Sixty Two <3

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||Dylan's POV||

I take a deep breath before entering the house. Now was the time that I had to tell Josie about dad. I had left it a few days already and I knew I couldn't leave it longer. I felt guilty that I was the one to tell her and I felt more guilty that I was about to ruin her day and also leave Rudy with a very unhappy pregnant girlfriend. Josie had just started forgiving me for everything with Elaine and now I was about to make things shit again.

As I enter the house Rudy is leaning against the kitchen top making cups of tea. His head turns at my entrance and he gives me a small smile.

"Do you mind if I talk to her alone?" My voice is hushed and Rudy simply nods his head at me sympathetically.

"Of course man, she's out there. Just go easy please" worry is laced through out his voice so I simply give him a small smile. As if on cue Josie's voice calls out to me.

"Hey Dyl come out here!" Josie's voice calls from the garden outside so I follow my way through the ranch sliders which leads me to their back yard. Their small house was in complete contrast to their garden. There was a small wooden deck area that then led out to a large garden where Josie was sitting alone by a small fire. She had a thick blanket wrapped around her shoulders and she was laid back rubbing and admiring her baby bump. I hate that I'm about to burst her happy bubble. I make my way over before reluctantly sitting in one of the chairs beside her and mess with the phone in my hands.

"You'll never guess what happened earlier" the light from the fire illuminated her face making the excitement she held more known. I tilt my head to her as if to say no before she continues.

"Baby girl kicked for the first time today and Rudy felt it too. It was incredible, she's been doing it ever since. It just makes all of this so real actually being able to feel her there" she grins at me moving her hand around her stomach as if trying to feel the movements that she was talking about.

"Wow Jo that's amazing. I'm so happy for you guys" my words are sincere. Seeing my sister this happy is all I've ever wanted, she truly did just deserve happiness after everything she's been through.

"So what was it that you needed to talk about? It's been on my mind all day" she looks to me awaiting for my response. In my mind I contemplate making up a lie but I knew Rudy would tell her if I didn't, I just needed to get it over and done with.

"I talked to dad a few days ago" I pause thinking of how to word the situation carefully "He has had a few.... Set backs.... in the moving process" I look down as she interrupts my words. She stops the rubbing of her bump and sits up more seriously, confusion drawn over her expressions.

"Set backs? What kind of set backs?" I hear the panic in her voice making me instantly move forward placing my hand in her own knowing I need to calm her.

"I just need you to let me speak Jo, don't jump to conclusions and have an open mind okay?" I gently cress her hand and she nods her head allowing me to continue. "Mums taking him to court, I don't know specifically what for but the date is some time in August. Meaning he won't be hear for the birth of mini Josie. However before you freak out at him I already did this and he assured me that it's the only way that he can finally be free of her Jo, we have to let him do this. I know it's shit and you wanted him here but we might not even be here for her birth, there is a strong possibility that we are in Barbados" I see her nod lightly to my words taking it in before her lip starts quivering slightly making my heart break. She pulls her hand away before printing them to hold her face in her hands.

"This is all her fault. She's doing this on purpose I already know it. Why is she so focused on fucking my life and my happiness? She's supposed to be my mother for fuck sake!" Her tears are mixed with anger as she brings a theory that I hadn't actually thought about. Now thinking about it though the fact that this court date was in months time was odd considering the money and power our parents held.

"I know Jo but letting it get to you is letting her win. When the baby arrives it's going to be a big adjustment for you and Rudy to face. Maybe it will be good for you guys to have a month or so to adjust to life with a baby before he comes?" I try to offer her a positive which mildly helps but the tears just don't halt.

"I know what you're saying and you're right but I just don't understand why my mother hates me so much. What did I do so wrong to her Dyl?" Her arms get thrown up in frustration and hurt.

"Jo you did nothing wrong. All you've ever done is be yourself. Do you know how much I've admired you and wanted to follow in your steps my whole life? Josie she is jealous of you, she's jealous that you have the strength to go and make your own life. That's something that no one else in this family has been able to do. Don't waste your tears on her Josie, look at you. You have a daughter that you will be bringing into this world in only a few months time. I think that's pretty amazing Jo, that's what you need to focus on" I place my hands on either side of her face forcing her to look at me with a grin on my face. A few moments later a smile appears behind her tears and she lets out a light chuckle.

"I'm going to have a daughter" her voice is shaken and I laugh nodding at her.

"You are Jo and you're going to be the best mum ever. This little girl is so lucky to have you" I drop my hands from her face pulling her into a hug.

"Bloody hell this is going to be one big baby, she's already making it difficult for me to hug you" she shoves me away from her playfully before leaning back in her chair and I do the same.

||Rudy's POV||

Once I hear laughter replace the intense talking coming from the garden I make my way outside to join the two siblings with three cups in my hands. A tea for the two brits and a coffee for myself. I place it down on the table before seating next to Josie taking her hand lightly. She smiles to me in acknowledgement before turning to her brother.

"So what happened with you and the one who I refuse to name?" She brings the tea to her lips and I can see the look of disgust on her face that's hidden behind the cup. I study Dylan's movements noticing that he tenses from her words and hurt washes his face.

"Turns out as of right now she's still in love with my man Rudy over here" Dylan gives me a side look as if he's annoyed but I don't take it personally, he wasn't annoyed with me he was annoyed with Elaine.

"Well mate I can assure you both right now that I have no interest in her and I never really have. My heart stays with Josie and my family that I'm building with her. Elaine will wake up and realise that soon I'm sure of it" I give him a sympathetic smile which he simply nods to.

"I told you she's just a boyfriend stealing idiot and you're too good for her Dyls" Josie speaks matter of factly making me quickly tap her on the arm to tell her to stop.

"I know what you said Josie but we had really gotten close over time. She made me feel like I'm important in a way no one else ever has. And I never said that me and her are done, she's just figuring her feelings out for now" Dylan's words are stern and I can tell that he's really hurt by the whole situation. I feel guilty but I know I'm not in control of Elaines feelings.

"Okay Dylan, I'll accept it for you. If she really makes you happy as you say then I'll accept whatever you two are. As long as she stays away from my man"

Hey my loves. Kinda get the feeling that y'all are getting bored of my story but yolo. Does anyone have any questions? I miss interacting with you all. Please comment, vote and share <3

- J x

Toxic - Rudy PankowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora