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We crept up upon the side of Manburg and apparently we were not stealthy enough as fire arrows poured from the sky.

"Up that tower, go go go!" I shouted, running to one of the many towers built in this god damned realm.

Schlatt and Karl disappeared from wherever they came from and we decided to make a plan.

"You guys go through the north area, we'll take south. Meet at this point." Wilbur instructed, marking a few points on the map he had brung with hiim.

"Go and try not to get killed." I chuckled, turning a few heads.

As our feet touched the bottom of the ladder, several Manburgians shot us with their fire arrows, but missed their shot. I grabbed my bow and pulled back the string, snapping it.

"Shit." I heard in the distance. I smirked and followed through the Northern parts. I sniped out any Manburgians and opposing sides, hurting and injuring many, feeding the voices.

We met at the point where the other team was. There Dream was, standing, slowly backing up looking for an escape.

"Not today, you green fuck." I said, going forward. Our group surrounded him and the others did too.

"Wilbur." He spoke. His jaw was clenched as you could see a bit under his mask.

"Dream." He replied, sliding his beanie down a little.

"Let's talk." He said simiply.

"Weapons down. Dream, if you will." He lead Dream over to another area to talk.

"What the fuck!" Tommy cried.

"Tommy shut up." I hissed, giving him a side eye. His mouth snapped shut, but his eyes were still filled with venom.

They came back a few seconds later, Dream with a hint of a smirk.

He walked right past us and into the camravan.

With questioning looks, we followed him. The roof was cut open and we surrounded it. There Schlatt was, in the middle with a bottle of beer. His sword was thrown to the otherside of the van.

He staggered slightly and latched onto Fundy who was the closest.

"YOU HAD A DREAM AND I FOLLOWED IT, but you've- you've ruined it!" He shouted, pushing Schlatt off him.

"You know if I die, this country dies with me." Schlatt pronounced, falling back on to the floor again.

Fed up, Wilbur looks at Tommy. "You still have Dream's bow?"

"Yeah." Tommy replies, getting it out.

"Put it between his eyes." I looked into Wilbur's eyes and I didn't see Wilbur anymore. Instead, I saw a crazy man who wanted to kill.

"Wha- What? No. What the fuck?" Tommy shouted, putting the bow away.

"What no do it!" I heard. I tried looking around, but I don't know who said it.

Schlatt took another wig of his bottle and downed the rest of it.

"Any last words?" Wilbur asked Schlatt, getting his own sword out.

Before Schlatt could reply, his breathing got hoarse and he dropped. Dead.

Everyone filed out of the camravan, finally free of his tyrannic behavior.

"Gather around! Gather round!" Wilbur called out, walking up to the podium.

"I would like to welcome the new president, Tommyinnit!" He cheered, stepping down.

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