Seizures pt.2

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(T/W seizures)

Alex and George had adjusted quite well to their new life. On a good week George would only have 2 or 3 seizures, but on a bad week he could have multiple a day and Alex hated bad days almost as much as George.

Alex was basically a pro at handling seizures he knew how to keep George safe during them and how to calm him after one. George could pretty much sense when he was going to have a seizure, he knew what the begin of one felt like. He also knew what increased the likelihood of a seizure, for him it was lack of sleep and overwhelming emotions.

Today Alex and George had a recording together along with James for Wills JD stuff. George hadn't slept well last night, shoot days stressed him out nearly always leaving him tired and anxious. He and Alex had dragged themselves out of bed early that morning and headed to the studio meeting an equally exhausted James there.

George felt kind of off but he didn't want to ruin the shoot so he tried to suppress the all too familiar feeling. Alex found himself keeping a close eye on Georges knowing about his boyfriends shoot anxiety. It's not that Alex was worried about George having a seizure, it was more that he was worried about the others seeing it and making George overthink and feel embarrassed about his seizures.

The shoot went on as usual until George felt the familiar clouding in his brain, before he could signal to Alex he was dropping to the floor, everything going dark. Alex heard a thud from behind him, he saw George seizing and immediately pulled out his phone starting a timer. He knelt down next to George pulling off the mans bandana, hat and glasses before turning him on to his side.

"NO DO NOT do that he's fine" Alex called out as he pulled his hoodie off and tucked it under Georges head.
"What the bloody hell do you mean don't call an ambulance, your boyfriend is having a fucking seizure" Will questioned. Alex gulped and looked between Will and James, who was holding his mobile unsure what to do.

"It happens a lot he'll be fine in a few minutes" Alex calmly explained.
"What do you mean it happens a lot? Alex what are you not telling us?" James asked. Alex sighed and rubbed his thumb across Georges hip from where he was holding him.
"He has a seizure disorder... he was diagnosed a month ago" Alex stated.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Will questioned.

"You know what he's like... too full of his own pride. He's embarrassed by them and he didn't want you lot to treat him differently" Alex explained.
"Typical George" James sighed, Will nodded in agreement. Alex checked his phone to see George had been seizing for a little over 2 minutes, he was beginning to grow concerned when he stopped.

Alex lay a now still George on his back, taking the mans hand in his own and rubbing his cheek.
"Come on George you gotta come back now" Alex hummed as he brushed the mans cheek.
Will and James watched silently as Alex tried to wake George, James elbowed Will and gave him a look that said 'aren't they sweet'.

Alex continued talking to George hoping it would pull him out of the strange post seizure stage. He felt George squeeze his hand and watched as the mans eyes begun to flutter open as he became more conscious.
"Hey cutie, you're okay.... you just had another seizure" Alex spoke softly. George nodded and closed his eyes again trying to push away the cloudiness in his head.

"Where are we?" George whispered his eyes still closed and his hand in Alex's.
"We're on set for Wills JD shoot" Alex explained. Georges eyes widened as he realised what that meant. They knew and there was no point hiding it anymore.
"So they know then?" George muttered spotting James and Will stood above him.

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