𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔬🥀

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"Are you sure you don't want to come with me today? We have to face it at one point or another, Rosie." Sam's soft voice spoke to her. She shook her head. He nodded, kissed her on the cheek and headed out.

Sam was going back to the prison today. He was going to return back to his duties while Rozenn was going to hang out with Tubbo and Ranboo. Apparently, Foolish was making them a huge house and she wanted to check it out.

After Sam left, Rozenn stayed in bed for twenty minutes before deciding to get out of bed. She changed from her sleeping clothes to black pants, a black tank top and a black jacket to throw over it. She paired it with some basic black sneakers and a black beanie just because. Her netherite sword stuck out behind her. Grabbing an apple, she made her way to the nether.

She finished her apple while walking through the nether and made it to the other portal. She skipped past the community house until she caught her eye on something.

"T-To-Tommy?" She asked, eyes widening.

He turned away from Ranboo and Tubbo who looked scared.

Rozenn's eyes filled with tears immediately.

"Rozenn?" He asked. She rushed up to him, throwing her arms around him. He flinched, but hugged back.

"I-how? Wait no, you're probably not ready. Tommy..." Her voice cracked.

His eyes teared up ever so slightly and he came in for another hug.

"Jesus, you're the only one treating me relatively normal." He whispered into her hair.

Tears were now streaming down her face, but she couldn't care less as she pulled away.

"I- I'm going to continue looking around now..." Tommy said, leaving. Rozenn was still in shock as she walked closer to Ranboo and Tubbo.

Ranboo looked like he knew Tommy was there, but was shocked. While Tubbo just looked scared and in disbelief.

"Ranboo... Tubbo..." She whispered.

"He's- h- he's supposed to be dead!" Tubbo cried out, grabbing onto Ranboo's arm.

"I- He's- He's back, Tubbo." She whispered to him. Ranboo was just staring straight ahead.

"Ranboo?" She asked.

"I- Tommy's back... the revival book." Ranboo shook his head.

"I- I have to talk with sam... I'll talk to you two later?" She asked. They nodded and she ran towards the prison, tridenting and avoiding the very questionable build Skeppy made for Badboyhalo.

When she made it to the prison, she used the secret entrance only Sam and her knew about. She went through and found Sam leaning against the main counter, hands on his head.

"Sam..." She whispered.

He looked up, eyes bloodshot. His mask was discarded on the ground besides him. His hair looked like a mess.

She opened her arms out and the tall man threw himself onto her. They slid down the wall, her holding him as his face was tucked in the nook of her neck.

"Sam... He's back."

"I know... He thinks I let him die." He sniffled. She let him cry into her for hours as she cried next to him. They cried out everything they had been holding in. The grief of Tommy, the hardships from the past. Everything.

They cried until they couldn't anymore, finally getting up. He got up first, reaching out for her hand which she took. He pulled her up and the two locked up the prison before walking back to Rozenn's house.

They found ranboo at home.
"Sam, why don't you wait in my room for a bit. I'm gonna talk to ranboo for a little." She whispered to the man who had his mask on now.
"Alright." He whispered back, slipping into her room.
She came up behind him.
"Rosie..." his voice was broken.
"Are you okay from today?" I asked slowly.
"I- if death isn't permanent, people are going to do stupid things. Rosie, we have to get rid of him. We have to get rid of Dream." Ranboo says hurridley, rushing his words.

"Ranboo, slow down. Slow down. I get what you're saying, but you need to calm down. Do you hear what you're saying? You're trying to kill the most powerful person on this story. You know I'll back you up. Always." She said, slowing her words down.

"I get it, but jesus. Rosie, we have to get rid of him." He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Ranboo, I'm hearing you, but Techno owes Dream a favor. I don't know if I would go against Techno, but if it's too protect you, I would. You know that." She said, offering her hand. He took it and looked gratefully at her.

She watched as Ranboo sighed once again and left the house. She shook her head, looking at everything before rubbing her head.

"Hey, Rosie." She felt Sam's arms wrap around her.

"Hi Sam..." She sighed. He leaned over slowly and gave her a few kisses on the cheek.

"Do you want to go to sleep? It's not that late, but I can tell you're tired.""

She nodded and he gently picked her up and carried her to her room which she changed into shorts and a t-shirt. Sam also changed, now having some clothes at Rozenn's house. They got into bed together and fell asleep.



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