Twenty Five <3

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||Josette's POV||

"Look we don't need to talk about but I just want to say how angry I am with him right now" Maddison huffs and grabs a beer and some chips from one of the bags that they had brought and we all flop onto the couch.

"It's okay, to be honest I think it will good for me to talk about it" I groan as I think about the events of tonight. I didn't know much about pregnancy but I knew that stress wasn't good for it, all I felt right now was stress and loneliness.

"Well we are hear for you. But please tell us what's going on, Rudy said that you'd be coming to the part then he showed up drunk, got into a fight and then... well you know the rest" Maddison looks at me apologetically.

"I'm pregnant" I didn't know how else to tell them so I just came out with it. I look up at them and they are both wide eyed. I swear to god if I now get judged by my friends I might just jump off of a bridge.

"Oh my gosh!! Congratulations!!"  They both squeal and jump over pulling me into a hug. I slightly smile and they let me go.

"I wish Rudy had that reaction, instead he stormed out of the house, slammed the door in my face and then cheated on me in front of my face" I laugh at how fucked up that all sounds. But it was true.

"Are you kidding me? That's why he was the way he was tonight? I can not believe him!" Maddison's voice is angry.

"A child is a blessing whether you are ready for it or not. I hope Chase and the others kick his ass tonight or I will do it myself" Madelyn shakes her head in disbelief.

"They're going to see him?" Madelyn nods her head and I feel slightly relieved to know that he will have his friends with him.

"This is my fault, thinking about it all now I know it's my fault and I deserve everything that he's done tonight. But it still hurts you know?" The exhaustion in my voice is clear.

"No Josie getting pregnant is a two person job which he also need to own up to. This is not your fault and you didn't deserve any of what he did" I appreciate Maddison's honesty, it's something that I have always admired about her.

"So how far along are you?" Madelyn looks at me excitedly and I giggle. It was nice to at least be able to talk about it.

"About 6 weeks I think" I lean back and gently rub my stomach.

At least if I didn't have Rudy I'd still have this bean.

||Rudy's POV||

"Fuck!!" I let my anger out swiping the cups and bowls that day on the counter top onto the floor of the apartment. Shards of glass fly around followed by loud crashing sounds.

I sink to the floor of the kitchen not caring if I was going to get cut.

How could I be so fucking stupid. How could I be so stupid to leave Josie alone at the time she needed me the most, how could I be so stupid to cheat on her with Elaine of all people. Anger ripped through my body, I was so disappointed in myself.

The door swinging open pulls me from my little pity party only to be disappointed when I see the boys enter, not Josie.

"Bro what the fuck.... Don't you think you've ruined enough tonight let alone your house too?" Chase sounds disappointed in me. Join the club buddy.

"She hates me doesn't she?" I hold my head in my hands. How the fuck am I going to make this right again?

"Well she's with Madelyn and Maddison right now and they said that she's pretty fucking upset dude. Tell us what's going on. This isn't you" he hands me a beer which I gratefully accept and he helps me up from the floor. We make our way to the couch and I take a deep breath.

"She told me that she's pregnant and I freaked" I take a swig of the beer gulping it down.

"Wow, that's big man. I know you messed up at the party but please tell me that you at least talked it out with her before and reassured her?" JD looks at me with hope in his eyes and I look down guiltily while shaking my head.

"I stormed off and slammed the door in her face, left her there crying after she told me that she needed me then proceeded to cheat on her in front of her eyes" as I relay the events and my actions the hatred for myself grows. I'm a fucking asshole.

"Dude what the fuck?! That is so messed up!" Austin yells at me from his seat.

"Don't you think I fucking realise that now?! I know I'm a fuck up. You don't need to rub it in" I growl and the frustration grows.

"Well what are you going to do? That's your girlfriend and whether you like it or not, she is carrying your child dude" Chase looks at me with raised eyebrows awaiting my answer.

"I'm scared bro, I'm not cut out to have a child" the sentence feels wrong as if comes out of my mouth. A child, my child.

"To be honest if any of us here was to have a kid it would be you Rudy, you have the patience and the heart for that shit and you know it. I know you guys haven't been together for that long but you're perfect for each other. You need to pull your shit together and step the fuck up" JD was brutal with his words but he was right. I needed to pull my shit together and make things right with Josie.

I stand up from my seat. "You're right I need to go apologise and make things right" as I go to walk Drew leaps up grabbing me by the shoulder forcing me to sit back down.

"Slow there buddy, you might be ready to apologise but she sure as hell isn't ready to see you" he's right, she probably needed some space for tonight. I nod at him and comply.

"Congratulations though bro, you're gunna be a dad" he grins at me and I lightly smile back.

I'm going to be a dad.

Hello my loves. Omg can you imagine Rudy as a dad? He would be so cute. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying it. If you have any suggestions for me then please send them through! I'm having a little writers block right now. Remember to vote, comment and share.

- J x

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