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The girl's poorly placed bandages made her look even worse than when she had grieved her loved ones in the past. She arrived at Lmanberg, very late in the day.

Ranboo had spotted her first, with his tall vision. He quickly ran over to her, Techno following close behind.

"Rozenn, what- what happened?" Ranboo asked quickly as she collapsed onto him.

Ranboo caught the small girl easily, carrying her into his house. Tommy was too invested in his intense conversation with Fundy to even notice the three of them, rushing to Ranboo's house.

He set her down on his couch gently.

Techno rushed over to her side immediately. "Rosie?" He asked softly. She opened her eyes, but all she could see was slight blurry bits.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Jerry." With just a simple response, all of Technoblade's muscles tensed. He stood up, gripping his sword.

"Techno, I swear to god, leave the old jackass alone. He was his dad, I can't just do that to his honor." She breathed out.

"Fine..." He responded, grudgingly, sitting back down.

Ranboo walked over, with a med kit.

"Here, I'm sorry, I don't really know what to do." Ranboo shakily said, handing Techno the med kit, he thanks him quietly, opening it up. He wrapped her cuts to the best of his abilities, before lifting her up. She had always been the one who knew how to do the medicine and always took care of the two of them, pushing him to sleep after he had stayed up days awake.

"I'm going back home, Phil will know what to do." HE said softly, making his way to the door. Ranboo nodded, threw away the trash quickly and opened the door.

"Tell her, I said I hope she feels better soon and that she's okay." He gently says. Technoblade's red eyes softened back to his normal eyes, nodding before turning and quickly walking away.

"Tommy, get the shit, let's go." He says quickly.

Tommy who had the rest of Techno's gear widened at the sight of his older sister in his arms and nodded, running up to them quickly. With their sped pace, they make it back to the cabin in mere minutes.

At the cabin, Phil unwraps the bandages that were poorly done by both Rozenn and Technoblade, cleaning them, sewing the deep cuts shut, putting a light salve on and wrapping the cuts gently. He lightly stitched up the new cut in her forehead, right where the old one was, applying another salve on.

Technoblade lifted her up and set her on her bed when Phil was done. Tommy was worried, he had never seen Technoblade look so angry and worried at the same time before. Tommy knew Rozenn was the most important thing in the world to him and always worried for her. The only thing he could do is was wonder about what got her into this situation.

Tommy went to bed that night, later than usual. He woke up in the early morning, waken by a nightmare. He made h is way downstairs to grab a cup of water, but all he heard was hushed voices of Phil and Techno.

"Techno, you still haven't explained how she got those cuts." Phil shook his head, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I still don't know myself, but I can imagine. She went back to the village we stayed in for four years. After we left home, we found this village. We helped protect it, we would leave for weeks at a time, going on missions, collecting money and expanding the village." Techno started.

"You said she said Jerry. What does that even mean?" Phil asked.

"People say you have three loves in your life. Jerry was the dad of Rosie's second love. She met her second love in that village. They were together for three years, but the night we left, he died. The two of them were on a date when some people who were out to kill Rosie and I for our bounties showed up. They had let their guard down." Techno shook his head, remembering the grieving and screaming Rosie.

"They found her and the two tried to run. They came across a broken bridge and as they were planning, I guess he saw an arrow or something because he threw himself against her, taking the arrow for himself. He died in her arms. I had heard the shouts of the men that were trying to kill the two, but they hadn't even told me where they were so when I found Rosie clutching onto his body, I just grabbed her. Worse comes to worse when Jerry and like half of the townsfolks turned into the forest. They saw Rosie clutching onto his body and saw me with my sword out, looking for those men that killed him. We had to run. I grabbed her, pulled her away from the body and jumped. The broken bridge sat on top of a running river. As they searched for us, I hid her and ran to our house back in the village. I packed as many things as I could and went back to her. We left that night. Months later, she sneaked back to the village, looking for his gravestone. She found it. She hadn't been back to that village since yesterday." Technoblade wiped the tear that rolled down his face as Phil was shell shocked. A shocked Tommy tripped on the last step of the stair where he was last, startling Techno.

"Tommy, what the fuck?" Techno asked. Tommy walked over next to Phil, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Did that really happen? She found someone?" Tommy asked. He has always seen his older sister as a strong, independent women who only had a soft spot for Technoblade and a few others.

"Yes. He was a good guy. I respected him a lot." Techno stated. Tommy was even more shocked at this. How good was this guy that even Technoblade approved?

"What was his name? You keep saying he and him, but you don't say who." Tommy asked.

"I'm not saying. Rosie broke down every time he heard his name, I'm not telling you because if you let it slip, she will go into another grieving episode." Technoblade responded, standing up.

"So you're telling me, when you left at fourteen with Rosie, you guys found a village, which you helped grow. Rosie fell in love and he died. The town people blaming you two for the murder?" Tommy asked, trying to get everything right.

"Yes." Was the only answer he got before the front door slammed open and closed gently.

Ranboo- ranboo was insanely worried about Rozenn, trying to keep her safe and making sure she was okay
Technoblade- he was worried, but also angry. He wanted to kill jerry, but knew it wasn't something that she wanted
The story- you get to hear what happened when Technoblade and Rozenn left home. You hear her back story and who she grieved.
Tommy and Phil- they feel shocked what happened and start to understand how much Rozenn had changed

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