Seven <3

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A/N - hey guys just a quick trigger warning, this chapter will have discussions around eating disorders and anorexia <3

||Rudy's POV||

The slight noise of the alarm on my phone and the groaning of another person pulls me from my sleep. Feeling small arms wrapped around my body I find Josie asleep in the same position that she was in last night making me smile. Before the sound can wake her up any further I reach over turning the sound off, the time reads 6am and I remember about the early morning scene that I'm supposed to shoot with the cast. I lay still for a few minutes playing with her soft hair before slowly slipping out from the bed without waking her. I search around the room for a piece of paper and a pen before writing her a note and placing it to the side of her and leaving before I'm late.

||Josette's POV||

At what I am assuming is 7am my alarm sounds throughout the room and I wake up cold, the warmth from Rudys body no longer fills my bed and to my surprise I feel slightly disappointed at the lack of his touch and sense of security. I sit myself up in bed rubbing my eyes to help and adjust to the sunlight that seeps through my windows. Next to me laid on the pillow is a note.

Josette, I'm sorry that I had to go without saying goodbye but you looked so peaceful sleeping and I had work to go to. Be ready for 7, I know you only have a half day at work today. See you then beautiful. - R x

Although the note is short and simple it still gives me the small sense of butterflies and makes me smile. I jump out of bed saying hello to Davy getting him his breakfast and surprisingly getting myself some of my own. Food is one of my biggest enemy's on this planet, throughout the past 3 years I have been in and out of hospital for an eating disorder and anorexia but I'm making progress slowly. It was all started because of Jaxon, my weight made him angry and I felt as if I needed to be better for him and just ended up dropping food which meant my weight becoming dangerously low. Although it was bad for my health it made him happy and that was all I cared about, the happier he was meant that he was nicer to me and less abusive. After developing specific habits with my eating it was hard to stop and get better. But after seeing the hurt and sympathy in Rudy's eyes when he saw my body, it was different from the way that Jaxon looked at me. Rudy cared and I wanted to be better for him.

Shoving the remaining bite of toast in my mouth and ignoring any negative thoughts in my head I make my way out of the house doing my usual routine of dropping Dave off to my elderly neighbour I leave for work.


The rest of my day goes quickly considering I finish work at 3 instead of the usual 7 and spend the remainder of my day chilling on the sofa with Dave. It is 6 o'clock and Rudy told me to be ready for 7 but I'm not quite sure what I am to be ready for so I pull out my phone sending him a text.

Text Message 

Daves mom 🐶

Thank you for leaving me a note this morning  <3                                                                                         What exactly am I being ready for and is Dave invited? 

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