Illness pt.2

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(T/W illness and vomiting)

Georges next chemo was stronger they decided to up the medicine to give him a better chance of remission. The down side of that meant staying over night in hospital and even worse side effects. But Alex was right there the whole time holding his hand and making him laugh when he was miserable.

"You done?" Alex asked as George paused in between another round of vomiting.
"N-nope" George choked out his body shaking. Alex tutted and continued rubbing Georges back whist holding the bowl to the mans chin. George stopped throwing up and collapsed back onto the hospital bed physically and mentally exhausted. Alex wanted to burst into tears seeing George like this physically hurt him but he had to remain strong for George right now.

After he disposed of the bowl he looked at George curled among the white sheets. The man looked tiny and sickly it wasn't a nice sight at all, Alex could tell he'd lost more weigh and his ghostly complexion told Alex how sick he felt.
"A-Alex...?" George said weakly.
"Yeah sweetheart" Alex replied, he'd taken to calling George pet names recently he didn't know why but it was comforting for both of them.

"C-can you h-hold me please?" George asked his blue eyes almost tearful. Alex nodded at slipped onto the bed being careful of all the wires connected to the other. It was something they'd also taken to doing, Alex slept with George every night incase he needed anything and George always ended up wrapped around Alex.
"You're shaking" Alex whispered, George nodded and Alex pulled the blanket over both of them. He traced his finger up and down the older mans arm, watching as he fell asleep again.

When they returned home George felt better then he did in the hospital the crippling nausea has been replaced by a dull ache in his stomach.
"We have to tell them George... you can't hide it anymore" Alex huffed. This was a debate they'd been having for the past week, wether or not George told Will and James. Alex insisted he had to George was avoiding it at all costs not wanting pity from anyone.

"Fine" George muttered not wanting to argue with Alex anymore.
"Thank you George... I know it's difficult... I'll invite them round later... you take a nap yeah?" Alex suggested as he saw George closing his eyes.
"Mhm I-" George begun to speak but he'd fallen asleep before he could finish. Alex sighed and placed a blanket over George making sure he wasn't cold before he walked out the room to call Will and James.

Will and James were coming round in an hour and now Alex was cleaning the flat and organising Georges medicines as the other slept. The door bell rang and Alex's heart sped up this was making him nervous, telling other people how sick his best friend was meant it was all real.

"Hey guys" Alex smiled weakly as he opened the front door.
"Hey Al are you okay? You look worried" James asked sensing Alex's nerves.
"Yeah erm me and George need to talk to you both but he's asleep right now" Alex explained as he opened the door to the living room. Will nodded and followed Alex, James trailing his behind them. When he saw George his heart stopped the man was a sickly pale colour.

"Is he not feeling well?" Will asked as he sat down. Alex let out a cold laugh and sniffed back the tears that we're forming.
"Yeah something like that" Alex whispered as he knelt next to George. He stroked the mans cheek and whispered his name in order to wake him up gently.
"Mm hi Alex" George mumbled as he tried to push himself up but failed.
"Will and Jim are here" Alex smiled as he helped George to sit up, the older man gulped and nodded.

James nudged Will and looked him in the eye almost as if he were asking what was going on. Will shrugged and took a deep breath, smiling weakly at Alex who was now sitting down next to George.
"George mate... what's going on?" James asked the question both he and Will were thinking. George took in a deep breath and looked to Alex for reassurance, the younger took his hand and nodded.

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