Wrong Place, Wrong Person. (Human! Autobots/ Decepticons X Human! Reader)

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A/N:A Request by KaitlynGlovick ! Hope you like it! 

Also, bullies got a special place in hell! Dear bullies, please go away dont talk to me, I'll never stand for bullying!

Hope you lots enjoy the chapter and if you are being bullied or need someone to talk to, my inbox is free. You guys are amazing and deserve the world, dont let anyone tell you otherwise! <3

TW: Bullying. 


My eyes darted to the wall clock above Sir Starscream's head as my feet tapped the floor impatiently, hoping to end the class soon. The clock's hand stroked twelve and the bell rang, signalling the end of today's session. Students shuffled their way out quickly, not wanting to stay any longer. I threw all my stuff into the bag and dashed out, praying to Primus that I was not late and those assholes aren't there yet.

Oh, how wrong I was.

A pair of strong hands pulled me back, making me fall backward and landed with a loud thud to my back. Jolts of pain electrocuted my body, eliciting pained whines from my mouth.

"The rat thinks she can run away from us. How cute." Amanda said, cackling loudly to gain the students attention. I sighed, knowing that I was in it again.

"J-Just leave me alone..." I said, raising my voice at the girl only to be slapped on the face by Vince. His friends made an 'oo' sound, creating the atmosphere even more as the students started to flock around us...again.

"Aww, did it hurt?" he snickered, snatching my bag and dumped the contents onto my head. I instinctively covered my head, bracing as the fallen objects crashed onto me.

'Please hurry up, I don't want to do this anymore...' I thought to myself, keeping it in.

"It was you, isn't it?" Richard sneered, dragging my collar up to face him. His cheap body spray was absolutely revolting and I had to fight the urge to puke at his face as I made eye contact with him.

"N-No..." I lied; knowing absolutely well what he had meant.

Richard threatened a few students to do his assignments and swapped some of his lousy reports from the clever kids, bullying his way out to get a decent grade. Rafael had a few bruises due to this idiotic meat bag and I couldn't stand any longer so I reported it to the office, making them cancel out his participation for the school's rugby team. He's a muscle brain who's somewhat decent in sports but close to failing in academics.

Simply put, an ignorant jerk.


Hah, says the slagger that copies his work out of Wikipedia!

"Well, you know what they say." Vince smirk, handing Richard a pair of scissors. "Snitches gets stitches." The boss of the group gave me a cold glare and stand by the side, enjoying the view.

Richard smiled and took the weapon with glee, swiping it dangerously close to my cheeks. I tried to back away but Grant held me down, pinning both of my arms.

"Last chance, who told the school about me?" he questioned, playing with my stray locks. The scissors were opened and ready to snip it off with a tiny gesture, taunting me to once again relent with these monster's actions.

"It is... me." I gulped, looking down. With my peripheral vision, I faintly saw Rafael shaking his head with his hand covering his mouth, shocked about it.

I may not be the best sister to him, but I was STILL his flesh and blood sibling.

To the Pits if I'll stand for this bullshit!

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