Seventeen <3

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{DISCLAIMER!! This is the last chapter that Rudy's family will fully be in for his own privacy}

||Josette's POV||

"Mom! It's so good to see you all, it's been ages" Rudy drops my hand as he goes to greet his family. I stand there awkwardly and try my best to hold and cover my right arm that is covered in ink.  Rudy stands to the side revealing me to his family, he slings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side while grinning making me stumble slightly.

"Guys this is Josie, Josie this is my family" I give them a small smile and his mum immediately grins pulling me into a hug while the others opt with a simple welcoming hello.

"Josie it's so good to finally meet you, Rudy has told me so much about you" I return the hug before pulling away.

"Only good things I hope" I give her a small nervous chuckle. "Of course! Now come you two, sit" we both follow her command taking a seat at the table with everyone else. For the first 10 minutes of the dinner it is spent mainly by Rudy catching up with his family and telling them all about how filming is going. His mum then orders a large variety of pasta dishes and garlic breads for our meal.

"So Josie, tell me a little bit about yourself" his dad asks with a warming smile and his mum nods along agreeing. They all look at me awaiting my reply. "Well what would you like to know? I'm not much of an interesting person" I chuckle and Rudy scoffs beside me as if to say bullshit.

"Tell us about where you're from, I hear a British accent in there somewhere" at this I laugh, everyone is always so intrigued at my english side.

"Well I'm from the UK obviously, uhhh I moved to Charleston about 3 years ago now I think?" My answer comes out as more of a question than a statement. "Wow that's a big change! What made you move over here if you don't mind me asking?" I smile at his dad shaking my head letting him know that it was okay.

"I just needed a change in scenery I guess, I was kinda the odd one out in my family" I laugh awkwardly and luckily I'm saved by the waiter coming and placing all of the food on the table. His mum tells us all to dig in and grab whatever we wanted. Rudy piles his plate high with food before kindly offering to put some food on mine knowing exactly what I would like, he places my plate in front of me with a piece of garlic bread and a small portion of carbonara. I smile at him gratefully that he isn't trying to force me into eating loads of food. As we begin eating his brother Alec continues the small talk.

"Is your name short for something? Josie seems far too basic for someone from England" as he says this his eyes go wide and his mum says his name as if to tell him off before he rushes out more words "oh my god that sounded so rude I'm so sorry I didn't mean it in that way at all-" I cut him off laughing.

"It's okay I know exactly what you mean and you're right, Josie isn't posh enough at all which is why my full name is Josette. However for that very reason of it sounding posh and formal I prefer Josie" I laugh at him again and relief washes over his face when he knows that I understood what he meant.

"Trust you to be the one to say something rude" Rudy mumbles shoving food in his mouth and I nudge him, "Hey mr grumpy pants it's okay, he actually had a very valid point" I flash a smile at Alec and he grins, "I like this one Rudy, she's a keeper" I give Alec an appreciative smile.

"Although it is very formal I think Josette is a beautiful name, I wish I could have a daughter to call something elegant like that but I'm stuck with these three idiots" his mum jokes making me laugh as the boys all pout.

||Rudy's POV||

We were about half way through the dinner and the happiness that I felt was crazy, Josie fitted in perfectly with my family and she was making an effort with them all dispute their annoying questions and it meant so much to me. Any other girlfriend that I have had have always just wanted me for the fame and never cared about my family unlike Josie. I look over to her smiling as she finishes her last bite of food before slouching back in her seat rubbing her belly, something that she always did when she was full.

"Rudy get Josie some more food please" my dad comments motioning to all of the food in front of us that we were all still tucking into.

"Oh I'm okay honestly, I'm so full. Thank you though" Josie smiles at him sweetly and I pray that he leaves it there but much to my despise he keeps pushing.

"Nonsense, you've barely eaten anything it's okay you can have more" I know that he was just trying to be nice but for fuck sake I had sent my mum a warning message for this reason.

"Dad shut up, leave her alone. She will eat if she wants to eat" my voice comes out harsher than I expected and I feel guilty instantly when I see the frown upon his face. Josie puts her hand on my arm to reassure me before speaking up.

"I'm sorry, Rudy didn't mean to sound so harsh he's just sticking up for me" she smiles at them apologetically and they look at her confused so she continues. "I'm umm, I'm actually in recovery of anorexia and an eating disorder so eating big portions is a large step for me right now but we are getting there aren't we Rudy?" She looks to me smiling and in her eyes I can see that she's begging for my back up.

I nod at them agreeing with her internally begging for someone to say something so that it isn't awkward. Much to my relief my mom pipes up.

"Well darling I think that you're beautiful and I'm so glad that you have Rudy by your side to help you get better, I'm sorry if we've been a little pushy with the food we didn't know" her voice is genuine and I smile grateful for her kindness.

"Thank you, don't worry about it sometimes I do need the slight push" Josie grins at her and the rest of the dinner is filled with random conversation and I'm in relief knowing that Josie is actually happy.


We bid my family goodbye before making our way back over to the car, I help Josie in before climbing in myself. Before starting the engine I pull her in for a hug and I place a kiss upon her lips. "I'm so proud of you babe. Thank you for making an effort tonight and I'm so sorry for them being so invasive" I tilt my head back in frustration.

"Rudy you don't need to apologise. They weren't invasive at all, they were genuine and they were kind. They just seemed so accepting of me in many ways that my own family aren't so thank you for that" I smile knowing that Josie is being completely honest.

"Now please hurry up and drive home because I need you after the stres of tonight" knowing exactly what she is meaning I eagerly nod and start the engine before speeding away. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity of sex with Josie.

Hello my loves, I'm sorry for the late update today. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave me feedback. Do you find me changing POV's annoying or shall I stick to how it is? Please remember to vote, share and comment.

- J x

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