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Hi, I'm ShatteredSparrow (call me Sparrow) and this is my third contest. I'm doing the Keeper Exams now and then a Hunger Games contest and then I'm doing another original one: this one! This contest is influenced by Mermaid1211's Murder in a Land of Madness!

Alright, first off, I will need students and staff. You can join as either a member of the staff or a student at CHA.

Staff members are: Principal, Vice Principal, cafeteria staff, coach, assistant coach, janitors, and professors. Also, you have the option of being a student - Freshmen to Seniors. Staff members should check the list of members before creating their character to make sure its available.

There will be interrogations, challenges, tasks, massacres, and encounters. I might even add in special events for the killer. You will have a set amount of time to PM me your version of events.

How this will work: whenever I post a prompt you all will have to get your versions to me and I will post them. Then, people will vote and the one with the least amount of votes dies at the hands of the killer. The job of the students/staff is to figure out who the murderer(s) is before its too late. If everyone dies then the they win.

Once the contest is full I will choose the murderer(s). They will have a set amount of time to get their murder scene to me. Their job is pretty simple - kill but don't get caught. Try to leave behind a clever hint but don't make yourself obvious.

Things to know about me and my contests: I expect you to write decently long entries and I want them in on time. Write detailed and entertaining pieces and you'll probably survive longer.

Also, this contest will not start until both of the first two are OVER! I'm posting it now to get a jump start on entries and also I'm just bubbling with excitement over it. Follow the Keeper Exams and the Hunger Games! I need tributes and sponsors and my apprentices need support for their writings! :D

Anyways, I hope you join! :)

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