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Ranboo walked over slowly, took out his picaxe and freed me. I walked over to Tubbo, my fist were balled up, but I knew I wasn't going to hurt him. I wouldn't stoop down to his level.

He looked down, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Tubbo, you say you want a better you. You're ashamed of yourself, you're disappointed for picking power and government over Tommy and your friends. OR MAYBE YOU'RE NOT! I don't know anymore." I snap harshly. Phil is looking from his balcony, looking both furiously and worried. "You quite literally just tried to murder my brother and then you just... I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, TUBBO. I REALLY DID." I shouted. He looked up at my eyes just to see them red. "Techno didn't even do anything." My voice cracked. I wasn't lying, he hurt me . He threw his friends away for power.

"We are friends, Rosie..." Tubbo started.

"Don't call me Rosie. Friends don't do this." I let two tears slip through my glassy eyes and sauntered away. Dragging my feet lightly.

"Techno?" I called out, walking into the house. "What the fuck?" My eyes widened.

"Hello Rozenn." Tommy called, sitting down.

"Techno, what?" I asked.

"He's been living as a raccoon underneath. That's why you couldn't find gapples. He wants his disc and I assume we want to take down L'manberg?" Techno asked me.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? And yes I do want my revenge." I said, my eyes narrowing. I turned them back to it's normal color.

"Yes I am saying what I think you are proposing. He can stay in either his room underneath or one of the guest rooms."

I nodded, before grabbing a med kit.

"What happened after you ran?" I asked, cleaning Fundy's claw wounds. Tommy looked with interest at the story.

"Well, I was running to get a sword to come back for you and Quackity followed me. Apparently we're on some bullshit hitlist. Safe to say, he's down another life." Techno bluntly said, hanging is red coat up.

"And what about Fundy? Wasn't he supposed to follow you?" I asked, wrapping the new scars.

"He didn't know where I was, just found Quackity's body. I saw you talking with Ranboo and Tubbo, assuming you'd be safe since I think Ranboo is okay with you. So I came home."

I nodded again, putting away the med kit and throwing the trash away.

The knock at the door startled me, I instantly grabbed a spear diamond sword, pointing it out as I opened the door.

Ranboo and Ghostbur were there.

They jumped back instantly.

"Oh shit, sorry." I said quickly, putting the sword down. "Come in." I ran my hand through my hair, moving out of the way. Ghostbur bubbly jumped in the house while Ranboo walked in hesitantly.

"water?" I asked Ranboo. He shook his head and sat down at the couch.

I sat next to him. Tommy had gone to his room downstairs and Techno sauntered over from the kitchen, standing behind me, looking intimidating.

"Ranboo, we need our things back..." I said.

"I don't have very much." He admitted.

"Well do you think you could give us what you have?" I asked, cautionusly.

"Yea, do you have an enderchest?" He got up slowly.

"We do, over here." I lead him over, Techno following closely.

He reached into his ender chest and tossed me my bow, sword and armor. With Techno, he only had his armor and none of his tools.

"I'm pretty sure Tubbo has everything else." He quietly said.

"Thank you Ranboo." I smiled, walking to him slowly. I gave him a small hug which he returned.

Technoblade smiled too before saying he had to do a few things, he dragged Tommy out of the basement room and they left together. Ghostbur following them as well. I presumed he was showing him the withers. Well tonight, we were going to go on a wither hunting spree.

Ranboo and I sat down at the couches again.

"Tubbo... I don't know what he's doing anymore." Ranboo admitted.

"I do. He chose the government over his best fucking friends." I said, rubbing my eye.

"What is your belief on sides, Rozenn?"

"Well, I chose my friends. I chose Technoblade, I chose you, I did chose Tubbo, I chose Niki." I admitted. "What about you Ranboo? Don't think I didn't notice your hesitation to fight nor you trying to protect me." I told him.

"I chose people too... And Rozenn, I would protect you since you- you're a good friend." He chuckled.

I smiled too, "Ranboo, you can call me Rosie, yknow."

"Oh okay!" He smiled.


Rozenn and Tubbo- Rozenn feels betrayed by Tubbo, thinking he had changed after what he did with Tommy.

Rozenn and Ranboo- Ranboo and Rozenn grew closer, sharing the same beliefs and allowing him to call her Rosie

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