Hello Mother (Team Prime X Femme! Reader)

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THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS sumyatydana !! I wanted to have a sparkling chapter up but meh, since you've requested I might as well~ XD











"Uh, (Y/N)...?" Raf called out, looking at you. You sighed, rubbing your tired face as you slowly made your way to the team.

"Yes?" I faked a smile, keeping myself from going insane.




Why am I subjected to this, you ask? Well, let us start from the very beginning, shall we?


"Hey doc, pass me the beaker over there." Wheeljack said, nudging his head to the glass beaker by the table, close enough for Ratchet to reach. The angry medic growled, waving his wrench at the Wrecker.

"For the last hundredth time, don't call me doc!" he said, swiping the beaker and handed the utensil to Wheeljack, begrudgingly. The perverted Wrecker grabbed the medic's servo and pulled him close, whispering into the blushing mech's audial fins.

"That wasn't what you said last night, sunshine~" he teased.

Sputtering, Ratchet forcefully pushed the idiotic mech away from him. Wheeljack's optics widened at the sudden force and took the medic down with him, eliciting groans from the two mechs.


"I hate you..."

"No, you love me; especially in this position."

Ratchet scrambled to get up while yelling out incoherent curses, too embarrassed to form a proper sentence.

"Y-You f-frafgning- fr-fahgging- w-what the-frag!?"

"Yes, we did that yesterday."

"SHUT THE FRAG UP-" Ratchet roared, faceplate bright blue in embarrassment as he picked up a wrench from the floor, ready to hit some senses into the mischievous Wrecker when Optimus came by, a pleasant smile plastered on his face.

"Old friend, I've got great news- Oh, am I disturbing something?" he paused as he saw the old doctor on top of Wheeljack.

They were in a very...interesting position.

Coughing out, Optimus excused himself, turning away and headed off, not listening to the flustered medic's explanation.

"Oh my, look at the time. I must be off, have a good day!"


And the Prime was gone, leaving Ratchet and Wheeljack alone, the latter laughing his aft off loudly. With an annoyed sigh, the medic got up and continued working, ignoring his lover.

"Hey Ratchet! Hey Wheeljack! What's up?" I said, walking into their work station. Various liquids and tools scattered around the table.

Huh, another project again?

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