𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯🥀

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"Hey Rosie." Sam called out. He was leaving the prison, his hair was ruffled, his shirt was crinkled, his mask was lopsided.

"Hiya Sam!" She responded. She had just left snowchester after a day of hanging out with Ranboo and Tubbo. They had just finished moving their adopted Michael, who was a pig/dead hybrid son for valentines day. They jokingly called themselves platonic husbands.

He ran over and smiled.

"How would you like to go on a valentines date with me?" He asked.

"I would love to." She smiled and blushed slightly.

"I'll pick you up at your house in two hours. Dress casually by the way!" He called out, walking away.

"Alright, see you soon, Sam!" She smiled before walking to the nether portal.

She got ready by curling her hair and wearing some leggings and a tshirt. She did light makeup, using eyeliner, mascara, blush and a little concealer.

She slipped some shoes on and grabbed a small knife just incase. She wasn't bringing her sword tonight.

She spent the rest of the time just getting herself mentally prepared.

knock knock knock

She put down her book and headed over to the door.

"Hey Rosie." He smiled, handing her a bunch of roses. Specifically wither roses, her favorite roses.

"Aww thank you Sam!" She blushed, grabbing the flower and placing them on the table. She followed him out and he grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"Alright, the area we're going to isn't too far." He lead her over into the woods and to a hill. The hill was decorated with lanterns, a comfy blanket, crackers and sandwiches, lemonade and cookies. Just a whole assortment of food.

"Aww Sam!" She gushed.

"Sit down, sit down!" He smiled. The two sat next to each other.

"Rosie, happy valentines day. I'll start it off with will you be my valentine?" He asked, handing her a chocolate heart and a creeper stuffed animal, holding a rose stuffed animal.

"Aww Sam, you- i'm going to cry, you fucker." She laughed, receiving the animal. "And yes, I will be your valentine." She chuckled. The two of them just talked to each other as they ate. When they finished moving everything off the blanket, they sat side by side, staring at the stars.

Sam took his black hoodie off and tossed it to Rozenn.

"What? I'm fine though." She lied.

"Rosie, I can practically see you shivering." He laughed. She gave in and put the hoodie on. Due to his tall height, the hoodie went down to her thighs. Sam chuckled before they went back to gazing at stars.

"Yknow, Rosie. You make me really happy." Sam smiled, after a few moments of silence.

"Sam, you make me really happy too." She smiled back.

"What if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He asked, cautiously.

"If you asked me to be your girlfriend, I would say yes." She blushed.

"well then, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"yes, yes i will." She responded, smiling like a lunatic.

He looked at her while she looked up at the sky.

In his mind, he could not believe how beautiful the girl was in front of him. Her green eyes that looked even more gorgeous than the eye of ender color. Even when her eyes were red, he found them memorizing. Redder and more amazing than red rubies. Her pink hair was just so soft and glowy. In his eyes, he could not find someone more beautiful than the girl next to him.

He watched as her eyes fluttered shut, before she fell asleep. Her head went from looking up at the stars to dropping to her side. Sam just chuckled, got up and grabbed a separate blanket out of his picnic basket before laying it on top of the both of them.

He fell asleep relatively fast, next to his new girlfriend.


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