Fifty Six <3

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||Dylan's POV||

The past month had been spent between myself and Elaine. We had gotten significantly closer and she made me feel a way that I had never felt before. She treated me as if she truly cared and was interested in my life. With Stephanie she didn't give a shit about me or my interests but not Elaine, she helped me to rehearse my lines every single day knowing how nervous I was. She also made me feel good about myself. I know it's supposed to be the guys complimenting the girls but almost everyday she would compliment me on something making me feel important. The only issue with our unofficial  'relationship' was her hatred for my sister and my sisters hatred for her.

We were currently walking hand in hand along one of the many beaches here in LA and I had never felt happier and more in place.

"Thank you for all the help you've given me over the past month, I don't think I would've remembered my lines without you" I smile over at her squeezing her hand lightly. She smiles while tucking her long brown hair behind her ear.

"It's my pleasure honestly" her voice is polite and quiet, much different to the way I heard it weeks ago when she was speaking to Josie.  "How are you liking it here in LA? I'm sure it's very different compared to England" her fingers lightly play with my own making my stomach whirl.

"I'm actually really enjoying it here. It is so different to the UK but I have so many negative affirmations with England now that I'm glad to be away" my voice falters slightly at the memories.

"Oh right of course I'm so sorry for bringing it up" she lightly brings her palm to her forehead feeling bad at her voice of words.

"Hey don't worry about it, I'm passed all of that anyways. I'm building my new life here now and I've got you to thank in helping me through the process, what more could I possibly ask for?" I smile at her as she returns one back and I pull her closer into my chest. I feel genuinely so lucky to have met her but something does still play on my mind about her which hold confusion in my brain.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I look to her for a second seeing her nod before continuing. "What's with you and my sister? Why do you guys hate each other so much? I understand you and Rudy kissed once but I don't get why that has caused all of this rivalry between the two of you" I look to her to wait on her response and she disconnects her hand from mine folding her arms.

"The problem I have with your sister is that me and Rudy were together and then she came along and he dropped me like a sack of potato's" the hurt is evident in her voice which confuses and offends me.

"But I thought you were over him? That was months and months ago. They're having a kid together. Do you still want him? Is that why you hate her so much because you still have feelings for him?" My offence towards her words are clear and she does nothing but stay silent confirming to be that she still has feelings for him.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to be the fucking piggy in the middle Elaine. Whether you like it or not Rudy and Josie are starting a family and he's not going to drop that for anyone. I'm sorry that you're hurt by this all but I'm not going to be a rebound or act to make him jealous. I really do care for you and like you Elaine so when you find it in yourself to get over this shit with him then message me" after she fails to reply I decide it's finally time to leave and I leave her standing in the middle of the beach alone and make my way back to the apartment.


The obnoxious ringing on my phone pulls me from my sleep and I see that it's currently 2am. Why the hell would someone be calling me at this time? I unplug my phone from the nightstand seeing that it was no one other than my dad calling.

Dad? It's 2am man

Dylan hi, I'm sorry for culling at such an absurd time. I didn't realise the time difference.

It's okay, what's up? Is everything okay? When are you coming by the way?

Ah, speaking of that. I kind of have a situation over here and I don't think I'm going to be able to make it over there until at least September....

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I knew you'd break your promise. Have you told Josie? You know she's never going to forgive you right?

Dylan your mother is taking me to court and the date is 1st of August, I physically have no way of getting to you before then. I made a promise to come and be with you guys so that's what I'm doing. This court appearance will ensure that I'm finally free of your mum. I'm doing this for you and Josie.

Court? Have you told Josie about this? The baby is due in August dad.

I know son and I feel awful about it but I need to cut all ties with this woman. And no I haven't told Josie I don't know how to...

Okay well I'll tell her okay? I'm booking a flight to go see her tomorrow anyways so I'll tell her then. I suppose it all works out seeming we will be in Barbados for a few months filming anyways.

Thank you son I really appreciate it. I'm so proud of you both. Please tell her that I'm sorry.

I will dad, I'm going to go back to sleep now.

Goodnight Dylan.

I sight placing the phone back down on my bedside table. I somehow knew that he was going to pull something like this but I guess it was what he had to do in order to escape my mum. Surely he wouldn't be lying right? I quickly pick my phone back up and book myself a 10am flight to Charleston before they could all be booked. It was time to go and see my sister.

Hey my loves, I have a question for you all - how did you guys find my story? Was it just by search or recommendation etc?

Also look at how beautiful these pictures of the sunset that I took tonight are. I feel so blessed to live in the country that I live in :)

Sorry for the boring and short chapter but I've been busy and this was all I had time to write

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Sorry for the boring and short chapter but I've been busy and this was all I had time to write. I hope you're all doing well. I appreciate you all.
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- J x

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