Twenty Eight <3

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||Josette's POV||

The last two days had simply consisted of slowly building Rudy and I'd relationship back up. We had agreed that it would be best for us to spend quality time together away from anyone else and any work so that we could focus on us which I was very thankful for. It was in no where near perfect condition but we were slowly starting to laugh more and slowly patch up the burns that were made in our love and trust for each other. There was more and more talk of the baby and I truly believed that he was genuinely excited now and I no longer felt as if he was going to abandon me. I was still staying in the spare room as it was important to me that I still had that physical space. He had betrayed me and I needed time to fully process that which he understood and respected.

As much as I liked having the space to think, I hated it all at the same time. I longed to feel the safety and comfort of his presence that I had gotten so used to but I was afraid to let myself back in incase I was going to get hurt all over again.

Today was the day of my first scan and I was nearing 7 weeks. Although it was very early and I probably wouldn't see much from it the doctor had explained on the phone that due to my previous medical history of anorexia that it was important to closely monitor myself and the baby. I still hadn't even mentioned the scan to Rudy because I initially wasn't sure that he would be interested however I know that it is the right thing to do.

I was laying in bed thinking when Rudy softly knocked on the door before entering with a cup of tea and a slice of plain buttered toast in his hand. These were my main cravings and the only thing that seemingly settled my nausea at the moment. I sit up slightly as he sits beside me on the bed. I gratefully take the food and trying from him shoving it into my mouth. This baby made me hungrier than I had ever been before. It was no joke.

"How are you feeling today beautiful?" Rudy softly brushes the hair from my face and I smile at the gentle gesture.

"I'm good. What are your plans for today?" I wanted to bring up the scan to him but I knew he probably had better things to do.

"I was going to see if Chase and Madelyn maybe wanted to go out with us at some point. It has been a while and they're apparently starting to worry about us killing each other" he rolls his eyes and I laugh at him lightly, I did have multiple messages from her asking if I was okay.

"I umm I actually have a scan today, I can just reschedule or go on my own though while you see them. I know you've got better things to-" my nerves seep through my rambling as Rudy cuts me off. I didn't understand why I was so anxious about asking him if he wanted to come see his child.

"Josie I would love to come with you. Stuff Madelyn and Chase, they can wait until tomorrow. This is my child that we are talking about" excitement is laced through his voice and I smile. I'm so lucky to have some so supportive as him even if that wasn't quite the case at first.

"Perfect, it's at 4 I think" he nods at me smiling before saying that we can chill out for the day and watch movies which I happily agree to. My body was sore and tired from growing a human so any mention of relaxing was much appreciated.

||Rudy's POV||

I get up from our place on the sofa leaving Josie watching the movie to go and make her some popcorn that she had requested when my phone buzzing stops me from what I am doing. I pull it from my pocket seeing that I had two new messages.

You have 2 new messages from : Elaine

Rudy stop ignoring me, stop ignoring us.
We have to talk about what happened.

Elaine I told you that I was drunk and it was simply a mistake. I love Josie and that's final. Please just respect my choices and the people that I love.

Why would you kiss me if you loved her?
Because you don't. You love me.

Elaine me and Josie have a lot going on right now that you would never understand. Please stop acting like a child and accept the facts that are given to you!

I know you'll come back to me.
You always do Rudy and you know it.

Seen at 2:22pm

"Rudy what's taking you so long? - oh sorry I didn't know that you were busy" Josie had walked into the kitchen just as I was replying to Elaine. I quickly stuff my phone into my pocket before removing the popcorn from the microwave and handing it to her.

"Don't worry I'm not busy, Chase was just checking in on us as usual" I smile at her trying to be as convincing as possible before guiding her back over to the couch. I hate lying to her but technically it was for her own good, if she knew that it was Elaine then her trust with me would never repair. Plus I was simply making it clear that I loved Josie only which was the truth.

The rest of the movie Josie spends asleep which I didn't mind because I knew how exhausted she had been recently. Any rest that she could get I let her have, it was important to me that she and our child were healthy. Checking my phone it is 3:33 and I know that I need to wake Josie up so that she can be ready, this was something that I didn't want to be late for.

"Sleeping beautyyyy, wake uppp" I lightly shake her awake and she smiles at me sleepily before sitting up.

"Let's go see our baby"

This one is very short but I at least wanted to give you something so here it is. I work full time as well as attend University, it's pretty full on. Also I just wanted to say a big fuck you to covid. Remember to vote, comment and share

- J x

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