𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢🥀

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"Punz, are you sure? I swear to god if Tubbo is dead-" I start outside the nether portal.

"I'm sure." Punz cut me off. Sam places a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

I press my ear to the portal, my heart breaking as I hear the words. It's very quiet, but you can hear the words Tubbo says.

" Well, y'know, you get backed into a corner. This is... Like, he described me as a pawn? This is checkmate. This is it. This is the end. I suggest you resign." Tubbo voice echoes through my head.

"Tubbo. Even though, for this entire server, I've always regarded you as... as my- as my sidekick. Really, Tubbo, I was- I was your sidekick." Tommy responds. Tears well up in my eyes.

"No..." I hear Tubbo chuckle.

"Please don't go... Please don't go." Tommy pleads.

"No it's fine. It's about time, anyways. It's about time." Tubbo gives up.

"Punz! Please go through. Can't you hear him?" I plead. Sam wraps me in a hug as Punz goes through the portal, trying to get there before Tubbo's killed.

Puffy, Sam and I go in the next rotation.

"TUBBO!" I shout immediately.

The two of them get behind us.

"Step away from them, Dream." Sapnap shouts at his old best friend. Even behind Dream's mask, I know he's stunned.

Tubbo rushes over to Sam and I which I wrap my arms around the younger boy.

"Jesus fuck. Don't give yourself up." I cry, tears streaming down my face.

"Aww Rosie." He chuckles, hugging me tighter. Sam laughs behind the creeper mask.

"We're tired, man. We're tired of your shit." Jack Manifold starts.

"What is this? What is this?!" Ponk asks, looking around. The others start to close in on him.

"Hurry! The discs!" Tommy shouts. Tubbo and Tommy each go to the corner, grabbing the disc and putting them in enderchest that are located next to the portal before Tubbo runs back to me.

"You've got nowhere to run." Eret's deep voice booms.

"What, Cat got your tongue?" Ponk teases.

"You know what, you son of a bitch? You told me everything. You told me I'm too important to kill. Even now. You're not gonna- you're not gonna fucking kill me. You don't have the guts. Put your armour in the hole. Everything. Everything on you, there." Tommy shouts at the green bastard. Dream does as he's told.

Tommy kills him twice. In the time it takes for Dream to come back inside the vault, we look around.

We go down the hallway which we see loads of personal items.

"Beckerson?" I hear Sapnap say.

"Dream's been collecting a lot of shit and using them against people. Take whats yours!" Tommy shouts.

"Skeppy?" Bad asks.

I look at what mine is. It's empty, but a piece of paper replaces the spot in which the item is suppose to go. The paper reads ranboo and Tubbo's secrets. This son of a bitch was going to use Tubbo and ranboo against me. He would go to lengths that great to control and manipulate me. My breathing fastened and I felt it hitch. I felt Sam come up behind me.

"Hey, Rosie. Calm down." He whispers. I try to breath normally, but all I can think about is if Ranboo and Tubbo were taken away from me.

"Rosie.." he stays with me, guiding me back to the main area.

And as Tommy's about to take his third and final life, Dream says something...

"You can't kill me because I have something none of you do." Dream shouts. All eyes turn to him and Tommy who has the bow aimed and ready to fire.

"I have a book that can resurrect people. You asked why I couldn;t be on Pogtopia's side months ago? That's why. Schlatt gave me a book on resurrection and other dark things. Now if Tubbo dies, death is permanent. Do you want that, Tommy?" He laughs.

The book. The book Ghostbur lended me. It had a portion on resurrection, but we never read it.

I look at Sam who looks back at me. Both of us shell shocked. How did he get it? I gave it back to Ghostbur who placed it back in his bookshelf. How did Ghostbur even get it? That's when Sam steps up.

"we can't kill him... but there's a place we can keep him where he won't run free." Sam announces.

"What is that?" Tommy asks.

"The prison." He finishes. "The prison is done and ready."

"Jesus fuck. Fine." Tommy sighs, dropping the bow string.

"You can't lock me in there, I told you to build that prison for me, Sam." Dream smirks.

"Then you should know, Dream. That the prison is inescapable." Sam snaps. "Sapnap and I will take him there."

As people start talking, I go over to Sam.

"Stay safe." I whisper.

"I will." He replies, kissing me on the cheek before him and Sapnap take him away.


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