Seventy Eight <3

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||Rudy's POV||

To say that all of this has been both the best and worst experience of my life is an understatement. It's been the best moment because I'm engaged to the absolute love of my life and seeing her as happy as she has been all evening has just filled me with so much joy. However it was almost the worst because for a good few minutes there I was positive that she was going to say no, and in that case I was absolutely shutting myself. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my entire life. Out of all of this I'm mainly happiest that her dad got to get here in time and seeing them reunite was heartwarming.

After an evening filled with love just hanging out and being surrounded by friends was perfect. After hours and hours I could see that Josie was getting exhausted. As nice as it was being able to celebrate with everyone, I was selfish and wanted to have her all to myself for a while.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for being here and for helping me pull all of this off today. We love and appreciate you all so much. I couldn't ask for a better group of friends" a round of awe's sounded and I rolled my eyes at the boys who were making fun of me for being 'cute'. "I think we are going to call it a night before this baby mama bursts" I smile to Josie and place my hand on her stomach. Everyone agrees and bid goodbye congratulating us again before we all part our ways.

Walking away I snake my arm around Josie's waist and she leans into me as I place a light kiss on her head.

"Josie, Rudy!" Our names being called from behind us makes our walking come to a halt and we turn around to find her dad coming over to us.

"Hey dad is everything okay?" Josie's voice is full of worry but that soon subsides when she sees the smile on his face. "I just wanted to congratulate the both of you again and say thank you for letting me be apart of this and your lives. You're going to be amazing parents and I'm just so proud of you both" I slip my arm away from Josie and she wraps her dad into a hug mumbling something to him before pulling away.

"Thank you for allowing me to marry your daughter, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" they both smile at my words before he pulls me in for a quick hug then releasing us to carry on back to the home. Josie slips her hand in my own and we walk along the beach a short way before reaching the villa.
As we enter she says that she's going to shower and I agree to wait for her in the bedroom. Once finished she crawls onto the bed and comfortably lays herself in my arms. I gently run my hands through her soft hair as she looks up at me smiling and the reality of this all hits me. This woman is going to be my wife and I am so fucking elated about it.

"Thank you for making today so special Rudy, I didn't think I could possibly have so many surprises in one day" she turns her head to look at me and the smile on her face is pure, knowing that all of my hard work payed off in the end was good.

"You deserve the best and nothing less my darling. I love you so much and I just wanted to show you that" she grins happily at my words before reaching up to kiss me on the lips. Not being satisfied with just one she then moves up to when she is straddling my lap deepening the kiss, our mouths moving in complete unison. I move my hands so that one is tangled within her hair tugging at it gently while the other remains on her body exploring and admiring every single inch of it. Her body begins to gently grind against mine and I groan against the kiss making her smirk, this girl knows exactly how to drive me crazy.

"Fuck Josie you can't be teasing me like that" my complaint only makes her do it more without breaking the kiss.

Just as I'm about to flip us over so that I'm on top and in control the feeling of a very warm liquid substance makes us pause our kissing pulling away from each other. Our eyes look down between us to find both her and myself drenched in an unknown liquid, I look back up to her as her eyes meet my own.

"Josie darling did you just ducking piss on me?" My expression to her is humour filled and my brows are raised as she looks from me to the liquid in confusion. To be honest her pissing on me doesn't particularly bother me I'm just extremely confused.

"Well uh- no - I don't think I did at least" her confusion only sparks my own and we remain in place silently before staring at each other in realisation.

"Josie..... did your?...." My voice trails off at the possibility and she gulps.

"Did my water just break? Ummm yes, I think so" her voice is shakey and in an instant she leaps up off of me in a panic. "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm not prepared for this!!! I've had enough fucking surprises in one day!!" She starts pacing around the room and I stay in my position frozen not knowing what to do. She is only a couple days away from being 39 weeks but this is the least that we had expected to happen today.

"Rudy don't just stand there!!!!" The panic and frustration in her voice pulls me from my frozen state and we both start rushing around the room gathering things that we might possibly need and whatever the baby might need.

"I'll go call Alexandra, just focus on breathing okay baby?" I try to be sweet and nice to her but she only sends me a glare. Oh boy this is going to be one long fucking night. I pull my phone from my pocket dialling Alexandra's number as quick as possible.

Rudy? It's like 10pm I thought you were going to bed?

Alexandra I need help! Me and Josie we were kissing -

Rudy that I do not need to know save me the details and get to the point.

Sorry sorry, Josie's water broke, the baby's coming and we don't know what to do. Please just get here ASAP.

Oh gosh okay I'm coming I'll be over in a matter of minutes just keep her calm Rudy

With that the call is ended and I trail through the villa to find Josie now in the kitchen with a cup of water in hand. I carefully go behind her comfortingly placing my hands on her back rubbing it.

"It's time to meet our princess"

Hello my loves! Soooo the baby's cominggg! I'm so excited but this is so bitter sweet because it's a happy moment however the next chapter is the final one! I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience with you all.

Also I've thought it through and maybe in a few weeks time I will start a JJ Maybank based book. This story won't be following the OBX plot and it will be a dark story.

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- J x

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