Forty Nine <3

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||Rudy's POV||

"Goodmorning sleepy head, I feel like all you've done is sleep these last 3 days" I kiss Josie on the head as she sleepily stumbles into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. We had been back in LA for 3 days now and the jet lag mixed with pregnancy had really hit her meaning she spent the last few days sleeping. Myself and Dylan decided it was probably best to let her recharge and we spent the days playing Mario cart or going to the beach where I attempted to show him how to surf. He hadn't yet met the others but they were all coming over tonight.

"Yea I know I'm sorry, I've just been so exhausted. I have my appointment with Dr Walker today though right?" She leans against the counter gently rubbing her stomach. She looked beautiful and the baby bump suited her perfectly.

"Oh shit is that today?" Panic slightly set in when I realise I've double booked myself.

"Yea it is, did you forget? If you have plans then I'm happy to go alone" she assures me but I feel guilty if I don't join her.

"No it's just Dylan has his meeting today-" I get cut off by the man himself who enters the kitchen.

"I heard my name" he looks between us both and Josie rolls her eyes.

"Yea I was just saying that you have your meeting with Jonas and.... Ummm, and Elaine today. I promised to go with you but I also promised to go to the scan with Josie so I've kinda double booked myself without realising" I look down guiltily.

"Elaine? Why the fuck does she have to be apart of this shit?" Josie grumbles before angrily shoving a grape in her mouth.

"Who's Elaine?" Dylan perks his curiosity and for once I wish he would be quiet. Talk about Elaine wasn't good for Josie.

"She is Rudy's... well I don't know what she is, ex? lover? fuck buddy? rebound? cheating partner? friend? Who knows what to call her honestly. I'd be damned if I knew" my eyes widen at the pissed off tone that she held in her voice. "Anyways, I have to do some personal checks of my own body at the scan today so it's probably best if I go alone. You boys enjoy your meeting with Elaine" her voice holds resentment at the name and she walks away.

"Dude now you have to tell me what that was about" Dylan snickers slightly at the frustration which sets upon my face.

"It's a long story but to shorten it, Elina is my needy bitch of an ex who strongly dislikes Josie. When I found out Josie was pregnant I was a complete idiot who got drunk and kissed Elaine which Josie walked in on" the memory pops up in my head but I rid of it quickly.

"Damn bro I thought you guys had a perfect relationship. But it's okay at least you can own up to your mistake and I can tell that you deeply regret it. If it happens again though and you cheat on my sister just know I'll be chopping your cock off and shoving it up your own ass yea?" His words make me choke on my water.

"Got it man, definitely won't happen again"

||Josette's POV||

I know I just overreacted and I feel bad about it. I get dressed and feel relieved that I no longer have to hide my bump. I pull on some leggings and a tight long sleeve top fixing my hair into a high pony tail before walking back out to the kitchen.

Rudy and Dylan look to me and I hug Rudy from behind. He pulls me around to the front of him hugging me back placing a kiss upon my head despite the fact that I'd just been a complete add home to him.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch, I didn't mean it. I love you and I trust you completely" I mumble before guiltily looking up to him and he chuckles slightly while stroking my hair.

"It's okay I forgive you. I am sorry for not coming with you today though" I know he feels bad about it.

"Don't worry about it babe, you can come next time. However would it be okay with you if I invite Madelyn to come with me?" I felt like it would only be right if I was to ask for his opinion. It was his child after all.

"Of course babe, she's being going on about it for ages and if feel better if you had someone with you" I smile and tell him thank you before making my way back to the room to find my phone.

Calling - Mads


Hey Mads, what are you upto today?

Nothing I don't think, we are all coming over later

Would you like to come with me to my scan today?

Would I like to?! I'd fucking love to!!

Perfect. Pick me up at 2 then yea?

See you then cutie

I end the call laughing at how excited she sounded. Over the last however many months Madelyn had become my closest friend and I could always talk to her and rely on her for anything.

I walk back out to the lounge where the two boys are playing a game of slaps. It was something that they've been doing consistently for the past few weeks and I simply didn't understand it. All they were doing was hitting each other until one of them basically started crying in pain and gave up.

"You two are like kids I swear" they both ignore me because they're too focused on their game. After about five minutes Dylan starts screeching that he surrenders and Rudy jumps around the place in victory. Sometimes I really did wonder how old they actually were.

"So Josie I actually have something to tell you and I think I should say now because it's probably something you should mention to Dr Walker today" Rudy scratches the back of his head looking around which makes me worry.

"So ummm in April or May sort of time I think we have to go to Barbados for a few months to do some filming. And I really don't want to me away from you for that time and Dylan will be coming too so I was hoping that you could come with? I'll pay for you of course" I stare at him blankly taking in what he was saying.

"Barbados for a few months? Rudy I'll be 7 or 8 months pregnant at that time. I don't know if it's a good idea but I'll talk to Alexandra about it and get her advice okay?" I feel frustrated and stressed that I'm only finding out about this now.

"Come on Jo, you could be the real life whale on the beach by that time" Dylan jokes and I pick up a pillow throwing it at his head.

"You're a fucking idiot you know that?" I roll my eyes at him before grumpily flopping down onto the seat. Rudy puts him arm around be but I hear him trying to cover up his snickering.

"It's okay Josie you'll be the most beautiful whale I've ever seen" I roll my eyes at him two before flipping the both of them off. They're so immature.

Hey guys, I'm starting to feel a little off about the book. I feel like it's maybe getting a bit boring for you all. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it more exciting? :(

- J x

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