Seventy One <3

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*1st June*
||Josette's POV||

"Yo JoJo can you ride a bike while pregnant?" Drew's  voice calls up through the small villa from his position on the beach and I get up from the sofa trailing outside on the balcony to look at him.

"Drewsy boy I am 30 weeks pregnant. I think if I even tried to get up on a bike then the weight of my stomach would throw me completely off balance" I laugh at him as he pouts at my reply before turning to Alexandra who is approaching. I feel bad for saying no because it was actually be kinda fun.

"Actually Josie bike riding is a good low impact exercise that you can do. As long as you go slow and don't fall off it would actually be really good for you" my mood perks up at her words and Drew cheers before running over to the group who are on the beach letting them know his good news. They've been trying to pick an activity to do all day which almost every suggestion I wasn't able to do so I gave up and came inside. They shouldn't have to suffer in boredom because of me.

"Wait what? Really?!" I trail down the stairs to where she's standing with optimism laced through my voice. She nods her head wrapping her arm around my shoulder and we walk towards everyone else.

"Of course you can, you just need to be gentle" a grin spreads across my face as I join everyone else.

"So are we going on this bike ride or not?!" The boys start yelling hyping each other up, they are such children I swear.

"Josie I'm staying here with Charles and Caroline but I have my phone on me so you must call me if anything is wrong even in the slightest okay?" Her words are stern and I know that she's serious. I nod her head assuring her that I'll be sensible, I'd never put my baby in danger. Rudy comes running over excitedly to pull me along with them but Alexandra stops him and grabs his arm.

"Look after her Rudy, don't let her over work herself and call me if there is any problems" he nods his head pulling me into him for a hug.

"Don't worry doc, I'll protect her" we give her a grin before going to join the others in getting a bike from the hire place and riding around the small town.


"Ru you look so funny!" I laugh uncontrollably while taking a quick picture of Rudy, JD and Maddison. Rudy was being his usual self making everyone laugh and I loved it.

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- Josie.Kane added to her story

- Josie.Kane tagged
@ rudeth
@ madisonbaileybabe
@ jonathandavissofficial

I laugh as I post the picture on my story, even though Rudy is pulling a stupid face he still looks fucking hot

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I laugh as I post the picture on my story, even though Rudy is pulling a stupid face he still looks fucking hot. It was absolutely boiling out today and I was jealous of Madelyn, Carlacia, Elaine and Maddison who were happily riding around in their bikinis. I miss my smaller body and being around them slightly made me feel like shit about myself. My feelings towards my body recently were very controversial. In a way I just felt completely insecure and shit about myself when I was up agains these drop dead gorgeous girl however on the other hand, I was so proud of my body and what it was currently doing. My body is growing a healthy little baby girl and that was incredible. I guess just like anyone I had good days and bad days.

||Rudy's POV||

We had currently been out riding and exploring our surroundings for over an hour and I was literally in my element. Being surrounded by my best friends and nature was the best combination ever.

"Guys I want ice cream, I think I'm starting to over heat" Madelyn wipes her forehead from sweat and we all nod agreeing with her. The weather outside was fucking scorching, us guys gave up with our tshirts a while back when the girls had also given up stripping down to just their bikinis. Josie however kept on an oversized tee and bike shorts, I don't know how the hell she was surviving right now. We come to a stop outside a small ice cream store leaving our bikes outside and enter the store. Josie appears next to me and I pull her close placing a kiss on her cheek and she sends me a small smile.

"What flavour would you like babe? The usual vanilla?" She shakes her head at my words making me frown, but vanilla was her favourite?

"Oh I don't want one, thank you though" her voice is light and if I'm correct she almost sounds upset which confuses me.

"Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay? You always want ice cream and it's boiling" I pull her to the side away from everyone else so that she can talk more comfortably.

"Everything's okay I'm just not very hungry" I shake my head not taking one bit of it, I know when she isn't telling me the truth and that's now.

"Has someone said something to you? Was it Elaine? I swear to god I'll give her a peace of my mind-" I go to walk towards Elaine with my fists clenched, I knew her little speech was bullshit. As I move to walk Josie's small hand grasps onto my wrist pulling me back. Why's she stopping me from sticking up for her?

"Rudy no, Elaine didn't do anything. No one did. Please just leave it?" I can see through her eyes how much she's wanting me to drop this right now so I do, for her.

"Okay but you need to talk to me later alright?" She nods her head and I sigh giving in. I just hope that she's okay. I do as she asks and just get myself an ice cream with everyone else and for the rest of our time out she's quiet, too quiet for my liking.

Once we arrive back to the villas everyone parts ways to go and have a well deserved nap. As we enter the home Josie is still silent and worry mixed with confusion floods my body. She instantly goes over to the kitchen and I stop her before she can do anything to avoid talking to me.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong? You were fine for a while and then you went silent on me and everyone else. It's not like you" although I'm just really concerned my tone is as if I'm irritated by her which I'm not.

"Rudy I'm just tired please just leave it" her voice is shakey and she turns away from me towards the sink reaching out to fill a glass with water and bringing it to her lips.

"No Josie you need to talk to me right now. I'm worried about you!" My voice raises slightly, why won't she talk to me? She is the one who always says that communication is key so why won't she just fucking communicate with me?

"Rudy p-please" her hands are shakey and next thing I know the glass of water falls to the floor and her own body falls shortly after. I rush forward taking her into my arms before she can come into contact with the hard glass covered ground. Her body is fully limp in my arms and there is no response from her what so ever.

"Josie?! Baby wake up!!"

Hello my loves, I hope you're all well. It's my sisters birthday today which means my brothers are coming over for dinner which means my whole family will all be in the same room.... Which then means someone is going to end up bullied the fuck out of. Probably me. I fucking hate family gatherings, it's always a shit show. Anyways, wish me luck.
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- J x

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