𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢 🥀

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Rozenn cleared her desk and finally smiled. The one thing she was looking for was at the disposal of her hand.
Her eyes blinked the tiredness away from being awake for three days straight. The only thing that had kept her going was very high caffeinated tea.
Bitch she finally did it. She finally found what could bring Dream down. Was she ever going to use it?
Time would tell. Time would tell. If he made a move, she'd make one back. But, she needed to stack her moves. Dream had both Tubbo and ranboo and even Sam against her. That's three moves for him while three months had gotten Rozenn one move. This was like a game of chess. Just a game of taking and being precise with your pieces. Taking when you have to and trading when you need to.
Rozenn fortunately was good at chess. More than good. She was great at chess. Growing up, she played the two smartest people in the family. Techno and Phil. She beat them both effortlessly.
With what lay in her hand, she put it in a protective folder. Protecting from stains, water damage and fire. She slipped the folder in between two books.
The art of death and the act of love

She slipped it between them and walked out of her office room.

It was early morning. Close to 5:30. It was her turn to take a shift at the prison so she got ready. Swinging her pink hair that she needed to redye soon into two space buns with a half up, half down hair style. Her black leather boots fitted softly against her netherite boots. Her shirt was right against her netherite chest plate as was her pants against the netherite leggings. Her helmet was off though. Wearing a helmet was the thing she hated the most.
She tucked her sword into her belt and tucked her bow and arrow to her back. Ranboo was still asleep so she quickly wrote a note for him.

I'll be out for the next twelve to eighteen hours! Have fun with Tubbo, DONT GET IN TOO MUCH TROUBLE

❤️ Rosie

Flashback to a few days before Quackity's first visit
Sam said he'd be gone for a little bit, which was okay. I assume he was working on Quackity's project or something. I really didn't know. We both had our secrets and even though we trusted each other, we had other trust and contracts to withhold.
I was at the prison, just going through the files and looking in to a few things, when an alert told me there were people approaching the prison. Sam and Quackity had just come up.
"Sam? You're not supposed to be here for another three or four days." She asked confused.
"Why don't you head off early. I'll take the rest of your shift." He said a little stiff. Confused, but seeing Quackity, she nodded and put away the files that were in her hand. Once they were locked away, she went around the table and up to Sam, holding out a hand to him which he took. She gave him a small tight squeeze of reassurance which he returned. She could see the small light smile on his face through his mask as she slipped away.

Present day

Sam and Rozenn were taking a walk outside. It was getting really warm and the two were enjoying the vitamin d that their skin was absorbing. Their hands were intertwined, smiles were plastered on their faces. He was still wearing his mask of course. They were just walking near the spider spawner when they saw Hannah. She was cutting down a tree, getting wood. Curious, the two walked towards her.

"Hey Hannah! Whatcha up to?" Rozenn questioned, walking up to her. The girl looked at her.

"Oh, I'm just building my first house here! It's my first day on the realm and I just wanted to make my house." Hannah smiled.

Rozenn turned to look at Sam, a worried look on her face. He had a worried look on his face as well.

"Hannah, why don't you show us your work so far?" Rozenn asked, having an idea. She nodded and the two followed her. It was next to her house that she had built originally.

As Rozenn and Sam followed her, she whispered her plan to Sam.

"Sam. We need to get that thing out of here. You have tnt on you?" She whispered.

He nodded, always having some due to his creeper farm.

Once the two got there she started it.

"Hannah, why don't you back up a little." She offered her hand out which Hannah took with a confusing face.

Sam placed tnt around and in her house, lighting it with a flint and steel.

"Hannah, this isn't your first day on the realm. You've been here for months. That gray house, that's yours." She pointed out the once pink house. Hannah looked as if she didn't have a thought in her eyes.

"I- I- think I'm sleep walking..." She was still confused. Sam lead her over to her house that she had built at first.

"Box me in. I think- I might be dangerous." Hannah said grimily. Rozenn turned to Sam and went into an enderchest, picking up 2 obsidian blocks. Sam nodded and he took down the door while she placed the two blocks down.

They waved to Hannah before walking away, their hands intertwining again.

"Is she- Is it the egg? I thought the egg was better." Rozenn sighed, shaking her head.

"I don't know, Rosie. I just don't." He sighed, kissing her on the cheek.

(Sending chapters out boom boom. There's supposedly a lot of lore next week so I want to try and get as close as I can to up to date stuff as I can)

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