Thirty Seven <3

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||Josette's POV||

"Rudy we are going to be late" i walk throughout the apartment calling after Rudy only to find him leaning against the kitchen counter with a smug look on his face.

"Josie I've been waiting for you for about half an hour" he chuckles at me and i shake my head at him, he had a habit of playing tricks with me recently. I lightly shove him to the door ignoring his statement not letting him have the satisfaction of annoying me. We make out way down to the car and nerves mixed with excitement fills throughout my body. Today was the day that we get to go for our next scan. today was the 26th January making me almost 13 weeks and on the 28th we were going to be flying to London.

"I can't wait to see bean again, and we might even find out if its a mini Josie or a mini Rudy" his voice is full of excitement as he starts up the car following the familiar route to the clinic. although i was also excited i was still anxious to know that everything was okay with the baby, i know they say after 12 weeks you are in the safe zone but i just needed to hear it from the doctor and see it for myself.

"i think the gender thing might take a week or so to get back Ru, it's not that fast" he pouts at my response. the rest of the car ride i spend quietly in deep thought about how this scan might ultimately go and i just hope for the best.

As soon as we get into the clinic Dr walker calls us in and i'm thankful that i don't have to go through the anticipation of waiting for my name to be called like the first time. Dr walkers instant bubbly and warming personality puts me at ease.

"So how have you guys been? Did you have a good Christmas?" she gives us a warm smile as she sits herself at her desk indicating that we will be having a talk before getting into the full scanning process.

"We've been good actually, i had to go to Charleston for a week but other than that it has been pretty relaxing" i give her a smile and she nods.

"Well that's great to know, let's get into it. first of all would you like to get the bloods done that i was talking to you about on the phone the other day? The total for them would be $460 however as a doctor i would advise on having them done as they can catch out any early health issues that your baby may have, this can then help you towards seeking the medical care that your child needs once born" i look to Rudy to seek his approval on getting the tests done, i hate that i'm having to ask him for financial help.

"Yes please, i don't care what it costs as long as it's helping to ensure the health of Josie and the baby" Rudy speaks up giving both me and the doctor a encouraging smile.

"Thats great, go ahead and roll up your sleeve and i'll take that blood for you so that we can send it off and get you the results as soon as possible" i comply rolling up my sleeve and close my eyes as she brings the needle to my arm. After a few seconds of stinging sensations its done and i sigh in relief, i wasn't a fan of needles.

"Now let's get to the part i know you're both waiting for" i walk over to the same bed as last time lifting my shirt up revealing the bump on my stomach.

"Wow Josie you sure have grown, don't let it alarm you though its very common for someone of a small size to really show during pregnancy" she gives me a smile while placing the gel on my stomach and i nod. Rudy takes my hand in his own as we anxiously wait staring at the screen in front of us.

"Here we are, let me turn the sound up and you'll be able to hear the heart beat today" sure enough there on the screen is the faint outline of a baby and the sound of a beating rhythm floods throughout the room. tears instantly form at the corner of my eyes the sound of the babes heartbeat made everything feel so real just knowing that it was okay and healthy.

"You're measuring perfectly at 12 weeks and 4 days and the baby is perfectly healthy with the strongest little heartbeat that I've heard congratulations you two, you're both going to make amazing parents i can already tell" she looks to us both smiling as i look up at Rudy who is just as emotional as i am.

"Thank you so much" she hands Rudy the roll of photos like last time as i clean myself up.

"Now we need to schedule another san for 3-4 weeks time, because of your weight i'd like to keep a close eye on you"

"Oh actually we are going to London in two days time, we shouldn't be gone for more than two weeks though but i will contact you if any plans change. Wait am i even allowed to fly?" i go into a slight panic mode, how could i be so stupid to forget to ask.

"Josette it's okay, of course you can. All i ask is that you keep up with plenty of vitamins and take it slow and easy with as little stress as possible. I don't usually do this but I'm going to give you my personal number and if you need me or have any questions while you're away then just call or text me okay?" i relax knowing that going away won't have any negative impacts upon the baby at all.

"You don't need to, i don't want to be of any trouble to you" i smile at her gratefully handing her back the piece of paper.

"Look I've been in your position, i had my daughter when i was 22. i know how nerve wracking this time is and especially when you so young. i just want you guys to know that you can do this okay? so please take my number and contact me if you need me" the honesty in her voice is appreciated and i appreciate how genuine and caring she is being.

"Thank you so much Dr Walker we both appreciate your support through this" Rudy speaks for me and takes the number back.

"Please call me Alexandra, Dr Walker is too formal" her smile is genuine and i give her the same one back.

"I'll see you guys in 3 weeks, don't forget to call me if you need!" she calls out to us as we say our goodbye's leaving the clinic.

"Rudy our baby is perfect" i look down at the pictures that Rudy had handed to be as we walk to the car.

"Perfect just like you Josie"


hello my loves, sorry this one isn't edited at all. i just thought id do a quick nice non dramatic chapter for you all. Do you have any questions for me? i want to get to know you guys. please vote, comment and share.

- J x

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