Twenty One <3

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||Rudy's POV||

After the events of last night my body was well and truely exhausted and I guess the same goes for Josie seeming it was 1pm and we had only just woken up. Our conversation still plays over and over again in my head and makes me smile each time. Josie loved me and I loved her back. I have never been so in love with someone the way that I am with her. I really do believe that she is the one for me.

"Rudy I want to go swimming today" her voice pulls me from my thoughts and I laugh at her random outburst.

"Well would you rather go swimming in a pool or at the beach?" She looks at me and pauses for a moment to think.

"There is a swimming pool here?" I nod my head at her and she grins.

"Swimming here it is. Can we just have an us day though? I've missed spending time alone with you" she smiles at me sweetly and walks over to the dresser to pull out some clothing and I walk up behind her and kiss her shoulder.

"Of course babe. I'm sorry that I've been so busy lately we just have to get all of the interviews done before Christmas and new year because that's when we have our proper break" I feel guilty that I invited her here and so far all I've really done is shift her between my friends everyday because of how busy I've been. She's been so understanding and I really do appreciate how supportive she has been.

"Ru it's okay, we get this time now and then in January we will be going on our trip still hopefully?" She questions and I remember that she had asked me to go to England with her.

"Of course babe. I'm actually really excited to meet your family" I give her a smile while pulling on my swimming shorts and she laughs out loud sarcastically.

"Oh Rudy you're really going to be in for a shock meeting them. I'd hide back your excitement and make room for disappointment if I was you. My family are nothing like yours, your family care about you, mine? All they care about is money and image" her voice is filled with spite and I can tell that the topic is getting her worked up.

"It's okay babe maybe they've changed. But for today let's forget about it and focus on us yea? Because I don't know if you remember but I love youu" I sing out the last part and she grins coming over and kissing me.

"I love you so much" my heart skips a beat just hearing her say those words again.

"Now let's get you to the swimming pool my little mermaid" she giggles and I grab us some towels before we head out of the apartment and down to where the pool was. Luckily the place was empty, I had only been in here a few times and there was usually at least a handful of people.

Josie makes he way over to a sun lounger and lays down on it patting the one beside her for me to come and sit on. The weather out today was hot, she had definitely picked the right day to come swimming here.  She looked beautiful today. She had on a white and black bikini, her hair was in a bun and she had her glasses on which she sometimes wore.

"So when am I going home? We don't have that long until Christmas and I'm assuming you'll be going to Alaska to be with your parents?" I hadn't actually thought about her leaving, mainly because I didn't want her to.

"Well actually my parents are spending Christmas with Alec in California so I was just going to spend it here with the group, as for you leaving I guess you could just stay with us if you're up for it? I'm not ready for you to leave" her eyes light up making me smile.

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