Just with a pet slime [Mondstadt]

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It's a beautiful day outside... The Birds are singing. The flowers are blooming!

Y/n woke up early... They turned to their pet slime Mr. Hydro. Y/n looked outside of their room. They put on a cheeky smile and picked the slime up and put a leash around them.

"Eh... I guess that will work" Y/n said. Mr. Hydro jumped up happily. "It looks like you like it!" Y/n joyfully said.

Y/n stood up as Mr. Hydro began to move around. "Where are we off to!?" Y/n excitedly called... But Mr. Hydro did nothing but look for apples.

"Right you slimes don't do much..." Y/n throws down a couple of apples and Mr. Hydro consumed them.

"Alright! Let's find you something you'll like!" The slime wiggled in agreement.

Y/n picked the slime up and left their room in The Favonius headquarters. The two made their way to the library to look for some books about slimes.

"Hello, Y/n what are you looking for?" Miss Lisa asked.

"Hello, Miss Lisa do you have a book about slimes?" They asked. Lisa thought for a moment. "Yes, We do... I think it's over here!" Lisa grabbed the book about slimes.

"Thanks, miss Lisa I'll bring it back after I'm done!" Y/n waved goodbye and Y/n ran out of the library.

They left the knight's headquarters and made a run for the front gate. "Fischl! Ready for another Adventure?" Benny asked her. She smirks as begins to monologue as Y/n ran past. They left behind a card.

"*sigh..* back to mushrooms..." Mona said putting back her one piece of mora. Y/n passed by and Left her a bag of Mora.

"Lizard tails and what was that last one?" Diona asked herself looking into her pouch of ingredients. Y/n left her some slime condensate.

"Thanks, Y/n!" She waved at them. Y/n stopped by katheryne. "Good morning Y/n" She greeted them. "Hello, katheryne! What is my Commission?" They asked out of breath. "Nothing nee just some hilichruls and a couple of abyss mages," She said giving Them the commission. Y/n thanked them and they walked off.

Y/n stopped by Cider lake. Y/n set Mr. Hydro down the slime looked confused. The slime turned to Y/n for an answer.

"Do you want to fish?" Mr. Hydro jumped in joy. Y/n sat down next to him. They looked into their Backpack to pull out a bag of baits and a fishing rod.

Y/n placed it near Mr. Hydro looked at it and back to Y/n. "Can you pick it up?" The slime walked into it the Fishing rod slowly rise before falling to the ground.

"You did your best Mr. Hydro" Y/n petted him. Y/n took out one of the fish baits and placed it on Mr. Hydro. The piece of Fish Bait floated inside of him.

"Since you are hydro slime you'll fit in the water!" Y/n turned The slime to the lake and pointed at the fish.

"Do you want to eat fish?" Mr. Hydro wiggled in Excitement. "Just swim over to the fish!" Y/n pushed him forward. Mr. Hydro slowly hopped towards the water.

The fish smelled it... The bait. Y/n was reading the book about slimes. "Huh? I didn't know that." Mr. Hydro slowly crawled towards Y/n.

"Here Mr. Hydro this should keep you up for another 2 months" Y/n gave him a large bottle of Hydro extract. Mr. Hydro wiggle in delight.

"Hehe... I should give you Nickname..." Mr. Hydro shakes in agreement. "Granted to blow your mind..." Y/n sang as they thought. Mr. Hydro's interest peeked.

"She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind" He liked it. Y/n notices his interest.

"She's a killer queen!" Y/n continued. Mr. Hydro jumped out in joy! "You like that don't you!?" Mr. Hydro wiggle in satisfaction.

"Ok! Then Your nicknames will be Killer Queen and N/n!" Mr. Hydro also liked the other nicknames. 

"Alright let's go our commission today! Mr. Hydro!"

The end.

I was listening to queen.

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