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"Tommy, Techno. Stay safe when you get out there." I whisper, throwing my coat on.

"We will. We will. Where are you going?" The blonde boy asked.

"I'm going to do a few things I can't say and then I'm going to Lmanberg." The pink haired girl says, throwing the hood over her head and tucking in the braid. She grabbed her new mask, one she wore very rarely and slid it on.

"Why do you have a mask?" Tommy asks, curiously.

"It's part of the thing I can't tell you." I whisper back, sheathing the sword back in my belt. I tuck several potions in the hidden pockets of my black cloak, throwing my bow and arrows in it's right position.

"I'll see you two later." I say, quietly.

"You stay safe. What you're about to do can be dangerous. You think you're not going to make it, you get your ass out of there." Technoblade firmly states, staring into your eyes.

"Fine. But, I'll be fine. You and I both know it." I say slyly, making my way out of the house. I used a few ender pearls and pulled out a map and compass.

It takes me a few hours, but I make it. The village looks the same as it was before. The houses all looked the same, the middle house was even the same. The streets were abandoned like they were when I was younger.

I walked to the cemetery of the village. The path was dirty and the graves looked musty like they hadn't been cleaned in years which I do suspect was the case.

The back of the graveyard was just as I had last seen it, but the grass was still a bit overrun.

The stone was just as I remembered. I knelt in front of it, pulling out a small rose, laying it in front of the stone.

"Hi... It's been almost six years since I last heard you laugh." I whisper, kneeling in front of the rose.

"I've missed you more than you can imagine. Techno is just his normal self, you remember. The last time I was here was right after you were buried. The townspeople chased us out like rats. I'm sorry. I know I told you this when you were slowly dying, but still... I didn't mean for any of it to happen. We were just kids, playing a simple game of love." A tear slid down my cheek. "I have to go, but know that I will always love you." I kissed my middle and pointer finger, lightly tapping the head stone before walking out.

"HEY YOU!" I turned around to see him.

"Hello..." I sighed.

"What're you doin here girl? No one comes round here anymore." He spit, wiping his hands on the flour covered apron.

"I was going for a trip and stopped by here." I said, adjusting my hood.

"I saw you come from the cemetery girl. Wait a second." He notices the pink hair that was seen when I fixed my hood.

"I REMEMBER YOU! YOU GOT MY SON KILLED, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He advanced towards me, I quickly pulled my netherite sword out, watching his eyes widen.

"Jerry, you remember me, don't you?" I ask, throwing the mask off and pulling the hood off. Even though I was still short, my appearance had changed. His eyes went straight to the scar that was on my face and the rough looking eyes that had replaced the softer ones so many years ago.

"I don't know what happened to you, Rozenn, but you got some nerve coming back here." He hissed.

"I've blamed myself for his death for years. For YEARS! But, I realized, that when he died, he sacrificed himself for me. I didn't ask him to, I would've sacrificed myself for him. If Techno hadn't pulled me away and carried me as I sobbed, both of us would've been killed." My eyes recalled to the pained memories for a second, tears threatening to spill again. I blinked them away though, continuing.

"You saw your side. No one even wanted to even ask what had happened. Instead, you chased my brother and I out of the village we once called home. So I will not apologize or think I have the nerve to come back to the place we helped build, protect or come back to his grave." I snapped. He looked shocked before pulling out a long bladed knife that was tucked in his apron.

"Jerry, both of us know I could slaughter you without lifting a pinky. You saw me fight when I was eighteen. You saw me train even before that." I warn, backing up slowly. He continued though.

"You were a small girl at eighteen, still are. Strength wise, I would take you down without hesitation, not to mention I've been practicing for this chance since he died." He sniffed, advancing towards me.

"I'd rather not fight the person who raised someone I loved to death." I say, continuing to back up. I quickly tug my mask back on.

"Love? HA!" He laughed, spitting to the side. "It was teenage love, nothing more than a fling." He laughed, quickly grabbing a netherite axe that was leaning against a house.

I had nowhere else to run, so I waited for him to strike and strike he did.

The knife whizzed right past my cheek, unexpectedly, cutting it. I went down, lightly dabbing at the cut, before tripping his legs. He went crashing down and I stepped over him. He got right back up and came running towards me with his axe.

I dodged the blade that would've went for my head, instead, cutting my leg. I winced before taking my bow and loading an arrow out.

I aimed and released, hitting his pants and his shirt, careful not to hit any major arteries or organs. I didn't want to kill him. I couldn't, wouldn't have that on my conscious. He pulled them out quickly, just as I thought he would. He advanced, moving the axe towards me. This fight was going to be brutal. Jerry had been a well known fighter before having his family, starting a bakery and retiring from fighting when he did and he still had the body to be able to take Rozenn on. She was small, harder to catch, faster to move, but she wasn't here to kill, meaning she had to be precise with very swing, every shot every hit.

She maneuvered over to the side as the axe came crashing next to her. She countered that with a swift kick to his leg, knocking him off his balance. She used the time to back up a little, catching her breath. She didn't have much time though as the man came with another swing, this time, injuring her. SHe backed up, splashing herself with regeneration, before charging at him. She grabbed her pocket knife and cut his leg, lightly, making sure she didn't cut into his leg too deep. He plunged his knife at her in return, harming her even more.

The fight lasted longer than expected, before Rozenn had enough. She was about twenty feet away from the man who had started to bleed from his head and nose. He was against a wall, trying to regain his breath and wiping the blood off of  his face. She grabbed two arrows, aimed and pulled them back before firing. One hit his shirt, pinning him to the wall. The other did the same, but with his pants leg.

"This is goodbye, Jerry. For good. I will visit when I want. I don't want to kill you, so I won't." She threw her hood over her head and limped out of the old village.


Secret- rozenn wanted to keep this life hidden away as much as she could. Only Technoblade knew where and why she was going where she was
Village- the village she went to, Rozenn seemed to know well, going directly where she wanted to go
Fight- she didn't want to kill him, so she was already at a disadvantage not to mention the fact that Jerry was an insane fighter. If Rozenn, wanted to kill, she would've killed him instantly.

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