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Rozenn woke up again to the nightmares. She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom, splashing her face with water and looking at herself in the mirror.

Her long bright pink hair, freshly redone sat in a high ponytail, out of her face. Her rosy cheeks and lips were redder than usual, due to the colder night. Rozenn walked silently out of the bathroom and into her brother's room where Technoblade stirred a little in his sleep. The nightmare hadn't woken him up.

It was very obvious to anyone who had seen the girl recently that she hadn't been sleeping or at least not very well. Dark bags covered her eyes and she was living everything as a fever dream. She slipped her coat on, changed out of sweatpants and a shirt to leggings and a hoodie, slipping outside.

She trugged to the nether and to the community house where she walked to Ghostbur's sewer.

knock knock knock

She slowly drummed to Ghostbur's door which he opened. Ghostbur didn't sleep, instead he collected books and read and wrote at night.

"Rozenn! What a surprise? What are you doing here? It's four in the morning." Ghostbur said, ushering her into the warm house like area.

She walked in, peeling her coat off.

"I was wondering if you had a book about spirits, inner monologue and such." She hummed, anxiously.

Ghostbur walked over to his library and looked through the books while Rozenn fiddled with her fingers, nervous and also worried.

In a few moments, Ghostbur grabbed a book and jumped up.

"Here! I think this is what you are hoping for." Ghostbur chirpily said, handing her the book.

She read the cover, and shivers instantly writtled down her spine.

It was nothing but a totem on the old leather book. The totem, however was altered. The gold was replaced with dark red. The emerald eyes replaced with dark rubies. The spine was soft, the pages looked damaged.

"Thank you Ghostbur." She quickly thanked.

"No problem, please do bring that back though when you are done." He smiled.

"Will do." The small girl replied, grabbing her coat. She slipped out of the sewers and back into the open land.

"Rozen?" She heard. Instantly, she pulled out her sword.

"Woah calm down, it's just me, Sam." The green haired boy called out. he slipped his mask off, revealing his blue eyes that shone in the late moonlight.

"Oh hey Sam." She replied, putting her sword down. Her legs swung over the docks of L'manberg as Sam sat down next to her.

"Whatcha doing here so early?" He asked, overlooking the area.

"I got a book to help me with voices." She whispered, looking straight ahead. Sam turned to look at her.

"The thing that happened to me when you and Punz found me at the festival. Voices. They were rummaging through my head and I- I- couldn't do anything about it. Techno was always able to control his voices more than I could mine." She slowly said.

"And what does that have to do with being at Lmanberg at four thirty in the morning?" Sam asked, concerned.

"I got a book from Ghostbur. It looks a bit dangerous, but I assume it'll help." I reached for the leathered book, handing it to Sam. After a moment, he handed it back.

"If you want, i can help you for a few hours. I don't have to start building the prison again until 11." He offered.

"That'd be nice. I've missed you." I said quietly, finally turning to look him in the eyes. He stared right back.

"I missed you too." He smiled. I felt my cheeks turning rosy and got up.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup!" He got up as well and we made our way over to a bench where we began to read.

"Summon a salt barrier, light a few candles, meditate, think of things that shred positive energy and then someone says these lines." Sam read out, looking slightly confused at the last part.

"What is it Sam?" I asked, walking over to him. It had been a few hours and we had read the book from front to back, taking in loads of information. Some good, some bad. Some used for torture, some used for revival. If this book got in the wrong hands, the world as we knew it would go to hell. How did Ghostbur even manage to get this book?

"I can't read that." He pointed at the text. I grabbed the book and look to where he was pointing to.

"It's either enchantment table or enderman. I only know enchantment table." I say couriously. "This is for sure enderman. Maybe get Ranboo?" I ask.

He nods and we knock on is house door. Ranboo opens the door, slightly confused to why we're there.

"Hi Ranboo." I greet.

"Oh hi Rosie, hi Sam." he greets back.

"I was wondering if you were doing anything today?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers.

"No, not really, why?" He asks. Sam looks down at his watch before groaning.

"Sorry Rozenn, I gotta go. I have to start building." he hands me the book. I nod and give him a small hug.

"Bye Sam, thanks for your help."

"No problem. Goodluck." he calls, before tridenting away.

"I am working on controlling the voices and i need you to read something for me since you're half enderman. I don't know if you can read enderman, but I really need this." I plead. He nods and follows me out of his house.

We gather the necessary materials and rope Puffy in with us too. In one of Purpled's old caves, we set everything up. Puffy is there to make sure everything goes smoothly, Ranboo is there to read enderman. Turns out, he can read partially, only through his right eye though which is understandable considering his red eye is unknown.

I sit in the middle of the salt circle, candles are around me. Puffy is about twenty feet away, looking cautiously. Ranboo is right outside the salt circle, book in hand.

Thinking about Technoblade and I play sword fighting when we were kids, Ranboo and I laughing, Sam and I having a picnic, Technoblade and I cooking and laughing together, Wilbur and I doing small pranks on Tommy when we were younger, Tommy and I baking cookies. Even though my eyes are closed, I feel the candles extinguish. Ranboo starts reading and pounding fills my head.

What used to be just a small twig hitting my head is now a full on bullet hitting the center of my head at every second.

This goes on for what feels like hours and years, but only last a few seconds. The second Ranboo stops reading, the candles relight and the pounding is lessened from the bullet, back to the twig.

Ranboo rushes over to me, making sure I don't fall backwards or anything.

"Hey Rosie, are you okay?" He asks. Puffy runs over as well.

"Hey shhhh, we got you." She whispers, bringing a small damp cloth to my forehead.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I feel better after a while. "Thank you for your help today." I croak out, putting my coat on and getting up. They also get up.

"It was a pleasure." puffy smiles before tridenting away. Ranboo stays though, handing me the book back.

"Stay safe, Rosie." He smiles, towering over me.

"You too, Ranboo. You too." I smile back. he gives me one last look before walking away.

That night, became one of the many few nights I had without nightmares or loud voices ringing in my head. Of course I still had them. They never actually went away, but their screaming turned into whispers.


Totem book- this book was given to Ghostbur by an unknown source which he lends to Rozenn to help with voices
Sam- when Sam and rozenn talk, she blushes slightly. This could hint that she may be catching feelings.
Ranboo & Puffy- both seen as allies and friends of Rozenns

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