Fifty Two <3

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||Rudy's POV||

Throughout the entire dinner Dylan and Elaine act extremely close. I can tell by the way that Josie is acting that she is thinking the same as I am, throughout the meeting today they were acting very flirtatious with each other but I just thought that it was Elaine being Elaine.

My hand reaches for Josies underneath the table to try and help calm her down, it was important for me to make sure she had as little stress as possible. I suppose this makes sense as to why Dylan was so shocked to know that I had cheated on his sister with her. Much to my relief Madalyn and Maddison keep Josie occupied for the most part.

"Hahaha oh my god Dylan you are just so funny!" Elaine's sickly voice pulls myself and Josie from the conversation that we were having with Madalyn and Chase. I see anger and disgust wash over Josies face and my heart drops to see both Dylan and Elaine completely all over each other. He had become my friend over the past month or so but what he was doing right now really confused me.

"Sorry am I missing something? Are you guys dating orrr?" JD asks the couple the question that everyone had been wondering all night. For both myself and Josies sake are you hope to God that he says no.

"Oh, well not really. Rudy put us in contact a week or so ago and I guess we just keep talking ever since" Dylan smiles and I can tell that to Josies blood runs cold. She already hated Elaine as it was, and now her brother was into her.

"So what are we going to be doing after this? Whose house will we be going back to all are we going to stay out for a little longer?" Austin changes the subject much to my relief.

"I'm totally down for clubbing. We haven't gone out partying in a while" Drew pipes up making me laugh, he was always up for a party. Everyone else seems to agree with them apart from Josie who stays quiet for a few moments before speaking up.

" I think I'm just going to go home and leave you guys to it I'm pretty tired" everyone simply nods at the words agreeing with sympathetic eyes. I feel guilty from the words knowing that what shes saying is right. Clubbing is no place for a pregnant woman.

"Good because you kill the mood anyway, I'm not even too sure why you were here in the first place because this is mainly a night out for the cast of outer banks which last time I checked you were not apart of and never will be" Elaine's voice snidely speaks up from the other end of the table and the words piss me off. Why was she always such a bitch to Josie for no god dam reason. Josie rises from the table giving Elaine a sarcastic smile.

"It was just so lovely to see you again Elaine. Now you guys enjoy your night and please message me or call me if you need a sober driver" as she turns to leave I stand up and quickly grab her arm to make her stop.

"Guys I think I'm just going to go home with Josie, going out clubbing isn't really my thing. I hope you all have a lovely night and thank you for dinner it was great" my friends smile knowingly and bid me goodbye but not before Elaine can speak up once again.

" Jesus Christ Josette, you're already tying the man down and treating him like a goddamn dog. If you don't start giving him some freedom then he's going to drop you like a sack of potatoes and I won't blame him" she says this smugly knowing that it will be upsetting Josie.

"Actually Elaine, I just chose to not fucking go because I'm not a child unlike you. I would much rather be at home with my girlfriend and child in a loyal and perfect fucking relationship. However you wouldn't have a clue what that was. Oh and if you ever do,
then I feel sorry for the poor fucker that gets stuck with you" my words are harsh and Madalyn sits there sniggering. With that said myself and Josie leave and walk out of the restaurant to the car.

"I'm really sorry about her baby, just ignore her she is pathetic" I rub her thigh gently as I start the car pulling out of the parking lot. The drive home is silent and I can tell that thoughts are spinning throughout Josie's head. She doesn't bother waiting for me as she gets out of the car and strides into the apartment building, I pick my pace up to a light jog to catch up to her.

As we enter the apartment I shut the door behind us and follow her into the bedroom, I slam the door locking it to get her attention knowing that I needed to take her mind off of everything. The slamming door grabs her attention.

"Why are you slam-" I cut her words off by roughly pushing her against the wall holding her small arms above her head. I look into her eyes that flash with realisation before our lips eagerly meet moving in unison. I move my lips down to her neck pulling at the skin causing a small gasp to leave her lips. I let go of her arms keeping her pressed against the wall and reach down her exposed thigh trailing my hands up her dress.

"I told you that you looked fucking hot" I keep the kisses going as I pull the dress up reaching around to squeeze her ass. She pulls the shirt from my body before trailing her hands all over me making me groan and my body shudder at her soft touch. As I do so her hands then fly to the belt on my genes quickly undoing them and reaching into my pants.

"Someone's a little bit eager today" she smirks as she feels my hardness and continues to move her and in small motions before catching me off guard as she drops to her knees taking me into her mouth. I use my hand against the wall to keep my balance.

"Fuck Josie if you keep doing that then I'm going to be of no use to you" as much as I love the sensation and want her to keep going I gently tug on her arm pulling her to stand up. She turns around to face the wall leaning against it before turning to look at me with the most deviant yet innocent look upon her beautiful face.

"So then be of use to me" she pulls her dress up with her words and I waste no time knowing what she means and push myself into her. This was different for us but it was what we both needed at this time. She needed it to relieve her stress and frustration from her brothers actions and I needed it simply because seeing her in that dress had been turning me on all night.

"As you wish baby girl"

Hello my loves, I'm really sorry for the lack of updating over this weekend. I've got no excuse other than the fact that I've spent it just with my family and my boyfriend. However I hope you enjoyed the slightly spicy chapter.
Also happy Halloween my friends, do you guys do anything for the holiday?
Please vote, comment and share.

- J x

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