𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔦𝔵🥀

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Rozenn had a headache. It was a very migraine, enough to make her stay home for the past few days.
"Bye Rosie, I'm going out." The tall enderman hybrid told her.
"Bye ranboo, stay safe." She called out, smiling.
She heard the younger boy leave their house as she slumped in her seat. She heard the front door open again.
"Hello?" She called out.
She heard feet shuffle and the door open.
"Hey techno." She mumbled.
"Rosie, you feeling alright? You've been home for a bit." The worried boy said.
"I'm fine, you big baby." She chuckled. "Just a migraine."
"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked.
"Probably working at the prison or building something. I saw him last night before he took off." She explained. He nodded, sitting on her bed.
"You remember when we were kids and we used to just play around with wooden swords." She reminisced.
"Mmmhmmm." He nodded.
"Look at us now. Using those swords as a way to save our lives. How times have changed." The girl mumbled into his shoulder.
He nodded, kissing her forehead.
"Where's Rambo?"
"It's ranboo and he's out with Tubbo or something."
"Mmmmm." He nodded.
She nodded off as Techno left and suddenly, she was transported to the prison. The ender pearl stasus chamber had teleported her to the prison. She was fully equipped in netherite.
She was surprised, there was a breach.
She rushed to the main cell, where Sam, Tommy, Dream and Ghostbur? Were there.

"What the fuck-" she yelled, raising her sword.
"Rozenn?" Tommy asked.
"What the fuc- why are you here? WHY ARE YOU HERE? Why is Ghostbur there?" She screamed.
"Let me out or I will revive Ghostbur." Dream yelled across the lava.
"WHAT?" She screamed.
"No, I won't let you out!" Sam shouted back.
"Tommy- you said this was going to be a short thing. Tommy, you said!" Ghostbur screamed.
Rozenn was heartbroken at Ghostbur's shouting.
"Tommy, get back. GET BACK!" Sam shouted. He slowly slumped into the corner.
"I should've killed you the SECOND I SAW YOU HOLDING THAT AXE!" Screamed Sam, raising his sword.
"Sam..." she mumbled. He turned to look at her. She nodded towards the bridge.
With one last motion, Dream pushed Ghostbur in the lava just as Sam switched the lava down.
"NOOOOOO!" Tommy screamed.
Her eyes widened, but she didn't scream.
"Is he-" she mumbled.
"WHAT DID YOU DO? What did you do!" Tommy shouted.
"Tommy, shut up! Shut up! You are banned from the prison. If I see you anywhere NEAR THIS PRISON, I WILL KILL YOU! AND THEN I WILL HAUNT YOUR GHOST!" Sam screamed.
Tommy gulped. "Get your ass back there." Sam shoved Tommy toward the lava, dosing him with fire resistance.
Sam and Rozenn went through the prison way.
"What the fuck happened?" The girl asked.
"He- Tommy broke in." Sam said bluntly.
"HE WHAT?" She shouted.
"Tommy, you should be dead." Sam said crossly, shoving him into the water.
"I could kill you. Sam, I could kill you!" Tommy screamed.
"Tommy, get your ass through. I should kill you." He repeated.
"Rozenn?" His voice cracked, looking to the older girl for help. She couldn't look at him, but she couldn't look at Sam either.
He gulped, making his way through the security measures before sam finally kicked him out.
The second Tommy went through the portal, Rozenn collapsed. She was about to hit the ground, but Sam caught her.
"Hey hey hey." Sam tried to comfort the girl. She lightly pulled away from him.
"I need to check on Tubbo and ranboo." Sam nodded, letting her leave.
She changed out of her netherite, put a new ended pearl in the chamber and made her way to Lmanberg.
"Oh, you're ranboo?" A familiar voiced asked. She peaked her head.
"Wil?" Her voice was unsteady.
"Rozenn!!!" The boy shouted, rushing forward. He brought her in for a hug.
"Wil-" she cut him off.
He pulled away.
"Wil- I- I- don't know what to say." She mumbled.
"Don't have to say anything! I've missed your sarcasm." The brown haired boy ruffled her hair slightly. "You've changed your hair. Blonde looks nice, pink does too, but I guess techno is still carrying that on."
She nodded.
"Well, I've got plans so I'm off!" He chirped, running away.
Her eyes locked with ranboos and then at Tommy.
"Tommy, tell me exactly what happened with no cursing." She said, narrowing her eyes.
"I wanted to kill dream. So I used Ghostbur as a ploy to talk to dream. I went invis and tried to follow him. When I was SO CLOSE TO KILLING THAT BASTARD, I was too short and Sam saw the axe. He made me cross back across the bridge without Ghostbur. I kept trying to get Sam to get Ghostbur back to me. To safety, but he wouldn't. Dream pushed him in, reviving him." Tommy spoke truthfully. Her heart quickened before she ran off, trying to comprehend everything. Her dead brother that had tried to kill everyone was back.
Ranboo quickly followed her as they went back home.
"We have to tell Phil." The girl shook her head. He nodded. It was very silent and tense as the two walked through the Arctic, making their way to Phil's door. She knocked lightly.
"Oh hey guys!" Phil answered, going to the side so the two could walk in. Technoblade was inside, already talking to philza.
"Phil, you should sit down for this. Techno, you might as well." Rozenn mumbled as ranboo pulled two chairs behind them.
Both looked slightly confused, but sat down anyways.
"Today. Tommy wanted to break into the prison to kill dream. They used Ghostbur as a coy and Tommy was there in invisibility potions. He was caught. Ghostbur is gone." She outright said.
"What? Ghostburs a ghost, he can't die-" Phil started.
"Ghostbur was killed by Dream and then he was revived. Wilbur is back." She stated. His eyes went wide.
She nodded. "He recognized me. Said he missed me. Said he missed techno too."
Techno turned at this.
"Wilbur is back. And I- it could be a good thing, but he is obsessed with Dream and so thankful for Dream saving him. We need to be weary still. You owe him a favor and so does he. That's two favors in this family to dream." The girl explained.
Techno nodded, understanding what was going on. Phil looked conflicted.
"He's my son." He stated.
"And we're your other children. Phil, I get wil is your favorite and you were the closest to him, but we're dealing with fucking dream. That fucker is one of the smartest people around here." Rozenn snapped.
She turned around and left, ranboo following behind.

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