Forty Four <3

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||Dylan's POV||

The drive home from lunch for me was tense and filled with thought. I had always admired my sister for getting out and following what made her happy the way she did and now I had the chance to do the same. Josie had always been treated like the outcast in our family which I had never agreed with, she was just being her own person not the robot that our mother had wanted.

She was constantly treated like shit so she left and now look where she is, in a stable relationship and starting her own family. That's what I wanted, I envied her which is why we had lost contact.

I take a deep breath as I pull into the home that I shared with Stephanie. I hesitate but force myself to get out and do what's right by not only me but by her too. As I enter the house I find her sitting at the kitchen island with a glass of wine in her hand.

"The weddings off" I decide it's best to get straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. I was don't with this bullshit. Her head whips up to look at me and anger comes across her face.

"What did you just say?" Any woman that was truly in love would be upset right now but all Steph was is angry.

"I said the wedding is off Stephanie. It's for the best of us both and you know it. You don't love me, I don't love you so why should we tie ourselves down in a marriage that none of us truly want?" I lean against the counter top and she gets up from her seat walking towards me.

"Dylan this wedding is happening and it's happening tomorrow. You know what the deal is so go through with it" her words are seethed with no ounce of care present.

"No Stephanie. Do you seriously want to be in an unhappy marriage where you cheat on your husband every fucking night? Because I don't! I want a wife who is loyal and isn't just in it for the money!" I raise my voice to get my point across.

"If you want to talk about someone being with a guy for money then you should be lecturing your sister not me!" She laughs shaking her head.

"Stephanie this isn't about Josie this is about us. And for the record Josie and Rudy are in love in a loyal relationship. You are not what I want. This" I gesture between the two of us "is not what I want. Do you actually know what I want to do with my life?" I ask her genuinely interested in her answer.

"Yes you want to be a lawyer and that's what you'll be getting from this marriage" she scoffs and smiles smugly.

"Actually Stephanie you're wrong. That's my mother's dream. What I actually want is to move to LA. Hell to be more specific I'd love to get into acting. But you wouldn't know that would you Steph? Because all you fucking care about is money, your social status and yourself because you're fucking selfish" her face softens as she becomes taken back by my words.

"I, I didn't know that. You never told me" she looks down and for a minute I think she actually cares and feels bad.

"No, actually I did tell you, I've told you loads of time but you ignored me because you're too wrapped up in your own shitty toxic bubble Steph. We aren't right for each other. We never have been and we never will be. And I don't feel bad doing this because I know you don't truly care for me. So save the fake tears and save the pretending to care because you don't" I speak matter of factly and she stays silent.

"You can keep the house, you can keep everything. I'm going to pack my stuff and then I'll be gone" I speak again before making my way to the room packing my belongings.


The drive to my family home is more nerve wracking than the drive to break it off with Steph. My mother was a demanding woman and I knew she was going to be less than pleased with my decision. Josie had texted me reminding me that I could do this and that her and Rudy were standing by me.

Entering the house I find my exceptionally dysfunctional family seated around the table.

"Why are you here with your bags Dylan?" My mother's voice is judgmental and she looks me up and down. Josie and Rudy's faces are filled with sympathy and encouragement.

"The weddings off and I'm not going through with your plan. I refuse to be forced into a marriage just to please you and get you more money. It's not happening" the seriousness in my voice shows her that I'm not bullshitting.

"You're just as disappointing and embarrassing as your sister" disgust is laced through her voice and I drop my bags sitting at the table.

"Gee thanks, dish out the compliments why don't you" Josie rolls her eyes and Rudy frowns at the hurtful comment made towards his pregnant girlfriend.

"Do you know what, Josie is the most fucking successful one in this entire fucking demented family. She's the only one who has grown a pair of balls to stand up to you and your bullshit. You only resent her and treat her like shit because you know she's a better person than you'll ever be. I actually feel sorry for you mum because you live such a shitty and low life that you spend most of it dragging your own daughter down to make yourself feel better" before I can get a reply from her I get up from the table and take my bags up the stairs into my room.

Everything I said down there was something that I know both me and my father have always wanted to say to her. Our family was clearly divided, my mother and Lizzy were identical and myself, my father and Josie were similar.

I lay down on the pillow and for once in a very long time I actually felt a sense of freedom knowing that I had gotten myself out of a shitty marriage and stood up to my mother for the first time in 23 years. This was the start of my new life and I was living for it.

Hello my loves, finally put in a new POV for you guys. Did you like it? I hope you're all well, thank you for everything.
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- J x

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