Twenty Three <3

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||Josette's POV||
*2 days earlier*

After coming home from eating McDonald last night I've felt incredibly nauseous since. My stomach felt as if it was tied into a million knots and it was horrible, my body was just all over exhausted. I had been in bed all morning and it was now mid day, Rudy was somewhere in the lounge on a virtual interview. That was until I heard him come running into the bedroom screeching about something that Chase had done.

The loud tone of his voice made my head pulsate and I winced. "Yea Rudy that's great. Just go back to your stupid call now" I laid there using my arm to shield my head in hopes of making the pain stop. I heard him mumble a quiet what the fuck before turning around and walking straight back to the lounge. As soon as he's gone I feel guilty for being so rude to him but I just really really did not feel good and I couldn't control my emotions.

Figuring that it was just my period coming I pull myself out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom. I don't bother closing the door behind me before I strip off and climb into the shower. After washing my hair I slide down the wall to a seated position and just let the water consume me. The exhaustion in my body takes over and before I know it I drift off to sleep.

"Josie, babe. Wake up" I feel light shaking on my shoulder before the sound of the shower is switched off. I open my eyes to see Rudy crouched beside me.

"Rudy I'm just so tired" my words are mumbled and he simply picks me up off of the floor wrapping a towel around me and takes me back over to the bed.

"Maybe you need to start eating more-" I cut him off straight away. "Shut up Rudy. I'm trying my best okay?" Even though my words are harsh he doesn't leave my side.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be a bitch. I might just go to the pharmacy and get some vitamins, that's what usually helps me when I get like this" I get up from the bed and start to pull on clothes.

"I can go for you, just tell me what ones you get and I can get them so that you can rest" I smile at his offer but shake my head at him.

"It's okay I need some fresh air anyways" I smile at him weakly but he frowns. "Well can I come with you?" He asks me looking hopeful but once again I shake my head.

"It's okay I know you have some work and stuff to do. I'll be fine okay? I have my phone. I'll text you if I need you I promise" he looks hesitant but he places a gentle kiss upon my head telling me to be safe and let's me leave.

I step out of the apartment building and the wind hits me straight away making me shiver from my wet hair that is draped over my back. I hug my arms tight to my body as I walk along the street. After about 5 minutes of walking I approach the pharmacy and walk in going straight towards the vitamins section. As I scan my eyes across them trying to find the ones that I usually take my eyes stumble across the ones stating 'pregnancy vitamins'. For some reason my eyes linger upon them and my mind falters. I couldn't. No.

I had taken multiple pregnancy tests before and my period has always been irregular due to my anorexia. I was almost 80% sure that I wasn't but I stroll over to the tests and pick one up shrugging. Taking one couldn't hurt just to be sure. I picked out a first response clear blue test, I couldn't be fucked with having to make out if there was one or two lines. Having the words pregnant or not pregnant was more straight to the point.

Once I have everything that I need I take it over to the checkout and pay before leaving. The walk back to the apartment is short and when I enter Rudy is outside on the balcony on his phone, he gives me a small smile which I return before I make my way through the bedroom and into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

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