Thirty two <3

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A/N - for the sake of this book please imagine that they are relatively famous and get recognised and followed by press. Thanks xo

||Josette's POV||

"Rudyyyy, are you ready? Mads and Chase just texted saying that they're downstairs waiting for us" I call out to him standing in the kitchen with my arms crossed. He was worse than a girl for getting ready. I hear him huff before he comes stomping out of the room.

"I've been trying to find my" his voice comes to an abrupt halt when his eyes fall upon me. "Jumper. I have been trying to find my jumper this entire time and here you are wearing it!" He pouts and I laugh finding it funny that it's taken him this long to notice that I am wearing his grey hoodie along with my leggings and converse. He turns around back into the bedroom before coming back out with a different hoodie.

"Even though I wanted to wear that, it looks fucking cute on you. Also gotta make sure my baby mamas warm" he winks at me throwing an arm over my shoulder before placing a kiss on my temple.

"You're so cheesy" I laugh at him as we make our way outside to see Chase's car parked out front. Madelyn hops out of the passenger seat and gives me a hug greeting me letting Rudy take her seat as we get into the back together.

"I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever!!" It was true, Madelyn and Chase were the two people that we hung out with the most out of the group, I think it helped that they were also a couple. We always felt guilty being very affectionate to each other around the others for incase it made them feel uncomfortable, therefore being with these two we knew that they understood and felt the same.

"So how is everything going with you two? Everything sorted?" Chase asks looking to Rudy before raising his eyebrows at me through the mirror. Madelyn slaps him on the shoulder telling him that it was none of their business. 

"We are going well actually. Of course a certain someone isn't getting off lightly but he's going to get me a really good Christmas present to make up for it aren't you Rudy?" I smack him on the shoulder teasing him and the other two laugh as he groans. He was bugging me all night about how he didn't know what to buy for me but I refused to give him ideas, I wanted him to think for himself. After a few minutes of singing along to some songs on the radio we pull up to a large shopping centre and we hop out of the car.

"Okay so let's split up, me and Josie will go together and you two idiots go together. After like an hour we will meet back up for dinner together okay?" Madelyn states before starting to pull me away before Rudy stops us from moving any further.

"You need to be careful okay? People will probably recognise you Madelyn and you know how pushy the press can be. The doctor said that you need to rest and be careful so if you need to take a break or if you need me then please call me okay?" His expression is filled with worry which makes my heart full, it's not often that i have had people in my life care for me the way that Rudy does.

"Ru I'll be fine, I've got you on speed dial okay?" I give him a reassuring smile and he eases slightly.

"Rudy I've got her, she's fine" Madelyn pulls me away and I hear Chase turn to him "you're sooo whipped bro" we both giggle at his comment walking away arm in arm. It's good to have some girl time.

||Rudy's POV||

"So Dude how actually is everything going?" Chase is full of curiosity as we make our way through the shopping mall wondering where to start, we are both wearing hoodies and hats to try and lay low from being recognised. The recognition from fans and the press had gotten significantly bigger.

"It's honestly going great. Obviously I still have making up to do and more trust to build with her but we are basically back to normal. She had her first appointment almost a week ago now and it was amazing bro" my voice is low for incase anyone around us could hear but my excitement was prominent. We enter a jewellery store and begin looking around.

"I'm pleased for you man, me and Mads are pretty excited for you guys" I give him a smile thanking him before moving to look around the store. Looking around I spot a series of birthstone bracelets and an idea pops into my head. I'd never really seen Josie wearing jewellery however maybe that's because she had never really had much. When at the doctor she told us that the baby's due date was August 6th, my eyes fall upon a dainty gold bracelet with 6 small peridot stones spread around it. It was perfect, it was the baby's birthstone and even though babies are almost never born on their exact due date the 6 stones still represented what the date was supposed to be.

"Hey bro come tell me what you think of this" I wave Chase over to see the bracelet "It's the beans birthstone, do you think she'd like it?" He chuckled at my code name for the baby before nodding.

"I think she'd love it. Now come look at this necklace that I'm thinking of getting for Mads" I grin before following him over to the necklaces. He points at a silver necklace that holds a diamond and is a v at the bottom.

"It's extremely cheesy but I was thinking the v could stand for Val and Vlad you know?" He blushes slightly and I give him a shove "And you say I'm the one whose whipped?! But yes I think that's great bro" he rolls his eyes at me and we both walk away to purchase the individual pieces.

"So how are things with you and Madelyn?" I look to him as we exit the store and make our way to another looking at clothes.

"We're good, the media has been difficult on our relationship lately but we are really good, I can't imagine life without her" I smile, it made me happy to know that my friends were happy also. He was right, the media had been super tough on them but I know they're stronger than that.

Chase picks himself out some shirts and I grab myself a shirt and also a jumper that I know Josie would love to go with her present, she has a habit of always stealing my jumpers so this would be perfect for her.

As we exit the shop we get stopped by a group of four girls who ask us for photos. We agree and talk with them for a while before getting a text from Madelyn to come and meet them on the top level of the mall where all of the restaurants are. We bid the girls goodby before leaving to go find them.

"I really hope they're the only ones who notices us here. I don't think Josie would handle the press and everything very well" I groan rubbing my face in frustration. Sometime i wish my life was just normal and no one knew me.

Hello my loves, I'm sorry for the lack of updating this weekend. I've had writers block. How are you guys feeling about the Madelyn and Chase situation right now? The media frustrates me. Please share, vote and comment.

- J x

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