the smoke. They sailed towards the small island.

Paimon leaped out of the ship and went on ahead. "Hey, they are people over!... What the!? What are they doing here!?" Paimon yelled. Diluc and Keaya turned to them. "It's keaya and "the" weird grown-up!" Klee said running to them. "Huh? I had no idea we'd meet you here" keaya said.

"What are you two here?" Jean asked worriedly. "So it's not dodo-king?" Barbara asked.

"Dodo-king... Hmm..." Diluc squinted... "So it was dodo-king that invited you to these islands"

"Quite the coincidence" keaya smirked. Jean looks confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's set that aside I want to enjoy this island. Master diluc will actually get a tan"

"Wait did you two sail here? How did you get past the fog and storm?" Paimon asked.

"Storms and fog? We must have gotten lucky when we got here there wasn't a patch of fog in sight. Now it feels like I'm on vacation" keaya said basking in the sunlight and sea.

"But as you know, boats can't make it here. So we had no choice but to use the same method of transportation as you did" keaya said.

"Eh!? You mean dvalin carried you here too?"

"You seem surprised, dragon flights are a fairly conspicuous affair. Eye-catching one," Diluc said. 

"Wait so did everyone... Find out" Jean looks at them.

"It would seem that people saw a dragon flying but the cargo but still word spread quickly" Diluc said. Jean sighed. "Oh thank goodness..."

"Who knew that everyone's favorite bard can summon a dragon?" Aether's eyes wandered off.

"I guess dvalin is a die-hard fan of classical ballads" barbara was amazed while her sister laughed it off.

"So I assume you two traveled here together."

"Hahaha! Do you assume? The acting Grandmaster's jokes have improved as of late" keaya joked. "Do we look like fitting travel companions?" Diluc ticked

"There are actually four more others, that arrived on the island with us. They wandered off, for various reasons" keaya explained.

Jean folded her hands. "Various reasons?"

"Let's put that Big ego aren't conducive to team cohesion," keaya said.

"You mean they abandoned you," Aether said with his hands on his hips and chest puffed out proudly.

"Hahaha, an incisive observation. Nothing ever gets past your honorary knight." Keaya said as he smiled.

"So who are the four others?"

"Albedo, razor, Y/n, and their father," Diluc said bluntly.


"Albedo, razor, and Y/n, yay!"

"Don't tell us you all came here for a vacation!" Paimon angrily said.

"Wait! keaya if you are here, who's overseeing the knights of Favonius!?" Jean hastily asked. "The mighty librarian Lisa of course,"

"Not to worry, in some ways she's stricter than us and any evildoers will have to watch out several days," He said.

"Thankfully Lisa is there..." She calmed down.

"Where did albedo, razor, and Y/n go?"

"And what was that white smoke I saw earlier?" Barbara questioned.

"Ah yes, that... We arrived by a dragon when we entered the islands Something caught razor's eyes and leaped out. We were concerned and we glided off to this island but... This island is a deserted land"

"Thanks to previous experience I've decided to wait for contact. Master diluc believed that razor wouldn't come to find us. During our little dispute. The three left in silence"

"Hold on how did he walk off but you two got stranded here!" Paimon said.

"Haha... Who knows, perhaps we are just fated to be doomed together. Right, master Diluc?"

"Ugh... Is that so?"

"Albedo is an alchemist and a skilled. If I could use those beautiful artificial flowers it would be simply to traverse these islands"

"Y/n and Zhongli are both geo users so they could their powers to just summon rocks," paimon said.

"I believe that our original landing spot was over there, and only at your instance we landed here"

"Oh my! But your feet melted the ice away I took so much effort to freeze... Who made pyro and cryo so incompatible? If you had geo, I would be sound asleep in the other island"

"Paimon can't tell if you two are close or just hate each other guts?"

"Regardless, it's livelier now," Barbara said.

"Yes, it's always to have allies in an unknown situation... Our top priority is finding razor, albedo, and Y/n" Jean said. 

"Razor's whereabouts are unknown as for Y/n and Albedo they went that way" Diluc at the large island to his left.

"Right, would you two like to join us?"

The two brothers? Nods... Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to continue so we'll end it here.

The end.

Diluc is not a weird grown-up he is the weird grown-up!

Uid: Almost last time...

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