Season 1

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Being Jesse St. James's younger sister, Sofia St. James wasn't really known until the beginning of her sophomore year. With joining Vocal Adrenaline everyone started seeing her true talent, only being 2 years apart from her brother she was really talented for her age. 

Jesse and Sofia have always been really close with each other. With only having each other since their 2 older siblings disappeared for unknown reasons and their parents out on business trips trying to support both of their performing dreams.

Since they were little they have always been competitive. With going to dance competitions and who can do the highest note they would always be competitive no matter what it was.

Jesse then went to high school and that's when the competition really started. While Jesse was doing his 2 years of high school alone Sofia started to practice harder to reach his level. Fast forward to now she's the only sophomore in Vocal Adrenaline because of how good she is.

It's not until one day Jesse hears about a new glee club starting and wants Sofia to go check it out. She ends up going but we don't know if she will come back or stay for good.


Kennedy Walsh as Sofia St. James - Sophomore

Jonathan Groff as Jesse St

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Jonathan Groff as Jesse St. James - Senior

Dianna Agron as Quinn Fabray - Sophomore

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Dianna Agron as Quinn Fabray - Sophomore

Dianna Agron as Quinn Fabray - Sophomore

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