Uncle Venti is the Best! [mondstadt]

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"Y/n wait up!" Paimon called. Y/n was too far to hear it. Y/n ran around not looking where he/she is going.

"Haha- oof!" A thud was heard as Y/n rubbed their head and look up it was Venti. "Uncle Venti!" Venti helped the kid get up. "what do we have here? a little rascal, have you been good?" Y/n nodded. "hehe, that's good come let's go before they get here"

"Look there they are!" Paimon shouted. "yahoo!" Venti picked up Y/n and Glided away back to mondstadt. "huh!? they were here just a second ago!" Paimon looked around as the traveler catch their breath.

"Where do you want to go?" Venti asked the slowly floated down near the gate. "the library!" Y/n excitedly said. "library? Oh I know ok let's go!" Venti and Y/n made their way to the Favonius headquarters.

"Hello, Venti... And oh who's this?" Lisa asked Looking at Little Y/n

"Oh this is Y/n they're a Kid of a friend of an old friend of mine I'll be babysitting them for today," Venti said.

"Witch!" Y/n pointed at Lisa. She giggles. "Yes I am" she smiles.

"Hehe... Now what do you want to read we did come here to read right"

"What's your suggestions Lisa any books that Little Y/n might like?" Venti asked. Lisa looked around eventually she picked out a book.

"How about this one" She hands them The book Wind, Courage, and Wings. Y/n had a smile and interested eyes.

"Looks like he/she likes it thanks Lisa," Venti said finding them a seat. Venti sat down Y/n on his lap and opened the book and began reading.

Y/n listened in Fully immersed in Venti's voice and when He finished reading Y/n Eyes had stars and Their jaws slightly opened.

"What do you want to do next?" Venti asked.

"I want a Wind glider!" Y/n excitedly said.

"Ok then! I have a spare with me" Venti and Y/n walked outside.

"Alright, Y/n are ready. Just like the Book have courage like those two birds"

"Look there with the tone-deaf bard!" Venti turned his head to the traveler.

"Hey, T/n how are you?" Venti asked.

"Hi, traveler! I'm testing out this new Wing glider!" Y/n excitedly jumped.

"Isn't that Dangerous?" Paimon crossed her arms.

"Not to worry paimon I'll help them" Venti smiled.

"Ok let's test this out" Y/n ready themselves and Glided down with courage and gracefully lands near Fountain. T/n and venti glided to them.

"That was fun!" Y/N said.

"Haha... Ok, let's go get you some food" Venti said.

"Mmm yummy food!" Paimon said.

The group made their way to the good hunter and got their orders. The three sat down with their food.

"Ohh!!! It smells nice!!!" Paimon happily said.

"Alright let's eat!" Venti said raising a drink. They all began to eat their food.

Soon enough their plates were now empty.

"That was Delicious!" Y/n said.

"I hope you are ready to go home Y/n" The voice of Keith Silverstein Called out. Y/n peeked up and jumped out of their seat and ran to Zhongli.

"Look who do we have here?" Venti asked putting his hand hips.

"Hello... Venti" Zhongli greeted Him.

"Hello... Zhongli"

The end.


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