The Priceless Pearls part 1 [Liyue]

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Priceless Pearls 30k special-


The air was strong and rich blowing to where ever... Y/n was out hunting for priceless treasure as always and a good place to find these treasure is Guyun stone forest.

Why? Because Y/n thought it was a good Idea.

They sat down on the sandy beach and prepared a cooking pot. "Sea soup sounds delicious" Y/n said to themselves as they filled up the pot with water from the sea.

Y/n placed it down on fire before throw a few ingredients and closing the lid.

They Scouted the area feeling the sand and- *thug!* Y/n fell face first into the sand. They pulled up and wiped away the sand away from their face.

Y/n looked at what they tripped on... It was a pearl... They emitted some sort of energy that they could feel. Using Their Ameno Delusion to blow away the sand, Y/n took out each pearl counting each one they pulled out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6... Six pearls all dark in color.

"Ohh!!! Mysterious!" The pot of boiling water began to rumble, Y/n got up and dealt with that first.

Zhongli opened his eyes. His train of thoughts of thoughts stopped when he felt it. He stood from his seat and looked out from mount Aozang to Guyun stone forest.

Y/n placed took a sip of the soup... "Bleh!" Y/n threw away the soup back into the ocean. "Salty" Y/n turned to the pearls and what to do with them.

Y/n could something was off about these Pearls. The unnatural color and it was letting this foul energy. "I should ask dad!" Y/n packed up the pearls, they took out their map and teleported back to Liyue.

They stopped by the alchemy table. They placed their resin, Crystal cores and mora. Y/n took the condensed resin before they ran back home.

"Haaaa!? Let it go!?" Hu tao shouted. "correct let it go. It has a been quite awhile since that vacation" Zhongli said.

"You were the one who stopped me for coming!" "I don't think the Electro archon would have liked it if you talked about coffins and try to sell it to her"

Hu tao sighed "can't see! Old man we need to continue business and- Y/n! You're back" Hu tao smiled and walked over to Y/n. She bent down to their height.

"Y/n are next big vacation are you planning?" She asked. "Hmmm... Maybe sumeru or Fontaine" Y/n smiled sweetly They ran to a table.

Hu tao just stood up. "Were you expecting something else?" She didn't answer his question she just stood there.

Zhongli sighed. "Dad!" He turns to Y/n and walks to the voice. "Oh? What are these?" Zhongli looked at the strange pearls. "I found them in guyun Stone forest... Do you know anything about them?"

Zhongli thought for awhile... But nothing came up nothing.

"Sorry, my dear... But these Pearls are new to me... But they seem to give off a foul energy, but this doesn't seem to effect any of us other then it's awful smell" He said Touching the pearls.

The screams of the dead gods filled his ears, he slowly let go of the pearls and the screams faded into a soft murmur. The taste of salt was sprinkled in his mouth.

"If you can... Place these somewhere we can't smell it" Zhongli said walking away. Y/n tilted their heads in confusion. Y/n touched the pearls a soft murmur that was singing a lullaby filled their ears and that was when they felt something wet touch their legs.

"Oh, hello Mr. Hydro?" Y/n gave him some apples. Hydro jumped in joy.

Y/n shook their head and packed up the pearls and placed in their backpack.

Y/n looked at Mr. Hydro and remembered that he is dealing with bullies.

The end?

Listen this is about the pearls alright, also Ei's Y/n is out.

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