Thirty Eight <3

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*28th January*

||Rudy's POV||

"Rudy I'm starting to panic now, I don't know if we should be doing this. Hell I don't know if I fucking even want to do this" Josie starts to turn around back towards the exit as we make our way through the airport. I gently hold her arm to stop her.

"Josie no it's okay, just breath for me. We are doing this okay?" She throws her head back groaning but lets me guid her towards the gate. I knew she wasn't thrilled about seeing her family but I didn't know that she was this nervous. Her phone starts buzzing and she places it to her ear.


Yes mum I'm literally about to board the plane now, yes I know the wedding is in two days. I will be there.

Was there actually any purpose in this call or was it to fuck me off before I even see you?

That's great see you soon


"That woman is going to be the fucking death of me some day I swear to god" her voice is a low grumble and I rub her arm as we stand in line waiting to board the plane.

"Baby just breath, remember what the doctor said. You need to avoid stress okay? I know bean kept you up all night so when we get on the plane I want you to sleep okay?" She nods her head and leans against me. I can tell that she's exhausted. As we are next in line we get our tickets scanned and we make our way onto the plane finding out seats.

"I've actually never been to England, but from all of the movies it looks nice" I look to Josie in our seats when I come to the realisation that I'm actually going to a country that I know barely anything about. I expect a comforting answer from her but instead she obnoxiously bursts out laughing. I'm return I give her a questioning look.

"Oh Ru you are in for a shock my love" she continues giggling while shaking her head. The sentence really brought out her British accent that I had gotten so used to over time.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Curiosity spikes through me. In the media and on tv London and England in general had always looked so nice, I didn't understand why she found it so funny.

"Rudy England is the biggest fucking shit hole on this planet. Everyone talks it up to be this amazing place but it's not" I am slightly taken back by her harsh words but I know she has her reasoning.

"Okay little miss grumpy, get some sleep now yea?" She rolls her eyes but does as I say by snuggling into me and holding my hand tightly before drifting off to sleep.


"We have now landed at London Heathrow Airport. The time is 10:34am"

The pilots voice over the intercom wakes me from my sleep indicating that we have arrived at our destination. To my side Josie is still peacefully fast asleep so I gently rub her arm to awake her. Guilt overcomes my body as I do so because I know how hard this pregnancy has been on her sleep so any ounce of sleep was important for her.

"Baby we've landed" I place my hand softly upon the bump on her stomach rubbing it gently and her eyes flutter open.

"Foood. I need fooooood" her first awakening words make me laugh. She always woke up hungry so I wasn't particularly surprised.

"I know baby, me too. Let's just get off of the plane and we will get food straight away" I place a light kiss on her head and once allowed we make our way off of the plane. We arrive at the bagging area and locate them with ease due to our brightly coloured suit cases. I then follow Josie as we make our way out of the airport.

"My lovely mother dropped off a car for us" I hear the irritation in her voice but I don't comment on it. She never explained why.

"I don't know how to drive here. I don't have an english license" she looks to me holding a card in her hand twirling it in her fingers.

"Good thing your girlfriend is English with an English drivers licence then" she pokes her tongue out as she leads me over to a very expensive looking Audi in the parking lot.

"Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, my family are a bunch of rich preppy fuck wits" she smiles at me in a sweet sarcastic way and my eyes go wide. Well that's not what I was expecting. We load our bags in the car before getting in ourselves.

"I don't mean to sound rude but umm. You umm" I struggle to place my words so she looks over to me briefly before starting the car and pulling away.

"How are my family so rich yet I'm so poor?" She glances at me with a knowing look and I gulp nodding my head.

"See mummy dearest is a realtor however most of her money is from inheritance because she's never worked a fucking day in her life and my dad bless his heart is a lawyer. As for me when I left for Charleston my mum made the decision to cut me off because it wasn't what she wanted. However I'm grateful because it has ultimately shown me how to live for myself unlike my siblings who basically get fucking spoon fed by them and do nothing for themselves" I can tell that she feels bitterly towards her mom and her siblings however not so much her father.

"So you're fine with your dad?"

"To an extent. My dad isn't like them, not even one bit. He's always tried to stand by me but he's gutless and just follows them and does as they ask even if he knows it's wrong" there is a sense of empathy and hurt in her voice.

"It's bloody freezing" I shiver looking out the window and she laughs beside me.

"Why do you think I insisted on you wearing jeans and a hoodie?" It was true, I didn't believe her when she said I'd be cold but I'm happy that I ended up doing as she said.

"Also just for now, please don't mention the baby okay? I don't want them knowing yet" I feel slightly hurt that she wants to keep our baby a secret from her family but I get she has her reasons.

"Of course" I smile at her reassuring that our secret is safe.

"We are here. Oh and I also apologise in advance for my sister, turns out she's a huge fan of Outer Banks so I'm sorry" I notice that the car has in fact come to a stop in front of a very large house. She wasn't kidding about them being rich.

"Let the shit show begin" she grumbled before getting out of the car and pulling me with her over to the large doors. This shall be fun.

Hello my loves I'm kinda excited that they're in London now, it's more on my grounds. Also London is a shit hole, I'm sorry to break it to you all. It really is. Remember to vote, comment and share.

- J x

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