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||Rudy's POV||

i woke up to Josie tapping on my arm and saying my name, i groan and pull her closer to me tightening my grip around her waist without opening my eyes.

"Rudy for fuck sake if you don't let me go i am going to be seconds away from pissing all over you!" i laugh at the urgency and panic in her voice slowly letting her go.

"As sexy as that might be ill let you go this time because i don't want to wash my sheets again" i send her a tired smile as she hits my chest before getting up and running over to the toilet. i chuckle and roll over burying myself back into the sheets closing my eyes to drift off back to sleep. A few minutes later i feel Josies small hands make their way around my waist and i turn around pulling her up to my face and plant a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Good morning my beautiful girlfriend" i mumble to her and she smiles.

"Good morning to you too my sexy boyfriend" she giggles and i feel like a teenager again feeling butterflies in my stomach at the sound of being called her boyfriend. She hops off of the bed and starts tugging on my arm trying to pull me out.

"Come on you lazy arse get up, this is a one in a life time event, i'm hungry and i want breakfast" she pouts at me like a little child and i grin getting up and pulling her into me.

"I'm really proud of you Josie" she pulls away smiling at me. "Now lets find you some pants to put on because i don't want everyone else seeing what's mine" she laughs and i stroll over pulling some grey sweat pants from my draw handing them to her. She pulls them on tying the strings from them being far too big on her and tucks my black top into the front. She even looks beautiful in clothing that swamps her. I take her hand and we trail down the stairs only to meet Madelyn and Chase in the kitchen making pancakes.

"Well hello you two sleepy heads" Chase comments and Josie scoffs, "Hey i am not the sleepy head, that's Rudy, he only woke up because i was about to piss on him" she huffs and grabs a glass from the cupboard proceeding to fill it up with water. she had really made herself at home here and it made me happy.

"Oooo sleeping in the same bed now are we?" Madelyn's eyebrows are raised and she looks to Chase winking. They are so immature.

"Well that's what you do when you're in a relationship isn't it?" i ask to them smirking as i wrap my arms around Josie's shoulders hugging her from behind.

"Wait hold up you're in a relationship? Together?" We both nod laughing at the excitable girl in front of us. "OMG! We could go on double dates and everything!" Oh dear.. what have we gotten ourselves into?

||Josette's POV||

"Anyways, did you guys want some pancakes? The others have gone out to say goodbye to the rest of the crew before they leave to go home" they were going home? i wonder if Rudy was leaving too...

"I'd be down for pancakes, Josie do you want some?" Rudy asks jumping straight over and starts to pile up his plate with pancakes.

"uhh yea sure i'll have one please" I give him a small smile and he puts one on my plate and the four of us go to sit at the table to eat. The others dig in straight away but it takes me a few minutes to mentally prepare and encourage myself. Rudy notices my hand shaking as i cut myself a small piece of the pancake, he places his hand on top of mine and gives me a reassuring nod.

"So when are you two actually leaving again? I forgot" Rudy says this with his mouth full and Madelyn rolls her eyes at him. "Rudy we are leaving the same day as you in like a week" Chase looks at him in disbelief at how he'd forgotten. I choke on my food and quickly take a gulp of my water to clear my throat.

"So you guys are all leaving in a week?" I force a smile out to them and they all nod.

"Yea we've haven't been home in months I'm so excited" I smile seeing how happy Madelyn is.

"Of course, i forgot that you guys don't actually live here. when will you be back?" i continue nibbling on my food as i await a reply.

"Well we don't actually really know when we will be back. I guess that will be when we hear confirmation of season two so probably next year some time" Chase shrugs and continues eating. Rudy stays silent through the whole conversation which upsets me. When was he even going to mention this to me? The rest of the breakfast is surrounded by meaningless conversations and i stay quiet deep in thought.

After only eating half of the pancake for breakfast I stand up from the table. "Thank you for making breakfast guys it was really good" I give them a small smile and clean my plate before going back up the stairs and shutting myself in Rudy's room.

||Rudy's POV||

"Dude you did tell her about us leaving right?" Chase asks and I give him a guilty look shaking my head.

"Bro you're such an idiot! How could you not tell her?! We probably won't be back for months!!" He looks at me in disbelief and to be honest I'm ashamed myself.

"I know I know, I completely forgot about it" I put my face in my hands rubbing it in frustration. I'm such an idiot.

"Well don't just sit here! Go talk to her" I nod at Madelyn and quickly get up thanking them for breakfast before running up to my bedroom. When I walk in I find Josie outside leaning over the balcony. I walk out to where she is standing and hug her from behind as she leans back into me.

"I'm gunna miss you Rudy" her voice is quiet and I can tell that she's upset. I spin her around to face me taking her face in my hands.

"Baby we are going to sort something out okay? I promise" she nods and I place a kiss to her lips. She then hugs me tightly before an idea pops into my head.

"How would you feel if I asked you to come with me to LA? It doesn't have to be permanently maybe just A few weeks?" I ask her and she laughs pulling away shaking her head as if I'm crazy.

"Rudy I can't do that, for one I can't afford it because I'm broke. Two I have Dave to think about, where would he go? And three I just can't invade your space like that" she starts to anxiously fiddle with the ends of her hair and walks back into the bedroom as I follow her like a lost puppy.

"Babe for one you know how happy your neighbour would be to have Davy, and he loves her too from all of the treats that she gives him. You wouldn't be invading anything because you're my girlfriend. And lastly I'll pay. You don't have to worry about anything to do with money because I'll pay" I look at her basically begging her to say yes.

"Rudy you're not paying for me" she starts to undress and pull her jeans from yesterday back on.

"Babe please? We can go half's on it if that makes you feel better?" I look at her hopefully and she sighs flopping back onto the bed.

"Fineeee" I grin jumping on top of her cheering.

"Time to go to LA baby"


Hey loves,
Please stick with me over the next few chapters because I know Jack shit about America so I'll probably get some things wrong but please stick by me.
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- J x

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