Fifty Eight <3

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||Rudy's POV||

"You do realise that you've completely fucked up my day right?" Josie sends her brother a death glare as he walks towards us through the airport with his suit case. I quickly nudge her and place my arm around her shoulder to try and her her to calm down. Dylan's eyes widen at the uninviting welcome from his sister so I quickly step in to break the tension.

"She didn't mean it did you Josie?" She stays silent and shoots me the same death glare. "We just have a super busy day today that's all" I speak up again trying to give him a reassuring smile. Josie simply storms off in the direction of the exit as I wait for Dylan knowing that she needs the time to cool down.

"She seems grumpier than usual..." Dylan's voice trails off as if he's slightly in fear of his fiery sister making me chuckle. I think I was just used to it from living with her full time.

"Yea she's just super stressed at the moment and I don't think she's particularly happy with you still" I give him a sympathetic look and he throws his back in frustration.

"Well we have a problem on our hands because I'm about to make her 10 times more fucking unhappy. We are screwed Rudy" Dylan has stress written all over his face as we enter the carpark and I tilt my head at him in confusion forcing him to continue and explain himself. "I spoke to dad last night and he's not going to make it for the baby's arrival like he promised. I knew he wouldn't stick to his promise but I suppose this time it isn't fully his fault" his words make my walking come to a halt.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Josie doesn't need this shit right now. She's so stressed as it is, I don't think she can handle anymore" I rub my hands over my face as my mind races.

"I know bro but trust me, Josie hates secrets and not telling her will make it worse" I groan but agree with him knowing that I could never keep a secret from her no matter how big or small and even if it would be for her own good.

"Just tread lightly okay? She's really fragile right now both mentally and physically" Dylan raises his eyebrows and it dawns on me that he had no clue about what happened with Jaxon the other day. "Uhmmm there was a bit of an incident the other day"

"What kind of incident Rudy?" The seriousness is present in his voice. I gulp before continuing.

"The kind of incident where I beat the absolute shit out of Jaxon and Josie got extremely mad at me over it which ended up in us arguing but we are okay now" much to my surprise Dylan isn't mad about the information that I told him and instead gives me a high five.

"Way to go man, I've wanted to be the shit out of that bastard for a while now. I'm just jealous that it wasn't me who got the opportunity to do it" I chuckle at his comment and we walk over to meet Josie who is leaning against the car with her arms crossed.

"Are you two finished being gossiping little bitches? I have places to be and things to do because at this rate by baby is going to be sleeping in a fucking bathtub which I am not wanting" me and Dylan rush at her words shuffling to quickly get into the car to not piss her off further.


||Josette's POV||

"Rudy my daughter is not having a bright fucking orange crib, that thing is the most hideous piece of furniture I've ever seen" I growl at him for his absolutely ridiculous suggestion. Thank god Rudy had allowed Dylan to stay at the groups house seeming there was no room at my apartment, if he was here right now two I know the furniture suggestion would be worse.

"Okay okay I'm sorry, what about this pink one? This is cute" he throws another suggestion which makes me growl at him even more with my arms crossed.

"Rudeth, you know that I FUCKING DESPISE  the colour pink I'd rather the hideous orange. Are you trying to piss me off?" The use of name makes him quickly throw his hands up in surrender.

"Okay babe, what do you have in mind for the theme of the nursery then?" He wraps his arms around me pulling me into his embrace not caring that we were in the middle of the store. However I felt grateful that he was finally interested in asking me what I had in mind.

"I want a very light lilac colour on the walls with white furniture, simple yet elegant just the way I imagine our little bean being" I smile at him and his hands move to my stomach rubbing it before placing a gentle kiss upon my lips.

"I think that sounds perfect. I'm sorry for all of the crazy suggestions I just want you to know that you can have whatever you want okay? Nothings off limits for our little princess" his grin is infectious and I almost melt and instantly get butterflies from his words. This baby is so lucky to have such a perfect and kind dad like Rudy.

Our moment together is cut short by the sound of Rudy's phone ringing. He checks to see the contact name before excusing himself walking away to take the call, the act makes me frown seeming usually he would take any call in front of me. I shake the negative feeling off knowing that I can trust Rudy no matter what. I focus my attention back on the cribs and other baby furniture running my hands along the crisp white wood. A smile falls upon my face as I picture that in only a few months time our baby will be earth side laying in a crib just like this one. The thought makes my heart swell and I can't help but feel like this was my life purpose, I finally feel as if my purpose has been made clear to me. I was destined to be a mum and have a perfect family with the love of my life.

Suddenly strong arms wrap around my stomach from behind pulling me from my thoughts. The feeling of confusion is only present for a few moments as I take in the familiar scent of Rudy's cologne and the feel of the familiar rings upon his hands. I smile leaning into his embrace more as he places a kiss on my shoulder.

"Guess what miss Josie?" I can practically hear the excitement that is on his face and in his voice as he spins me to face him.

"What's that mr Pankow?" I look to him giving him a playful smile intrigued at what he had to say.

"How would you feel about going to pick up the keys to our brand new home huh?" His words instantly make my excitement match his own and my heart skips a beat.

"Oh my gosh yes please!" I grin at him like a child on Christmas.

"Let's go then baby"

Hello my loves, so today I went into the city for the first time in months for work purposes and it was actually kind of scary. Where I live, I live on the coast surrounded by beaches so I'm about an hour away from the main city and due to covid it was just kinda eerie considering we are still in lockdown. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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- J x

Toxic - Rudy PankowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt