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Here's are some head cannons about the book. I would love to include this in my writing, but I don't know if I'll be able to. N E ways, here you go.

Whenever Rozenn gets a really bad migraine, Phil makes her rose tea because it both calms her down and makes her dream about happy thoughts.

When they were younger and Tommy needed to be baby sat, techno would opt out first, Wilbur would just run, going off to play guitar while Rozenn would read to him and try to teach him how to cook. Safe to say, it ended bad as tommy is shit at cooking.

Rozenn used to braid Technoblades hair every morning until they turned nine and Phil said that techno had to learn himself so she spent two weeks teaching him slowly. When he finally was able to braid his own hair, he said it was the happiest day of his life.

Rozenn used to own a cat called Pumpkin, but she was killed from an accident that involved bullies. Rozenn and Technoblade hunted them down and beat them up.

Technoblade and Rozenn have matching tattoos, his on his calf and hers on her forearm. His is a little rose and hers is a sword.

When their mother died, Rozenn laid roses on her grave everyday until she left with Technoblade.

Rozenn taught Tommy how to respect women the best she could when she was younger, setting a prime example that women weren't to be looked down upon.

To punish Tommy and Wilbur, Phil would send them to spar with Rozenn and Technoblade. They usually got their asses handed to them and looked like a fool.

To punish Rozenn and Technoblade, he would take their books away and make them stay in a room with both Wilbur and Tommy for extended periods, giving Wilbur his guitar to annoy them and Tommy a toy gun that he used to shoot them. It was a gray gun with an orange tip. (Vlog gun)

When Rozenn is upset, ranboo brings her an allium and a rose to cheer her up. His favorite flower and hers.

Rozenn hangs out with Michael sometimes, bringing him around the realm and explaining bits of history in a less gore form.

Rozenn and Wilbur used to sing together, her playing a simple ukulele and piano while Wilbur played guitar and piano.

Rozenn taught Tommy how to play the piano, but he has lost most of his skill in it.

Rozenn started planting berries around the realm so that Fundy would have something he liked. She even planted them in Pogtopia.

Rozenn would give an o7 to her mom almost every night when the death first hit the family. Nearly all of them joined when she did it for the first few weeks. Phil stopped after a week. Tommy the third week. Wilbur the sixth week and techno, he stopped when she did. And she stopped after a year.

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