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*Josie in this chapter*

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*Josie in this chapter*

||Rudy's POV||

A few house have passed and I've spent the whole time just laid in bed with Josie in my arms and thoughts spinning through my head. Nothing but kissing happened between us, I knew that she just needed me to be there for her. But I was confused and I was angry. I was confused at why I felt so protective towards the girl, I was unsure of my feelings and what we were but I was mainly angry at Jaxon. As nicely as I could put it, he had well and truely messed her up and clearly had a large hold over her still. I didn't understand how someone could see how small and fragile her body was yet still convince her that she should be skinnier. It confused me at how little worth of herself she thought.

After a few hours Josies breathing had calmed and I was almost positive that she was asleep until I heard her speak. "Rudy what are we?" I was frozen in my place unsure of what to say. So far whatever we had has been very up and down and unstable. Was I ready for a relationship? Did I even want a relationship?

"I don't know Josie" I sigh looking at her stroking her hair. She was beautiful even when she looked exhausted. "I think now might be the wrong time to discuss any labels, you have a lot going on and I don't want your emotions to cloud your judgement" when I say this her expression falters and she moves from my chest to lay to the side of me. "Right, yea I'm sorry" my heart broke at how hurt she sounded.

"Josie don't get the wrong idea okay? Don't get me wrong, I have feelings for you I really do but I'm just unsure of what I'm ready for myself at the moment okay? I have a lot going on with filming and everything, if I am to get in a relationship then I want to do it at a time that I can fully focus on you. But in a months time I should be finished with the season and we can talk about it a lot more then yea? But please don't think that I don't care about you because I do and deep down you know that" I turn over onto my stomach to look at her and she sighs.

"Do you actually really like me?" she asks me with a small spark of hope in her eyes and I nod my head confirming. "Well then that's okay, I'm not really big on labels anyways, they're overrated" I lightly laugh and we return to our original position where she cuddles into my chest as we fall into a deep sleep.

||3rd person POV||

Over the next month the pair spend even more time together which causes their connection to grow stronger. Not only does Josie's relationship with Rudy develop further but as does her friendship with the rest of the group specifically with Madelyn. Madelyn had encouraged her over time to feel more confident within herself and helped to show her that the group didn't judge her for anything. They had all noticed specific things regarding her health however no one mentioned it, they just supported her.

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