why? why give them voicelines? [menu]

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I got bored leave me alone.


Hello! I am the great Adventurer! Y/n... Uhhh I forgot my last name again!

Chat ramblings-

When I am adventuring I would talk to myself a lot about some stuff like how can make more Rocks and what are these weird star things... Oh, you want them? Sure thing!

Chat talking-

Hmmm... I am hungry... Maybe I should cook something No that doesn't work... I guess you're right...

Chat Parents-

My mom was the only one around she told me that My dad was an amazing person he helped so many people and they talk about how he was great... I wish I could meet him one day...

Chat being an adepti-

Adepti? You sound like Crazy Traveler I'm just a normal Human... Not like Ms. Ganyu or Mr. Xiao.

When it rains-

The rain is very nice to listen to.

When it snows-

Hehe! Hey, traveler do you want to build a snowman?

When thunder strikes-

This thunder strike reminds me of Auntie Baal...

After the rain-

Aww... It stopped... I was hoping to listen a little longer...

When the wind is blowing-

Mmmmm a nice cool breeze it's calming!

Good morning-

Haha! Good morning! Ready for another adventure traveler!

Good afternoon-

It would be nice to take a nap for a few hours... Traveler, can you sing me a song?

Good evening-

Looks like I'll have to head back home now I can't stay for too long.

Good night-

Good night traveler thank you for the adventure let's go to another one tomorrow!

About Y/n-

I'm nothing but an Adventurer nothing else!

About Zhongli-

Daddy is a weird man all he does is rant about wine and uses all my mora on food... But I don't mind the food is yummy...

About Hu tao-

Miss Hu tao is weird she always tries to hug me but I always escape the hugs... Maybe next I'll tell dad about her antics.

About qiqi-

Qiqi always forgets a lot of things but she's a lot of fun!

About Xingyan-

Ms. Xingyan's music is very loud! Think it's called rock? I like it...

About Keqing-

I thought Ms. Keqing had cat ears but when I touched it... Turns out it was only her hair...

About Ganyu-

Hehe... Miss Ganyu's horns are very cute but why doesn't she let me rub them? Hmm...

About Xiao-

Xiao always looks so mad I wonder why?

About Xiangling-

Xiangling hot food is too much for me! So I make always request for salty food.

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