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We go to Lmanberg to grab a few things from Puffy.
"Thanks Puffy. Have fun at the festival tomorrow!" I cheer, leaving her small house.
"Bye Rozenn, stay safe wherever you live." She smiled back.
Tommy and Technoblade trailed behind the girl on the path. When they got to the community house, she stopped.
She took a look at Technoblade who nodded.
"Tommy, we wanted to say something." She started.
"We're blowing up Lmanberg. You don't have to do so, you can sit this one out if you want." Techno added.
"We're doing it after they went after us. Like he said, you don't have to do it." I finished.
He nodded and started walking to the nether portal. I gave techno a look before we decided to drop it, going back home.

That night, we got stacked. Fireworks, invisibility potions, strength potions and more while Tommy was sleeping.
The morning of was hectic to say the least.

"Rosie, have you seen my new boots?" Tommy asks, trudging down the stairs.
"They're by the door, Tommy!" I shout back. He marches over to the door and pulls them on.
"Eat first; it sucks to drink potions on an empty stomach." I remind him, throwing him an apple.
He catches it and starts eating.
"Techno, I swear to fucks sake, if you don't get your ass down here, I will burn your fucking cape. The festival starts in twenty minutes and we still need to get to Lmanberg!" I shout, grabbing the potions that had been brewing for a little.
He rushes down "don't touch that fucking cloak you bitch." He shouts.
"The blade swearing?" Tommy laughs. Technoblade sends him a dirty look before grabbing an invisible potion.
"Hurry up, fuckers."
"Fine fine. I'm ready." Techno blankly said, pulling a few stacks of fireworks out of his chest. Tommy looked in awe before nodding, showing he was ready to go.
I sighed.
"Bye Phil." We all called. The older man was working on a small nether wart farm while we were going to the festival.
"Don't kill too many people." He chuckled.
We all waved and made our way to the nether portal. The second we got there, I soaked all of us in invisibility as we made it to the other side.
"Guys let's go meet up with ranboo at the cave before we do anything to get an insight." I whispered, walking away.
They followed me and when we go to Lmanberg, I tugged on ranboos sleeve.
"Huh?" He looked around confused.
"Ranboo, cave." I whispered, before walking away, everyone on my trail.
When we got to the cave, I drank a bit of milk as did techno and Tommy.
"Ranboo what's going on?" I asked.
"Hey Rosie, Techno, Tommy. Basically we're having a festival and everyone's here. Umm the no armor rule is here. And Ummm. I'm pretty sure Dream is coming later." Ranboo informed.
"WAIT WHAT?" Tommy shouted.
"Shut up." Techno quickly said.
" I know what you're doing and the answer is no." I hissed, elbowing him in the ribs.
"Fuck." He hissed, clutching his stomach.
"I've got to get back before they start wondering. Good luck you guys." He took one final glance at Rozenn, nodding before walking off.
I splashed invisibility on everyone again.
"We should stay back and watch... at least for a little." I whisper.
"I agree. Let's go." Technoblade whispered.
We watched for a bit until we saw Dream.
"Oh shit." I said quickly. They looked as well. Dream was placing obsidian walls again.
"What the fuck?" I asked.
"What did they do?" Techno also asked.

We wern't the only ones that noticed. Tubbo rushed over as long as everyone else.

"Dream." Tubbo said sternly.

"Tubbo." Dream replied in the same tone.

"what is the meaning of this?" Tubbo asked more nonchalantly.

"Tommy fucked up again." Dream replied, continuing placing the obsidian walls.

"What did he do?" Tubbo asked confused.

"What did I do?" Tommy asked, also confused.

"Looks like we're about to find out," I quietly say.

"Follow me." Dream snaps.

Everyone who went to the party and others who were wondering what was happening followed along. I saw Sam in the distance also looking confused. We followed along. We made it to the prime path and past the prime church before I saw what happened.

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