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"Dream, why are you here?" I asked, hand gripped on my sword.

"Not here for you. Wilbur!" He calls out. Wilbur comes shuffling from the stairs and up to the pogtopia dirt shack entrance.

"Dream!" He greets. I step out of the way slightly confused until he pulls out stacks of tnt and tosses them to Wilbur.

"I'll do you proud." Wilbur says, walking to his enderchest. He places the tnt inside it just as Tommy walks into the dirt shack.

"Wilbur, hand me the tnt." He threatens, aiming his arrow straight at Wilbur's head.

"Tommy no!" I shout, standing in front of him. My shield is out instantly as I'm preparing for pressure or any impact of an arrow against the shield. It doesn't happen though. I poke my head from the shield and see Dream standing in between my shield and Tommy, sword out.

"I'll have to step in." He says, giving a one liner.

"Yeah daddy dream!" Wilbur shouts. I turn around slowly as does Dream.

"What the fuck?" I laugh.

"Ha...." Wilbur chuckles nervously. Tommy gives all three of us one more glaring look before taking off.

"Alright I'm gonna go. Place down the tnt whenever." He says, starting to walk out.

"Wait Dream." I call out.

He turns around and looks me dead in the eyes through his smile mask.

"I want to talk." I say simply. We're walking in the woods silently as I think of how to word things. Blunt and be honest.

"Why are you helping Pogtopia?" I ask, standing still.

"I don't know what you mean. Can't a person help you guys?"

"Yes, but with your history with Tommy and Wilbur. Or did you forgot the war you had where they declared freedom. So Dream, what do you really want?" I ask, narrowing my eyes, turning them red.

"Unity. I just want the server to be in one piece." He answers truthfully.

"So why are you helping an anarchist group that is just going to take over a country and continue with their own?"

"Well, Schlatt wants power and land. He took down the walls of L'manberg, trying to expand it. Going into my territory. Wilbur didn't want any of that. He just wanted a small piece of land to keep his affairs in order. Point of the walls. Now, with Wilbur, at any point I could just take it over. Easily might I add. With Schlatt, he's a bit complicated considering I signed a peace treaty, but that doesn't matter. Now that Wilbur is keen on destroying the faction which separates the Dream Smp, I mean who wouldn't take the chance." He chuckles.

"I see what you're saying, but you have to understand that even if you do take over and we win, they're going to rebuild. You saw the spark in Tommy's eye." I remind him. He thinks for a long hard moment before nodding.

"Tommy is easy enough to manipulate as long as you have his weak points. Point A, the discs. Point B, Tubbo."

"That's a bit far with Tubbo."

"Only as a last precaution. Last option. I wouldn't just flank it around and brag I could kill him whenever unless I really needed to."

"Alright Dream. You... good luck with whatever you're doing."

"As with you." He replies. In a simple manner, he jumps in the water and tridents his way towards civilization while I make my way back to Pogtopia.

Dream is a smart man. But, why would he tell me this unless he knows I couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens to Lmanberg. I mean I think he knows my anarchy mindset with Techno.


Tnt- Dream gives wilbur the tnt, which Tommy is angry about. He goes to a point in which he threatens both his older brother and older sister. This shows his loyalty for Lmanberg and how wready he is to just snap and kill Wilbur.

Conversation- Dream tells Rozenn everything because he knows there is no way she would betray him as of now if she wanted to obtain her goals and allow her and Techno to leave Pogtopia and get the war over with.

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