Thirty <3

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||Josette's POV||

Rudy and I spent the rest of the night gawking at the ultrasound photo in disbelief that it was in fact our child and we held so much love for it already. Just from the way that he spoke so highly I knew that he was going to be the best dad to our baby.

I was currently laid in the spare room trying to get to sleep but the thoughts of our baby swarmed my brain. It was 1am and I just couldn't sleep. Even though Rudy and I were still not completely back to normal it was definitely heading that way and all I wanted right now was to be in bed with him. I hadn't felt him laid beside me in bed for 4 nights now and I longed for the feeling.

I let my legs pick me up from the bed and take me down the hallway to the familiar bedroom. The door was closed and all I could see was darkness. I slowly took ahold of the door handle and twisted it before slowly pushing it open. For an unknown reason my heart was pounding and I felt nervous. As I pushed the door open the silhouette of Rudy's body laid in the middle of the bed filled my eyes. I quietly stepped into the room before closing the door behind me. My feet then carried me over towards the bed where I stood until Rudy lifted his head from the pillow.

"Josie? Is everything okay?" His voice was raspy from being asleep.

"I can't sleep. C-can I please stay in here with you?" Rudy says nothing and just lifts back the covers for me to climb in. As I climb in he pulls me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his waist. I missed this feeling. I feel him lean down and he places a kiss on my head making me smile.

"I love you baby girl" his voice is barley above a whisper but I definitely hear it and it makes me smile. I pull back from his grip and move up the bed placing a kiss upon his lips. His lips move against mine as he moves to lay on his back and his hands go to my waist pulling me on top of him. I pull away from the kiss to catch my breath back placing my hands on his bare chest.

"I love you Rudy" I grin at him and he pulls me straight back into him and removes my t-shirt from my body leaving me fully exposed. From being too focused on the kissing Rudy doesn't realise that I have no bra on until his hand moves to my breast, a small moan leaves his mouth at the feel of my bare skin and I feel him harden beneath me making me smirk.

"If you can't tell, I fucking love your tits" he says this between kisses and it makes me laugh. He flips us over so that he's on top and he holds himself up making sure that he's not putting too much weight on me. I teasingly run my fingers along the waist band of his pants as he runs kisses along my neck before slipping my hands in and doing the movements that I know he likes.

"Josie I've missed you so fucking much" I stop my movements before forcing him to be under me again. I eagerly pull his shorts off and and trail kisses all over his body before he guides me so that Im above him before he pushes me down onto him.

The feeling overwhelms my body from lacking it in so long. His body moves against mine creating a perfect rhythm. His hands grip my thighs encouraging me to pickup my speed and I do as he asks. His hand moves to my waist and he grips me hard making me whimper.

"Fuck Rudy" I can't hold myself any longer and Rudy is only a few sloppy movements behind me and I practically collapse onto him. I pull off of him and lay onto the bed beside him panting.

"You're very naughty miss Josie, the doctor told you to rest, that was far from resting" Rudy teases and I look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Are you complaining Mr Pankow?" He quickly shakes his head no. That's what I thought.

"You know, you should definitely come in here and wake me up like that more often" he grins at me and I laugh.

"You won't be saying that when I have a fat bump on my stomach. I'll be far from sexy" I shake my head at the thought. I'm going to become a large whale and it's going to be the least attractive thing.

"Josie you're going to be the hottest baby mama out there okay? I'm actually excited" he smiles at me showing that he's genuine and I lightly laugh at his choice of wording. He rolls over and places his large hand on top of my stomach. He leans his head down placing a kiss near my belly button.

"If you can hear me in there bean, just know that you're so loved and you have the most beautiful mama out there" I smile at the silly voice that he is putting on while he pokes my stomach.

"Rudy it can't hear you" I giggle at his silly mood as he pouts at me.

"We I love you both okay?" He lays down next to me with his hand firm over my stomach. I feel myself drifting off into a deep content sleep with the feeling of safety and love with Rudy's body next to me.

Hello my loves. This is a bit of a shitty update. I'm sorry. It's short but I added a little bit of spice for you. Please vote, comment and share.

- J x

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